Part Four: Primeval (Episode aired May 16, 2000)

WALSH: Almost time to wake up, Adam, and take your first look at the world.  I know you’re gonna make me proud.  (gets skewered by Adam)  Aah!

GILES: (V.O.)  Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

WALSH: (falls to the floor)  Adam!

XANDER: (V.O.)  Adam’s coming for you.

(Cut to Adam and Spike)

ADAM: You’re going to help me with my problem.

SPIKE: Slayer’s got pals.

ADAM: Then we take them away from her.

(Cut to Giles’ apartment)

BUFFY: Okay, Adam was at that cave, so maybe he was there for a reason.  I-I can go back, scope it out--

GILES: You don’t train with me anymore. He’s going to kick your ass.

BUFFY: Giles!

WILLOW: What exactly do you mean by ‘witch stuff’?

BUFFY: You guys, what is happening?!

WILLOW: Buffy, things have been wrong for a while!  Especially since Xander died!

BUFFY: If I need help, I’ll go to someone I can count on.  (storms out)

(Cut to Adam’s lair)

ADAM: I’ve been waiting for you.

RILEY: And now I’m here. (pauses)

ADAM: Your thoughts are troubled.  (walks across the chamber, to stand in front of him)  In turmoil. I understand, brother.  We have a lot to discuss.  (Riley opens his mouth to say something, but for some reason can’t talk)  Speak.

RILEY: What’ve you done to me?

ADAM: Nothing.  (starts pacing in front of Riley)  It was Mother.  Your Professor Walsh.  She implanted the behavior modifier.

RILEY: (stunned) A chip in my head. She really did it.

ADAM: (stops in front of him)  Actually, the chip is here.  (points to Riley’s chest, close to his left shoulder) Tied directly into your central nervous system through the thoracic nerve.  This is phase one of your preparation.  It lay dormant until the time came.  I simply activated it, brother.

RILEY: (angry)  Stop calling me that. I’m not your brother.  You’re a botched science experiment.  And I’m a human being, who’s gonna do everything in his power to--

ADAM: Sit.  (Riley sits down immediately on the rock behind him)  You have no power.  (Riley lowers his eyes)  Not yet.  (starts pacing again)  Once you forget your old life and embrace your destiny as I have, you will know power you’ve never dreamed of.  (smiles)  I think you’re going to like it.

RILEY: (raises his eyes and glares at Adam’s back)  Don’t count on it.

ADAM: (continues pacing)  Consider the world today.  Demons cling to old ways and ancient feuds.  And they’re hopeless with technology.  Unworthy.

RILEY: Not really wanting a lecture right now.

ADAM: (continues as if not interrupted)  Disappointed by demon-kind, we turn to humans.  Smart, adaptive. But emotional and weak.  Blind.  So there’s imperfection everywhere.  Something must be done.  Who will deliver us?  (stops, looks down at Riley)  Mother.  She saw our future, yours and mine.  That you were necessary, and the role you are to play by my side.  Stand up.  (Riley rises to his feet.  Adam puts his hands on Riley’s arms)  You see, we are brothers after all.

(Cut to Spike leaning against the wall of the entrance, leading out into a larger cave)

SPIKE: Warms the cockles of me non-beatin’ heart, seein’ you lads together.

ADAM: (turns to him)  I didn’t send for you, Spike.

SPIKE: Yeah, well. I’m not exactly the 'bein’ sent for’ type.  (walks towards them)  I’m much more the, uh, ‘I did my part, now get this chip outta my head’ kinda guy.

ADAM: Yes. I understand that.

SPIKE: (looks at Riley)  Slightly stiffer 'n usual.  (raises a hand in front of Riley’s face and snaps his fingers four times. Riley doesn’t even blink, giving Spike a hard look)  Subtle, but I like it.  What’s with him?  (starts poking him in the chest, making Riley sway slightly on his planted feet)

ADAM: I activated his chip.

SPIKE: Oh.  So it’s chips all around, is it?  Someone must have bought the party-pack.

ADAM: You get yours removed, when the Slayer is where I want her.

SPIKE: She’s separated from her friends.  (crosses the chamber)  They want nothing to do with her.  She’s all alone.  (sits down, and relaxes on the beat-up sofa)

ADAM: (walks towards him)  That’s how I want her.  Where I want her, is down in the Initiative.  (looks at Riley)  She will ensure that as many demons die as humans.  She will achieve maximum carnage, before she’s too weak to go on.

RILEY: No!  You can’t--

ADAM: Stop talking.

(Shot of Riley doing so, though it’s clear he has more to say)

SPIKE: Right.  The Initiative.  But gettin’ her there, that’s what the bleedin’ disks are for, right?  Well, the little witch gives her the info and pop, Alice heads back down the rabbit hole.

ADAM: The witch?

SPIKE: Uh, Willow.  (raises his hand over his head)  Redhead, about so high.  Good with magic and the computer boxes. Natural choice.

ADAM: Her friend.

SPIKE: Right.

ADAM: One of the friends from whom you so efficiently separated her.

SPIKE: (happy)  Damn right I did.  You shoulda seen it.  They won’t be talkin’ to each other for a long, long-- (trails off, as he suddenly realizes something.  Adam is waiting patiently)  Hang about.  Think I mighta detected a small problem 'ere.

ADAM: So you failed.

SPIKE: W-- (sighs) hey, you’re supposed to be so smart...(stands) you let me plan this thing!  (Adam just looks at him)  Okay, let’s not argue over who failed who.  (Adam turns his back on Spike, and walks back to Riley)  Important thing is makin’ sure the Slayer ends up where--

ADAM: (points out of the chamber)  Go.

SPIKE: (not missing a beat)  Gone.  (heads for the exit, then stops and turns to Adam)  So, uh, we’ll do the chip thing soon as I get back, right?

(Shot of Adam turning his head and glaring at him.  Spike nods, leaves, looking pensive)

(Cut to exterior shot of Giles’ apartment building the next morning.  Someone is knocking on a door.  Cut to interior of Giles’ apartment.  He’s in a robe, and reaches for the handle of the front door.  He’s also holding a small wet towel against the back of his neck, suffering from a hangover.  He opens the door, sees Willow and Tara.  Willow looks a bit uncomfortable)

WILLOW: (awkward) Hey.

GILES: (awkward)  Hello.  (pauses uncomfortably, then tightens his robe around himself)  Er, sorry about the robe.  Got up a bit late today.

WILLOW: (softly) Right.

TARA: (breaks the lull that follows)  I hope you’re feeling all right, Mr. Giles.

GILES: (forced smile)  Oh, yes.  Th-thank you for asking.

TARA: Uh, Willow forgot her laptop and disks.

GILES: (motions them in)  Yes, please, please, come in.  (Tara goes to his desk and starts gathering Willow’s stuff, but Willow stays outside)

TARA: Got it.  (goes to leave, stops at the doorway, faces him again)  S-so...we’ll see ya.

GILES: Yes! Right! (to Willow) Uh, well, best of luck with - with all that.

WILLOW: (nods, eyes watering)  Okay.  Bye-bye.

TARA: So long.  And thanks.

(Shot of Willow and Tara turning and leaving, crossing the courtyard. Giles silently closes his door, and presses the wet towel against the back of his neck again)

(Cut to Buffy and Willow’s dorm room.  Shot of Buffy sitting down on the floor, against the side of her bed.  She slowly stands up, walks around to the other side of her bed.  Picks up a long-handled battle-axe with a shiny blade off the carpet)

(Cut to the interior of a dark cave.  Buffy steps into view, from around the bend.  She has a bag hanging from her shoulder, and is armed with the battle-axe.  This appears to be the same cave where she fought Adam previously)

(Shot of her whipping her head to the right, when she hears loose pebbles tumbling down the side of the wall.  It comes from a hole in the ceiling, where sunlight is shining through.  She continues further, until she reaches a narrow passage)

(Shot of Buffy entering a chamber, which is connected to the sewer tunnels.  There is a beat-up couch, and a long desk with several computer monitors on it)

BUFFY: (softly)  Adam.  (steps further inside.  The place looks deserted)  Where are you?

(Cut to a close-up of a smooth concrete wall.  There is a perfect circle in the wall, a portal as the door rolls to one side to reveal Adam and Riley standing in a cave.  Adam walks through the portal first, stepping down into a large underground chamber)

ADAM: This is where it will all happen.

(Shot of the portal closing again, as soon as Riley steps down.  He follows Adam into what looks like a lab, with metal operating tables lining both sides of the chamber)

ADAM: Where the new race begins.

RILEY: Where are we?

ADAM: Deep within the Initiative.  There are areas that no one knew about.  Beyond those that needed to.  Mother kept her secrets well.

(Shot of Riley seeing Maggie Walsh in a lab coat, moving slowly in front of them.  Her skin looks gray, decaying.  There are thick tubes running from her chest, circling behind her neck into a small device, which seems to be circulating blood)

ADAM: (to Walsh)  Didn’t you?

RILEY: Professor Walsh?

(Shot of Walsh not responding.  She just continues to walk like a zombie to one of the operating tables, carrying a metal pan in her hands)

ADAM: This is all how she planned it.  Except that, she thought she would still be alive.

(Shot of the Walsh zombie handing the pan to another zombie in a lab coat, whose back is to the camera.  On the table between them, there’s a body lying still.  The second zombie turns around, it’s Dr. Angleman)

RILEY: (worried)  Are you - is that what you’re going to do to me?

ADAM: They’re just workers.  (puts a hand on Riley’s shoulder)  You know your destiny is much greater.

(Shot of Riley dwelling on those words, and not liking the implications.  The zombies step away from the table, and the person lying on it suddenly sits up.  It is another cyber-demonoid like Adam, wearing a green T-shirt and pants.  Shot of Riley recognizing him)

RILEY: (with dread) Xander. Oh, God.

(Shot of the Xander cyber-demonoid.  There are metal devices implanted into both of his temples.  His hair is unchanged, and part of his face is still human flesh.  But the rest of his head is an orange-yellow color, including the neck, demon flesh sutured to him.  Overall his body is larger now than before, chest expanded like he’s taken steroids)

XANDER-CD: (stares at Riley)  God isn’t responsible for making me this, Corn Boy.

(Shot of Adam having a grotesquely proud smile on his face, and Riley having a shocked expression.  Cut to Buffy walking quickly through the caves, on her way out.  Then she senses something to her left and spins in that direction, battle-axe ready.  Spike, coming from a smaller tunnel, stops and raises his hands)

SPIKE: Easy, sheriff.  Watch where you point that thing.

BUFFY: What are you doing here?

SPIKE: Lookin’ for a little weekend getaway place.  So, shove off. (heads further into the cave, in the direction Buffy just came from)

BUFFY: Adam’s been using these caves.

SPIKE: (stops, looks over his shoulder)  What?

BUFFY: I found his lair.

SPIKE: Oh, cripes.  That’s all I need, runnin’ into that goon.

BUFFY: Yeah, well, Adam’s cleared out of here.  So whatever he’s planning, it’s about to go down.

SPIKE: (mockingly)  Look at little Nancy Drew.  What about them disks I nabbed?  They ought to tell ya somethin’.

BUFFY: (lowers her eyes)  Willow has the disks.

SPIKE: Well, I’d get on that.  (Buffy rolls her eyes at him)  Can’t ignore valuable information just 'cause you two birds fell out, now, can ya?

BUFFY: (looks at him, realization hits her, and she pauses)  Right.

SPIKE: Well (shrugs) you do what you want.  (walks off)  No worry of mine now, is it?

(Shot of Buffy turning and hurrying out, with renewed purpose.  Cut to Tara’s dorm room.  Willow is sitting on the bed, working on the laptop)

TARA: Maybe you should rest?  Clear your head?  (sits down next to her)

WILLOW: Can’t.  Not now.  (the encryption is still crisscrossing the screen)  I think I’m onto something.  I-I’ve been assuming that the...the ciphertext was encrypted with an asymmetric algorithm.  Then it hit me.  A hexigonic key pattern.  (computer beeps)

TARA: (points to the screen)  Hey, look!  You did it!

WILLOW: (frowns)  I didn’t.  I haven’t even finished typing in the new code yet.

(Shot of the computer screen, legible text is starting to appear)

TARA: (puzzled)  Well, s-something’s doing it.

WILLOW: It must be programmed to self-decrypt after a certain point.  That is so annoying!  It-it’s like somebody blurting out the answer to a riddle, just when you’ve-- (without enthusiasm) I mean, yippee!  We have the information.

TARA: I don’t know if ‘yippee’ is the right response either.  Read that. (hears the telephone ring)

(Shot of Tara going to answer the phone, as Willow reads what’s on the screen)

TARA: (into phone)  Hello?  Yeah, she’s right - I mean...let me check.  (puts the phone against her shoulder, and looks at Willow)  It’s Buffy.

(Cut to the secret lab.  Riley is sitting in a large metal chair.  He’s not restrained in it, but his arms and feet are planted on the rests as if he was)

RILEY: Professor Walsh.  (The Walsh zombie is standing in front of the small worktable beside him, filling a long syringe with a dark red liquid)  Professor Walsh, it’s Riley Finn.  Can you hear me?

(Shot of the zombie continuing on with its business, as if not hearing him)

VOICE: You’re wasting your breath.

RILEY: (can only move his eyes) Xander?

XANDER-CD: (crosses in front of Riley, and stands next to Walsh)  You should know she’s just a zombie now, with barely enough brains to follow orders.  She can hear ya, man, but she’s real light on the conversation.

RILEY: (stares at him, emotionless)  A walking corpse.  Like you.

XANDER-CD: (shrugs)  No big.  (rotates his neck)  Been around the weird long enough, I can deal.  (grins)  And no longer the Zeppo here, no siree.  Adam made me to be nearly as badass as he is.  (lifts his demonic right arm, it’s slightly longer than his human left one)

RILEY: Without a soul, right?  No different from the vampires and demons you told me you hated.

XANDER-CD: (looks at the long talons on his new hand)  Just relax and get with the program, soldier.  I have.

RILEY: (pitying look)  I’m sorry this happened, Xander.

XANDER-CD: (evil smile)  Don’t be, 'cause I’m not.  We’re truly living in a golden age.  And the whole world is gonna get greased, after Adam’s plan gets going.

RILEY: I’ll never let that happen.

XANDER-CD: (steps closer)  Wake up and smell the corpses, Teutonic Boy.  Your will belongs to Adam now.

RILEY: No.  That’s not true.

XANDER-CD: (snorts)  Really.  Y’know, it was up to me, you’d already be a pile of spare parts.  But Adam wants you outfitted with the demon upgrades, and hey (shrugs) he’s the one running the show here.

RILEY: He’ll never control my--

WALSH-Z: a good boy.

(Shot of the Walsh zombie looking at him with colorless dead eyes, and the Xander cyber-demonoid steps back as she approaches.  She places her dead hand on Riley’s wrist, and plunges the syringe into his arm)

(Cut to UC Sunnydale.  Tracking shot of Buffy walking across the open campus, her arms crossed, oblivious to all the students around her)

(Cut to her stopping on the walkway as the others approach from different directions, forming a square.  Oz to her left, Giles to her right, and Willow in front of her.  They don’t say anything for a long uncomfortable moment.  Finally, Buffy looks at Willow)

BUFFY: Where’s Tara?

WILLOW: (tersely) I don’t think she felt welcome.

BUFFY: Why?  Because of the things we said?  (Willow nods)  Will, who told you that we were talking behind your back, specifically?

WILLOW: Well, I - Spike, specifically. But--

BUFFY: (looks at her ex-Watcher)  Giles?

GILES: (bringing his cup of coffee to his mouth, but then lowers it)  Um, uh, Spike can be very convincing when-when-when, uh...(sighs)  I’m very stupid.

BUFFY: He played us.  He wanted us to fight, to split us up.  That’s where...all the stuff from the other night came from.

OZ: (considers this)  Mustn’t have thought I was worth the effort.

BUFFY: No...but you’ve been away for ages.  I’ll bet that he just couldn’t figure out how to contact you, without arousing suspicion.

GILES: Of course.  (tries to sound light)  Well, piffle.  A-about all that was, uh, said and done.  Let’s - let’s move on.

OZ: (laconically) I’m moving.

WILLOW: Me too.

BUFFY: Good.  (pauses)  Great.  (another pause)

WILLOW:, why do you think Spike made with the head games?

OZ: (shrugs)  Vampires are known to get their fun any way they can.

BUFFY: I think it was more than that.  I think it was Adam’s idea.

GILES: (amazed)  Spike and Adam?  But surely...(pauses, shakes head) no, no, of course they’d work together.  There’s no telling what that-that undead creature will get up to.

BUFFY: Listen, I just went to Adam’s lair, and he was gone.  But Spike just happened to be there, and he made this big noise about getting the information off those encrypted disks.

WILLOW: (perks up)  Oh, I decrypted them.  (Buffy blinks in surprise, so she says begrudgingly)  Well, they decrypted themselves, but I almost had it.

GILES: What did they say?

WILLOW: Bunch of stuff we already knew about 314.  But it also said, there’s some final phase where Adam manufactures a bunch of creepy cyber-demonoids like him.  There’s a special lab in the Initiative, but it didn’t say where.

BUFFY: Adam fed Spike those disks.  It has to be.  He wanted me to know about his evil-guy assembly line.  (to Willow)  This...lab, it’s in the Initiative?

WILLOW: Hidden somewhere.

BUFFY: (considers this) Well, I gotta give the demon-parts guy his due.  He thought this one out.

WILLOW: What do you mean?

BUFFY: You know how overcrowded the containment cells have been at the Initiative?  Those demons were just too easy to catch.  It’s like they wanted in that place.

GILES: The Trojan Horse.

BUFFY: Adam’s making sure the demons attack the Initiative from the inside.

OZ: (creases his brow) Gonna be a slaughterhouse.

WILLOW: And Adam has a neat pile of body parts to start assembling his army.  Diabolical, yet...(grimacing) gross.

GILES: We can’t let it happen.

BUFFY: Yeah, I gotta shut him down Giles, like fast.  His final phase is about to start.

GILES: So, w-we need to warn the Initiative.

BUFFY: They’re not going to listen to me.

WILLOW: Riley?

BUFFY: I don’t know where he is right now. some bad news, and kinda took off on me.  It’s weird, (shrugs) but it’s like he totally dropped off my Slayer radar.

(Shot of Willow regarding Buffy thoughtfully)

OZ: Uh, if this Adam guy has this evil plan all worked out, why's he so anxious for you to know about it?

BUFFY: He wants me there.  Probably figures I’ll even the kill ratio.

OZ: But wouldn’t he be afraid you might kill him?

BUFFY: (candidly)  No.  Not at all.

(Cut to secret lab.  Adam gazes up at the ceiling, but seems to be looking at something beyond that)

ADAM: (smiles)  She’s coming.  I can feel it.  (turns around to face Spike, who is standing beside Riley’s chair)

SPIKE: Good on ya.  Got a chunk o’ prognosticating demon in there, 'ey?  (walks over to one of the operating tables)  Now (claps his hands together)  if you’ll just get this chip outta m’cranium...(hops up on the table)  I’ll be outta your way.  And mind the hairline, I don’t fancy fussin’ with a comb-over once I’ve resumed me killin’ ways.

(Shot of Riley watching them silently, unable to talk.  Adam doesn’t move)

SPIKE: (sternly) C’mon, we had a deal!

ADAM: When she’s here.

(Shot of Spike sighing.  He lets his head hang down.  He then looks up, appearing worried.  Off Riley’s tense expression too, cut to the gang in Giles’ apartment)

GILES: (looks down at everything gathered on the coffee table)  There’s certainly no lack of supplies.  I only wish I knew which ones would kill Adam.

(Shot of Giles sitting down on the arm of his couch, removing his glasses.  Willow is on the couch, going through an old book.  Oz is standing near the sofa and Buffy is sitting on the floor, knife in hand, sharpening a very large stake about the size of a baseball bat)

BUFFY: According to Riley, his power source is a uranium core embedded somewhere inside his chest, probably near the spine.

OZ: So, we gotta figure out some way to remove it.

WILLOW: What about magic?  Some kind of...I don’t know...uranium-extracting spell?  (everyone looks at her, she winces)  I know.  I’m reaching.

GILES: Perhaps a paralyzing spell?  (moves to a bookcase, and grabs a book from on top)  Only, I can’t perform the incantation to this.

WILLOW: (goes and examines it)  Right, don’t you have to speak it in Sumerian or something?

GILES: Actually, I-I’m fluent in ancient Sumerian, so it’s not that.  (sits down again)  But basically, only an experienced witch can incant it, and you need be within striking distance of the subject.

WILLOW: So, so, we need someone with Slayer powers, Giles’ knowledge of Sumerian, and my wicca prowess?  (everyone looks at her again)  Yeah, I know, I’m reaching again.

GILES: (serious)  Actually, I think you’re onto something.

(Shot of everyone staring at Giles.  Cut to panning shot of the blue sky over UC Sunnydale.  Camera stops on Lowell House.  Cut to interior.  Buffy steps onto the porch, through the glass of the front door, and leads the others inside.  When they’re all in, she closes the door behind them.  Oz and Giles are carrying loaded shoulder bags)

WILLOW: (to Oz)  Nervous?

OZ: (utterly calm)  Yeah.

(Cut to Buffy taking the lead again, and they follow her through the large living room)

GILES: (conversationally)  Oz, just because this is never going to work there’s no need to be paralyzed with fear.

WILLOW: The enjoining spell isn’t powerful enough to defeat Adam?

GILES: Oh no, it’s very powerful.  It’s just that it’s also...extraordinarily dangerous.

(Shot of Buffy opening the double doors into the central hallway, and they eventually stop in front of the full-length mirror in the wall)

BUFFY: (turns to the others)  Game faces, guys.  We’re going in.  (lashes out with a side-kick, and they all jump back as the mirror shatters to reveal the empty elevator shaft leading down)

(Cut to later, camera angle is looking down the deep shaft.  Cut to Buffy and Willow.  They’re in rappel harnesses and are slowly descending, walking down the wall)

BUFFY: How ya doing?

WILLOW: (a tad scared)  Super.  What was I thinking, using stairs all this time?

BUFFY: Okay.  (remains silent as they continue to descend.  Looks at Willow again)  Will-

WILLOW: No, really, Buffy.  It’s not as scary as I thought.

BUFFY: No.  That’s not what I was gonna say.  (off Willow’s look she hesitates, glancing down the shaft)  I just...I’m sorry.  About everything, especially since we lost Xander.  I just hate it that things have become so strained between us.

WILLOW: It wasn’t your fault.  I mean, Spike stirred up trouble.

BUFFY: Yeah, but I think trouble was stir-uppable.  We all sorta split up, went our own way this year, didn’t we?

WILLOW: I guess.  But you know, first year of college, it’s always hard to keep the old high school gang together.

BUFFY: But I want it together.  Will, I miss you.  And - and Giles, and Oz, and (pauses) Xander.  It’s my fault.  I’ve been so wrapped up in my own stuff, I’ve been a bad friend.

WILLOW: You’re the Slayer, Buffy.  Your stuff is pretty crucial.

BUFFY: (looks sheepish)  I meant Riley, actually.

WILLOW: Well, I haven’t been Miss Available, either.  I - I kept secrets. I hid things from everyone.

BUFFY: But that’s not your fault!  Will, you were going through something huge.

WILLOW: (looks unhappy)  I wanted to tell you, but I was so scared.

BUFFY: (tears in her eyes)  You can tell me anything.  I love you.  You’re my best friend.

(Shot of Willow also having tears in her eyes, and Buffy reaches out to her with one hand holding her line.  Willow also reaches out)

WILLOW: Me, too.  I love you, too.  (They hug.  Then start to descend together, much faster)  Falling now!

(Shot of them landing safely on their feet on top of the elevator, as they’re close to the bottom.  Then they hug again, holding each other tightly)

BUFFY: Let’s promise to never not talk again.

WILLOW: I promise, I promise.

(Shot of Giles sliding down, he lands right between them.  They quickly move in to hug him from both sides)

BUFFY: Giles!

WILLOW: I love you, Giles!

BUFFY: You know we both love you, right?

WILLOW: 'Cause we totally do!

GILES: (glances at both girls)  I take it, you now both we’re all doomed?

WILLOW: No.  It’s that you’re just the best Watcher ever.

(Shot of him looking at them again, as they continue to hug him.  Cut to later, they’re all standing on the elevator.  Oz slides a prybar in between the doors, to the floor above the elevator)

BUFFY: Okay.  We stick together, and everything should be fine.  Everybody ready?  (Oz and Giles start sliding the doors apart)  Let’s ...

(Shot of them opening the doors, and finding themselves looking up at half a dozen Initiative commandos, pointing blasters and rifles down at them) this.

(Cut to a close-up of a black and white security monitor.  On the screen, Buffy rounds a corner into a corridor, being escorted by three commandos)

SPIKE: (V.O.)  It’s Must See TV.

(Cut to Adam and Spike looking at the monitor.  They’re in a control room.  Spike takes a puff on his cigarette)

SPIKE: Bait’s been taken.  Trap’s all set. The Slayer 'as landed.  Sooo...(turns to Adam) one chipperectomy, please.  (Adam ignores him, and continues to watch the monitor)  Hellooo!  Paging Dr. Owe Me One.

ADAM: She’s not alone.  (Spike looks at the monitor again, and steps closer to the small screen.  He sees Willow, Oz, and Giles enter the corridor, being escorted by three more commandos)  You failed me again.

SPIKE: (doesn’t turn around)  Well, that’s one way you could look at it.

ADAM: What’s another way?

(Shot of Spike looking over his shoulder at him.  He then takes off, running past Adam.  Adam makes no move to stop him.  Spike has almost reached the doorway, when the Xander cyber-demonoid suddenly steps in, catching him by the throat with his claw)

SPIKE: G'AH!  (sees Xander)  YOU?!  (turns back, says to Adam)  C’mon!  It’s not like I wasn’t tryin’!  That’s worth something, idn’t it?

ADAM: I suppose.  Yes.  I will honor our agreement and remove your chip.  (to Xander)  Take his head off.

(Shot of the Xander cyber-demonoid happily slamming Spike against a control panel, getting both hands around the vampire’s neck.  Spike struggles, but Xander is too strong)

SPIKE: Never thought I’d say this, but I definitely prefer ya the way you were!  (raises his cigarette and shoves it first in Xander’s left eye, then the right one as the demonoid turns his head away.  Xander pulls back, and Spike escapes.  Xander seems about to give chase)

ADAM: Let him go.  (Xander stops and turns to Adam, who is looking at the monitor again, which is now showing an empty corridor)  There’s nowhere left to run.

(Shot of the Xander cyber-demonoid looking pissed, his eyes now solid white dead orbs.  Cut to the command center of the Initiative.  Several commandos are guarding Buffy and the others, and they’re watching Colonel McNamara, who is searching Giles’ bag)

BUFFY: Colonel--

COLONEL: Shut up. You got some nerve, lady.

BUFFY: You have to listen to me.

COLONEL: You think you and your friends can just keep waltzing into a government installation, brandishing weapons like...(takes out a large pear-shaped object with strange markings carved into it. He looks it over)  Like...

WILLOW: It’s a gourd.

(Shot of Colonel McNamara looking at her)

GILES: It’s a magic gourd.

OZ: Probably beyond your understanding.

COLONEL: What kind of freaks are you people?  (glares at Oz)  And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, mister. (throws gourd to the ground, smashes it into little pieces)

GILES: (eyes wide)  No!  W-what have you done?!

BUFFY: (agitated)  You stupid...look, Adam is here, Colonel!  In the Initiative.

COLONEL: (steps closer to her)  Nice try.

BUFFY: Those overcrowded containment cells of yours, courtesy of Adam!  He’s pulling a ‘Trojan Horse’ on you.  He’s just waiting--

COLONEL: (interrupts)  Every inch of this installation is under constant twenty-four-hour surveillance!

WILLOW: Including the secret lab?

COLONEL: Including everything!  (gives her a stern look for a moment, then turns to Buffy)  What secret lab?

BUFFY: The one Adam’s been using, that was built for the final stage of the 314 project.  (sees the colonel’s expression, and realizes the situation)  And you have no idea what I’m talking about.

COLONEL: I know everything that goes on around here.  A tick on a mouse couldn’t get in without my knowing it.  And if Adam wants to try, we’re ready for him.

(Shot of Buffy’s expression, it’s clear he’s not convincing her)

GILES: (offhandedly)  Jolly good.  H-how exactly were you planning to get close enough to Adam to remove his power source, j-just out of curiosity?

(Shot of Buffy raising her eyebrows expectantly at McNamara)

COLONEL: Hit him simultaneously with multiple taser blasters.  Incapacitate him with as much voltage as we can muster.

OZ: Sounds interesting.  You could also try to get a flea, to beat up an elephant.

(Shot of Willow smirking at that comment)

BUFFY: I’ve seen Adam hit with taser blasts, he feeds on it.  And now you’re gonna provide him with an all-you-can-eat buffet?

COLONEL: You telling me my business?

BUFFY: (steps closer)  *This* is not your business.  It’s mine.  You, the Initiative, the boys in the Pentagon, you’re all in way over your heads.  Messing with primeval forces you have absolutely no comprehension of.

COLONEL: And you do?

BUFFY: I’m the Slayer.  You’re playing on my turf.

COLONEL: Up there, maybe.  But down here, I’m the one who’s in control.

(On cue, all the lights go off.  The emergency lights kick in half a second later.  A commando sitting in front of a control panel examines the readout)

COMMANDO 1: Sir.  The power grid’s down.  Backup’s not responding.  (tries typing in commands into his keyboard, but nothing happens)  We’re locked in.

(Cut to Spike, running in an Initiative corridor.  He looks behind him for a moment, then turns forward again just in time to run straight through Xander’s ghost.  He stops and turns around looking disgusted, hawking and spitting)

SPIKE: (stares at him)  Shoulda known you’d show up about now.

XANDER: (smirks)  Can’t say I didn’t warn you, Spike.  The Big Day’s finally here, and it’s almost show time.  (pauses, stares at him)  Looks to me like the fat lady’s singin’, and the Big Bad is goin’ down.

SPIKE: (furious, glares at him)  Just for *once*, will ya shut your trap?!

XANDER: (still smirking)  All the exits are locked out now, did ya know?  Like Adam said, there’s nowhere left to run.

SPIKE: (shouts)  All right, all right!  You win!  Just tell me what to do 'ere, 'fore I completely toss me shorts!

XANDER: I know you hid everything I told you to get nearby - huh, you always did like hedging your bets, didn’t you?  Willow and the others are being held in the command center.  Go give her the Orb and everything before it’s too late, and tell her to do the soul restoration ritual on me as soon as they get somewhere safe.

SPIKE: (amazed)  Oh, is that all?

XANDER: (shrugs)  Nope.  There’s one other thing.

(Cut to Adam.  He’s sitting in front of a large control panel, looking at a monitor showing the containment cells full of demons.  He starts hitting switches, and the lights go out in the containment area)

(Shot of Adam poised, a clawed finger over another switch and looking into a different monitor.  It shows a female scientist and a commando, entering the containment area)

ADAM: (with anticipation)  This will be interesting.  (flips the last two switches)

(Cut to the containment area, and all the cells start to slide open.  One demon ‘Spiderman-ing’ on the ceiling sees its cell opening, and drops down like a cat.  Vampires and demons of all types start pouring out, and growl hungrily)

SCIENTIST 1: What’s going on?

COMMANDO 2: I don’t know.

(Shot of the two seeing the demons coming at them)


(Shot of a fur-covered demon running at the scientist and she drops her clipboard, just before it leaps on her.  Another demon jumps on the commando, and they both start to scream.  Blood sprays across the clipboard)

(Cut to the command center.  McNamara is leaning against the control panel listening to the reports, while Buffy and the others look on)

COMMANDO 1: (reports)  Containment area’s been breached.  Hostiles are loose.

COLONEL: (angry)  Damn it, not again!  How many?

COMMANDO 1: (looks up at him)  All of 'em, sir.

BUFFY: It’s Adam.  (McNamara straightens and faces her)  Look, I’m the only one that has any hope of stopping him now.  Just let me handle this.  Get your people out of here.

COLONEL: (ignores her, turns to a couple of commandos behind him)  All right, you men follow me.  We gotta take the armory now.

BUFFY: Colonel--

(Shot of McNamara walking by her, he doesn’t even glance her way.  He stops in front of another commando, and points to Buffy)

COLONEL: These people are under arrest, do you understand?

COMMANDO 3: Yes, sir.

(Shot of the rest of the commandos following the colonel, as he leads them out of the room.  As soon as they’re gone, Buffy takes out the two Initiative guards)

BUFFY: (turns to the others)  We’ve got to find Adam.

WILLOW: On it.

(Shot of Buffy, Willow, and Oz walking around to the other side of the control panel.  Willow sits in front of a terminal, and immediately goes to work on the keyboard)

GILES: (retrieves his bag from the table)  Buffy, th-the enjoining spell is impossible now.  It’s, uh, necessary for us to come up with a new plan.  A-and quickly.  (joins the others standing around Willow)

OZ: (looks down at the control panel)  Can’t disagree.  Look at this.

(Close-up shot of a black and white monitor, showing the main compound of the Initiative.  There is a giant battle being fought, between the freed demons and the commandos.  Growls, gunfire, and explosions are heard.  It’s a chaotic free-for-all, as humans and demons die)

(Cut to Spike in the middle of the battle, fighting demons and vampires, trying to move through the fray)

(Cut back to the command center.  Oz now has a crossbow in his hands, and is watching the doors)

BUFFY: How we doing, Will?

WILLOW: Done.  (fingers dancing across the keyboard)  Hold on.  According to this, there’s airducts and electrical conduits all running into there.  (points to an area on the screen, displaying a diagram of the Initiative)


WILLOW: So, there’s no ‘there’ there.  Look.  (points to an empty area of the diagram, and Buffy looks at it more closely)

BUFFY: It’s Adam.

GILES: Are you sure?

BUFFY: Right behind 314.  (to Willow)  Can you unlock it?

WILLOW: I don’t have to.  A-all the locks in the Initiative have been disengaged.  Except for the exits.

OZ: (glances at them)  End game scenario.

BUFFY: Great.  So we know we’re going to 314.  Now, all we have to do is get there.  And then, somehow defeat Adam.

(Shot of Spike suddenly bursting in, after they hear a commotion outside)

SPIKE: (sees Oz aiming at him, raises hands)  Whoa!  I come in peace.  White flag 'ere.

GILES: (glares at him)  Sounds ominously familiar.

SPIKE: (conciliatory)  Just calm down, now, Rupes.  This is all part o’ the plan.

BUFFY: (angry)  What plan is that?  The one where I finally stake your ass to the wall?

SPIKE: No, Princess, I’m talkin’ about Xander’s plan.

(Shot of the gang looking at him in fury, and Giles grabs him by the lapels)

GILES: (in Ripper mode)  You so much as mention his name again, and I will personally pour a hot-tub’s worth of holy water down your miserable throat!

SPIKE: (gets loose)  We ain’t got time for this.  Yeah, all right, I admit that I was sorta workin’ for Adam on the quiet 'n all, but I knew from the start (pauses, frowns and shrugs) well, mostly, that that wasn’t gonna pan out.

OZ: Why?

SPIKE: 'Cause, Dog Boy, Xander’s ghost told me ages ago what was gonna 'appen.  And, it’s all turned out just like the wanker said it would!  Been cursin’ his arse for it, y’know.

WILLOW: (frowns)  His ghost?  What-?

SPIKE: (interrupts, flustered)  Cor blimey, Red, later!  This place ain’t safe - soldiers or demons could be 'ere, any second!

(Cut to the main compound, with the battle raging furiously.  Buffy clears a path for the others as they enter the battleground, fighting demons.  They reach the metal security door, leading into the research area.  Buffy rushes through the doorway, closely followed by Willow.  Giles, Oz and Spike then disappear through as well.  The war continues on)

(Cut to the interior of lab 314.  Buffy opens the door, and the others follow her in)

SPIKE: (to Willow)  Time for you to work your magic tricks, luv.

GILES: I’m still not sure if we should trust you.  After everything you did...

SPIKE: (sighs, frustrated)  Ghost Boy said I’d 'ave to do this to convince ya.  (to Giles) Your secret dies with me.  Shoot me, stuff me, mount me.  (Giles looks shocked) Convinced? (turns to Willow)  It’s a clothes fluke, that’s what it is...and there’ll be no more flukin’!  (Willow looks equally shocked)  Right then...(turns to Buffy)  Cavalry’s 'ere.  Cavalry’s a frightened guy with a rock, but it’s here!  (Buffy looks stunned.  To all of them)  So, are we 'appy now?

OZ: (to Scooby Gang)  From the looks on your faces, I’m guessing vamp home run on the scoreboard.

WILLOW: (looks anxious but hopeful)  You really saw him?  A-after he died?

SPIKE: (snorts)  First bloody night the coffin was put in the ground! Hangs around like a bad smell too, if y’ask me.

GILES: (adjusts his glasses)  I-i-it’s amazing.  B-but why didn’t he come to us in person?

SPIKE: (shrugs)  Maybe 'cause I’m not all soul-'aving, like the rest of you.  Buggered if I know, I’m just the messenger 'ere!  (reaches into a bag, and withdraws the Orb of Thesulah)  He said you gotta give 'im his soul back now, luv, or all of us are gonna die in a real nasty Xander-demon like kinda way.  (gives it to her, and Willow accepts it looking puzzled)

BUFFY: Okay.  Now...the entrance to where Adam’s hiding should be right over here.

(Shot of Buffy and Oz hurrying to the corner of the far wall, and pushing aside a shelf loaded with containers of different-colored chemicals.  Buffy feels along the wall, until she finds the edges of the secret double doors.  They swing open with a hiss.  Bright light washes over her from inside)

BUFFY: (turns to face the others)  Once I’m in, barricade the door behind me.  (Oz nods.  She looks over to Giles)  You think this place will be okay to do the ritual?

GILES: (at the door, looking out through the small window.  Gives the room a quick once-over)  It, uh, should be.

SPIKE: 'Course it is.

WILLOW: Oh!  As long as we don’t get blowed up, or anything like that.

OZ: What’re the odds?

(Cue another loud explosion from somewhere outside)

BUFFY: (looks at them all)  Wish me luck.  (turns and disappears into the lighted corridor. Spike closes the doors after her, and rolls the shelf back in place.  Meanwhile, Giles and Oz start barricading the other door)

(Cut to Buffy.  She emerges from an elevated entranceway, overlooking the secret lab.  She sees Riley in the large chair below her. He appears to be alone)

BUFFY: Riley!  (climbs down the short metal ladder, and hurries to his side)  Are you hurt?  (He looks at her, but doesn’t say anything)  Say something.

(Shot of Buffy seeing that he’s trying to.  She grows concerned.  Riley’s eyes move to look at something behind her.  She turns, and sees the Walsh and Angleman zombies standing still, not too far away)

BUFFY: What is this?  (looks at Riley)  Why won’t you talk to me?

ADAM: (V.O.)  He can’t.

(Shot of Buffy turning around, seeing that Adam has just entered the lab through the portal.  It is closing behind him, as he walks towards her)

ADAM: He’s not programmed to.  He’s part of the final phase now.  As you were supposed to be.

BUFFY: (pleasantly sarcastic)  Sorry.  I don’t jump through hoops on command.  I’ve never really been one to toe the line.

ADAM: (just looks down at her for a moment, now standing in front of her)  Oh.  (eyes still on Buffy)  Kill her.

(Shot of the Xander cyber-demonoid suddenly stepping up behind her.  He wraps his demon arm around her neck.  Buffy struggles against his hold, but can’t free herself)

XANDER-CD: (anticipatory)  No problem.

BUFFY: (shocked, keeps struggling)  Xander?!

(Shot of Adam turning and walking past Riley’s chair, exiting the lab.  The Walsh zombie starts moving, picks up a surgical saw and switches it on.  The spinning blade whines, as she slowly approaches Buffy)

BUFFY: (desperate)  Xander, you’re supposed to be helping me!

XANDER-CD: (sarcastic)  Boy, did you ever dial the wrong number.  I got killed, on account of you and Adam’s Toy Boy going at it like bunnies!  Remember that?  And, you know what they say about payback.

(Shot of Buffy struggling in Xander’s grip, as the Walsh zombie closes in with the surgical saw.  Buffy kicks out with both feet, and knocks the zombie back.  Walsh tumbles against a table, and falls to the floor)

(Cut to Buffy swinging Xander around, freeing herself.  His back slams up against the worktable.  A glass beaker falls off the shelf, and shatters close to the edge of the table near Riley’s right arm.  Riley looks down at the broken glass)

(Cut to 314. Willow is sitting on the floor.  Giles has just finished lighting candles, as Oz finishes getting the incense to burn)

WILLOW: We've gotta hurry. Giles, take the Orb.

SPIKE: (looks at them)  I can’t do any more here.  And I don’t fancy you lot givin’ me my soul back, accidentally or otherwise.  (unbarricades the door)  Gonna take a look outside.  Don’t want any party crashers spoilin’ things, after all my effort.  (leaves, Giles and Oz rebarricade the door)

(Cut to the secret lab.  Buffy and Xander fight.  Eventually, Buffy is thrown to the floor)

RILEY: Buffy!

(Shot of Buffy trying to get up.  Xander kicks her in the stomach, sending her rolling across the floor)

XANDER-CD: (looks over his shoulder at Riley)  Shut the hell up, Mr. Chip!  Time to end this.  (turns towards Buffy, and goes after her)

(Close-up shot of Riley as he looks down at the broken pieces of glass, and he struggles to move his arm against his programming.  Cut back to Buffy, as she scissor-kicks herself to her feet, and starts fighting Xander again)

(Cut to 314. Giles and Oz are holding the Orb, Willow is sitting cross-legged, reading from text)

WILLOW: Not dead, nor of the living.  Spirits of the interregnum I call.  Let him know the pain of humanity, gods -- reach your wizened hands to me, give me the soul of Xander Harris.  (Shot of Giles and Oz looking worried.  Cut back to Willow) Gods, bind him, restore to the corporal vessel that which separates us from beast.  Use this orb as your guide -- return his --

(Shot of Willow’s body suddenly jerking up, she seems to be possessed)

WILLOW: (in Romanian) Te implor Doamne, nu ignora accasta rugaminte!  Lasa orbita sa fie vasul care-i va transporta suflatul la el!  Este scris, aceasta puture este dreptul poporuil meu de a conduce.  Asa sa fie!  [I call on you gods, do not ignore this supplication!  Let this orb be the vessel to carry his soul to him!  It is written, this power is my people's right to wield.  Let it be so!]

(Shot of the Orb glowing.  Cut to Buffy and the Xander cyber-demonoid, he’s holding her by the neck against a wall, and about to kill her.  Cut back to 314)

WILLOW: Acum!  Acum!  [Now!  Now!]

(Shot of the Orb shining brightly, and disappearing.  Cut back to the lab.  Suddenly Xander’s eyes glow orange, then fade.  He collapses, dropping Buffy.  She gets up, turns to the two zombies and rips the tubes out of their chests, shoving them aside.  They fall to the floor, now truly dead)

BUFFY: Riley!  (goes over to examine him.  He manages to move his arm toward her)

XANDER: (gets up, confused)  Buffy?  Riley?

(Shot of Buffy turning and ready to fight him again, then she notices his eyes.  They’re alive again)

BUFFY: (rushes over and hugs him)  Real glad to have you back, Xandman.

XANDER: (horrified, as the memories return)  I - I tried to KILL you!

BUFFY: (impatient)  Don’t wig out on me now!  Can you help Riley?

(Shot of Xander nodding.  He takes a fragment of broken glass and carefully cuts through Riley’s chest, placing his fingers in and withdrawing the blood-covered chip.  Riley grunts in pain)

BUFFY: (to Riley)  We need to take Adam out, like, NOW.  Are you okay here?

RILEY: (glances at her)  Go.

(Shot of Buffy running out of the lab, leaving Xander and Riley behind)

XANDER: (patches him up, avoids his eyes)  Sorry for...what I said.  (follows after Buffy)

(Cut to the main compound.  Colonel McNamara is leading his squad of commandos into the battlefield, they’re all shooting at the HSTs)

COLONEL: (shouts)  Fall back!  Fall back!  (they start to retreat, laying down covering fire.  McNamara points to The Pit)  Watch the flank!  Lock down that Pit!

(Cut to a black and white image of the battle.  Shot of Adam in his control room, watching the monitors)

BUFFY: (V.O.)  Fun, isn’t it?

ADAM: (turns around to see Buffy standing in the doorway, with her arms crossed)  I do appreciate violence.

BUFFY: Good.

(Shot of Buffy charging Adam, and leaping into the air to attack him.  They fight and she goes flying back, tumbling across the floor.  Adam advances on her, his Polgara skewer unsheathes from his left arm.  Buffy gets up and side-steps his thrust, grabs his arm and breaks the skewer over her knee.  She hits him in the face, making him stumble a few steps back)

BUFFY: (grins) Broke your arm.

ADAM: (unconcerned)  Got another.  (looks down at his right arm, and a panel on his metal gauntlet unlocks and slides open.  A metal device slides out of the gauntlet, covering his clawed hand, and a long six-barrel minigun springs out.  Buffy’s eyes widen in shock)  I’ve been upgrading.

(Shot of Buffy running across the room, Adam fires at her.  She leaps into the air, vaulting over a control panel, and drops down behind it out of sight.  Adam continues shooting)

ADAM: Interesting.  You won’t last much longer.

XANDER: (V.O.)  She doesn’t need to.  (suddenly appears, grabs Adam from behind around his neck, and lifts him off the ground.  Gunfire sprays everywhere.  Xander rips the minigun off Adam’s body, along with the rest of his arm, and drops it)  Time’s up.

(Shot of Adam appearing worried...for the first time *ever*)

ADAM: (struggles in vain)  Very...interesting.

(Cut to 314)

WILLOW: (raises her head tiredly)  Wow.  That was --

(Shot of a fur-covered demon trying to smash its way in through the barricaded door.  Oz and Giles go and try to brace it)

(Cut to the control room.  Buffy drives her fist into Adam’s chest, plunging it deep into his body.  Adam struggles, but can’t keep her from shoving it further in.  She pulls her arm out, holding something in her hand.  Close-up shot of a metallic cylinder, containing a glowing green material.  There is a chunk of something attached to it, that might be a part of Adam’s spine)

BUFFY: (looks at the uranium core)  Welcome to Hell, Adam.

(Shot of Adam’s eyes losing focus, as he looks at her.  Xander lets him fall to the floor, as he goes nonfunctional with a last groan.  Buffy continues to stare at the power core.  Riley rushes into the room, sees Adam on the floor, and looks at Buffy. She drops the uranium cylinder to the floor, with a look of loathing)

RILEY: Buffy?

XANDER: (looks at Buffy and Riley)  You two need to get out of here.

(Cut to 314.  The barricade on the door gives way and the fur-covered demon rushes in, ready to kill them.  Oz, Willow and Giles are knocked back onto the floor, dropping their weapons, helpless to defend themselves.  Spike suddenly appears and grabs the demon from behind, forcing it to its knees and snapping its neck with a twist)

SPIKE: (chuckles)  Nasty sorta fella. Lucky for you I came back now, 'ey?

GILES: Yes.  Uh, thank you.  A-although your heroism is slightly muted by the fact, th-that you helped Adam start a war that might yet kill us all.  (Spike stops grinning)  A-and you probably only saved us right now, so that Buffy wouldn’t stake you on sight.

SPIKE: Well, yeah.  (pauses)  Is that a problem?

(Shot of the others just looking at each other, then starting to get to their feet.  Seeing that none of them are currently vampiricidal, Spike starts grinning again)

SPIKE: Well, everything’s all right then.  We all get to be not staked-through-the-heart.  (points at them with bravado)  Good work, team.

(Shot of the shelf of chemicals being pushed aside as the secret doors are opened, and Buffy steps into the room, followed by Riley.  She’s smiling)

GILES: Buffy!

WILLOW: (Buffy goes to her and they hug)  Everything’s OK?

BUFFY: You did great.  We all did.  Adam’s finally been taken care of.

WILLOW: (looks hopeful)  You mean-?

XANDER: (appears behind Riley)  All of you have to get away from here.  Now.  (sees horrified expressions on Willow, Giles and Oz’s faces)  Hey, guys.  Don’t worry, it worked - I, I got my soul back.  It’s really me.  Your Xander-shaped friend.

SPIKE: (moans)  Well, I swear, that’s just great.

WILLOW: (runs to him and hugs him)  Xander!

XANDER: (disengages from her)  Don’t have time for that, Wills.  All of you need to vacate the premises, like immediately.

GILES: Xander?  W-what do you mean?

XANDER: For one thing, there isn’t gonna be anything much of the Initiative left soon.

OZ: Sounds bad.

SPIKE: (grins)  Speak for yourself, mate.

XANDER: (ignores him)  The self-destruct has been set to destroy the files, the labs, almost everything.  That way, nobody can ever create Adam again.

RILEY: We still got men out there!

SPIKE: (exhibits bravado again)  Well, let’s go evacuate 'em, by gum!

(Shot of everyone giving him a look.  Spike gets a ‘what?’ expression on his face)

BUFFY: You guys head to the exits, get 'em open.  (to Riley)  You, organize the soldiers and pull 'em back.  I’ll take point.  (heads for the door and everybody falls in behind her, except Xander)

WILLOW: (turns to look at him)  Xander?  (he turns his face away)  What’s-?

XANDER: (interrupts)  This is goodbye, Will.

WILLOW: (screams)  NO!  (everyone looks back now)  Not again!  Xander -

XANDER: (looks solemnly at them all)  The containment mechanism for Adam’s power source has already started disintegrating, people.  Odds are that in about fifteen minutes, the uranium here’ll make the walls glow in the dark, and give everybody a permanent orange afro.

(Shot of everyone looking shocked)

GILES: W-what can we...

XANDER: (shrugs)  Do?  Nothing.  But I can minimize the fallout.  Take the cylinder deep underground somewhere.  Has to be a lot deeper than what the Initiative goes - so, that’s why I can’t come with you.  (turns and walks away, not looking back)

RILEY: Xander...(pauses, looks down, then at Xander’s back)  thanks.

BUFFY: (anguished look and voice)  Xander...

XANDER: (stops briefly)  You don’t have to say it, Buffy.  You were worth it.  (leaves)

(Shot of Willow starting to go after him, but Oz grabs hold of her and prevents it despite her protests.  Giles and Buffy stare at each other)

GILES: (concerned)  Are you up to this?

BUFFY: (determined)  I gotta be.

(Shot of a demon suddenly appearing in the doorway.  Buffy punches it in the chest, and it goes flying back)

(Cut to a dark room, somewhere in Washington.  One source of light illuminates a large conference table where Mr. Ward sits, with several other men in suits.  The camera pans slowly as he speaks)

MR. WARD: The Initiative was an experiment, gentlemen.  It was a focus for combating, and possibly harnessing the power of an otherworldly menace for the government’s military agenda.  (pauses)  However, from the final reports, it’s apparent that the experiment...has failed.

(Cut to the Initiative.  Buffy and Riley are fighting, and defeating demons and vampires)

MR. WARD: (V.O.)  Our soldiers suffered over a ninety percent casualty rate, as a result of the insufficient safeguards and the renegade prototype’s actions.

(Cut to a close-up shot of Graham, as he is overpowered by a demon.  Riley helps get it off and kill it, and partially carries him along as the commandos run offscreen)

MR. WARD: (V.O.)  And apparently, we were fortunate that a group of civilian fighters was there to help save the day, and evacuate the few personnel that were still alive.

(Cut to the Scooby Gang in the elevator shaft, preparing to start climbing the rappel lines.  The commandos keep firing at the hostiles, covering them)

MR. WARD: (V.O.)  I trust that the irony of that is obvious, to all of us here?

(Cut to Colonel McNamara, he is firing at the demons in the main compound)

MR. WARD: (V.O.)  Thus, it seems that Professor Walsh’s plan is unworkable in practicality, although theoretically it was quite sound.

(The colonel shoots at a vampire, but fails to see another vamp as it grabs and bites him from behind, and McNamara screams silently as he dies)

MR. WARD: (V.O.)  The hostiles cannot utilized for the greater good - they can be captured or destroyed, but that is all.

(Cut to the battleground, the war is over.  Dead humans and demons littered everywhere.  There are still a few demons and vampires alive, feeding on the dead.  Cut to Washington)

MR. WARD: It is therefore recommended that this project be terminated, and all records concerning it be destroyed.  A military debriefing, with an ‘official secrets’ clause will take care of the surviving soldiers.  Wet affairs will monitor the civilians, with the usual measures to be taken if there’s trouble.  (ponders) Which I don’t think there will be.

(Cut to exterior of Lowell House.  Buffy, the gang and the commandos come streaming out.  The Initiative headquarters explodes into a huge fireball.  They all dive to the ground.  Panning shot to show the faces of the survivors, their faces dirty and clothing torn)

MR. WARD: (V.O.)  The appropriate story will be given to the press, and what remains of the Initiative itself will be decontaminated and filled in with concrete.  Any remaining demons will be terminated with extreme prejudice.  The plan is to bury it all, gentlemen.  (pause)  Bury it all...and salt the earth.

(Camera angle on the burning building.  The image turns into TV snow and static hisses)


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