Light A Single Candle

By: Amywyn

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.  Everything but the poem itself belongs to Joss..

Description: A poem, Buffy's POV.

Timeline and spoilage (sorta): After B2

Light a single candle
for this fate I did not choose.
Through it I have lost
more than I knew I had to loose.

Light a single candle
for those I could not save.
I failed them in my duty.
I sent them to their grave.

Light a single candle
for a love that once burned true.
Even if I could get him back,
would he forgive what I had to do?

Light a single candle
For a decision made while lost.
When I started on this path alone
I never counted on the cost.

Light a single candle
for all I didn’t say. I could not face by light of day.

Light a single candle
for faith in friends betrayed.
I know now I should not have left,
but not how I could have stayed.

Light a single candle
for my battered heart and soul.
I cannot fill these empty spaces,
I left all that made me whole.

Light a single candle.
For I’ve done nothing but fail.
I hold each pain here in my hand,
each one a coffin nail.

Light a single candle.
They cannot love me still,
but loneliness on top of grief
is too much a bitter pill.

So I ask the wind to tell the birds
to beg them this for me.
Light a single candle
on this path I cannot see
and lead me safely home again,
where I so need to be.

The End

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