See Prologue for Disclaimer.

Part 3

"So, when are they going to be here?  It's past midnight!" Xander persisted, sighing and staring outside into the darkness from Willow's front window.

"Xander,it's only 7.  And I'm sure Buffy and Angel will be here soon!" Willow urged in her cheerful voice.  There was a knock on the door, and Willow ran to it.  "See?  Here they are!"  She threw open the door, and before seeing who it actually was, she proclaimed, "Merry Christmas Buffy-"  Instead of the petite slayer and her boyfriend, she found a boy,shorter than her with blazing red hair.  "-and Angel.  Oh,hey, Oz!  I thought you weren't going to be here!"

"Our plane got snowed in over in New York, so I thought I'd spend Christmas with my girlfriend."  Oz replied,stepping in and handing her a red gift-wrapped present.  "Merry-er-Happy Hanukkah, hun."

"Oh Oz.  That's so sweet!"

"What's so sweet?" Xander asked, walking into the foyer.  "Oh.  Hi, Oz."

"Hey.  Here, Merry Christmas."

"Ooh... Oz Claus is here!" Xander grasped the red wrapped gift the werewolf had given him, then he started dancing and singing, off-key, his version of 'Deck the Halls':

'Tis the season for presents
Fa-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la
It's the holiday Dead-boy res-ents
Fa-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la
What a loser-"

"Xander, you sing worse than Cordelia does."  Buffy called from the open door as she and Angel reached it.

"Oh, hey Buff.  Dead-boy."  Angel glared at Xander,and waited on the doorstop while Buffy went in.

"Sorry,Angel.Why don't you come on in?" Willow chirped.  The vampire nodded and stepped forward onto the cherry floor.

"Here guys.  These are for you."  Buffy smiled warmly, handing Willow the bag she'd been carrying.

"Ooh... Slayer Scrooge has turned into Slayer Santa!" Xander quipped, grabbing a present with his name on it before Willow could pull them away from him.  He shook it vigorously but couldn't hear anything."  Whatchya get me?  Please don't let it be clothes."

"Don't worry Xander.  I got you a cute little stuffed clown for your room."  The boy went pale at the thought of it's wide,  black eyes watching him as he slept,  the grin forever plastered on it's face...

"H-here Will.  Y-y-you can have it."  He gave the gift to the red-head, still pale.

"See.I know how to stop him snooping.  Come on,let's go.  I want to grab a table before it packs up." Buffy urged them.

After a few minutes, a still shocked Xander, a sugar-cookie hyper Willow, Oz, Angel and Buffy were off to the Bronze.


When they got to the club, the place was already packed with the majority of the town's teenagers.  Even the dork who sat at the back by himself in Buffy's algebra class was there.

"Okay. Forget what I said earlier about being here before it filled up..."  The slayer quipped as she walked around, the others having to follow in single file.

They finally found a spot out on the dance floor,since the tables were all taken up.  After a few minutes, the band on stage started packed up as the bouncer came on stage.

"Aw.  We missed the carols." Oz said, disappointed.

"If you want to listen to carols, go outside." Xander told him.  "How can you call this a dance?  I mean, you can't even *move* let alone *dance*."

"Thanks guys.  Sonic Scream everybody!  Okay.  For our next act, I have *no* idea how we scored these guys.  We *somehow* caught them on their way up from San Diego to Los Angeles to preform here tonight.  Please welcome pop sensation 'N SYNC!!!"

All the girls, well *almost* all the girls went wacko and started screaming as the five walked on stage.

"Hello Sunnydale!" JC yelled out.  They all screamed louder than before, making Buffy and the others, along with a lot of other people, cover their ears to block out the noise.  "Been such a long time since we preformed in a club, huh guys?" The four behind him nodded.

"Yeah.Wow,for such a small town you guys have a *lot* of teenagers in here. There are probably about half from LA too." Justin quipped.  "Tonight,we'll be singing songs from our Christmas CD because, duh!  It's Christmas!"

The Bronze was filled with screaming and cheering.

"Let's start off with the most popular one, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, shall we?" Chris asked.  More screaming.  The intro came on and they started singing,

"Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Ooh yeah.
We've been waiting all year for this night
And the snow is glistening on the trees outside-"

Buffy looked over to Angel, who still had his ears covered, had his eyes squeezed shut and was paler than usual.

"Are you okay?" He didn't respond, but she saw him vamp-out then change back again.  "I'll take that as a 'no'."  Buffy turned to Willow, who was looking too.  "Will, I've got to break.  Angel's not feeling good."


"We'll catch up with you outside when you guys come out."  With that, Buffy led Angel to the door and outside.

"-And all the blessings from above
God sends you His love-"


For some reason, once he hit the cooler air, Angel took a deep breath and appeared to be sweating.

"What was that about?"

"Just... lust pumps more blood,and you can understand, that much blood going through that many girls...  It's enough to even drive humans nuts..." Angel explained, leaning against the wall of the Bronze to concentrate.

"Yeah.  I guess.  Come on, lets go walk around and you can cool off."  Buffy offered. Using her as a semi-support, the two walked out of the alley and into the night.

Part 4
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