Dark Intentions

By: Felicity

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story; the ones from Buffy belong to Joss Whedon and the WB and Fox and so forth, and I don't know who the Cruel Intentions ones belong to, but not me so don't sue!  I'm just playing with them for a little while...like Kathryn with everyone she's ever met, except nicer.

Author's Notes: This is (kinda obviously) and Buffy/Cruel Intentions crossover.  You probably don't have to have seen the movie to understand this, since the events in this story take place months before and have nothing to do with it, you might just understand the characters better if you saw the movie.  And yes, the fact that Buffy and Kathryn look exactly alike but for hair color is going to be part of the story.  This takes place right after "Bewitched, Bewildered and Bothered" in the Buffyworld and since Cruel Intentions the movie takes place at the end of the summer, this is right before that summer begins...everyone got that?  I love comments, email me!

"Giles, I’m warning you now; Slaying better be at a lull for a while," Buffy announced, walking into the library.  Her Watcher blinked in suprise.

"I can’t really . . . can’t really control that Buffy," he pointed out.

"Well my cousin’s coming to visit for some odd reason and her stepbrother’s coming too, and they’re going to think it rather odd if I’m out walking around in graveyards at late hours," Buffy explained.

"They might also think it odd if Angelus leaves a dead body on your doorstep," Giles said gently.  Buffy stopped and swallowed.

"Well I can see your point," she said slowly, trying to turn it into a joke.

"Hey Buffster!" Xander’s voice exclaimed cheerfully.  "What’s the up?  Any evil prophecies to combat?  Cause I’m in a prophecy mood myself!"

"Xander, do you have to be a freak?" Cordelia asked.  "Is it like, genetic?"

"You haven’t met his parents," Willow said.

"I resent that comment!  I think."  Buffy stifled a smile.

"Okay guys, no evil prophecies, sorry Xander, but we do have visitors.  Or will have visitors."

"Visitors?" Willow asked.

"This could be promising," Oz murmured.

"Cousins," Buffy said. "Kathryn Mertueil and her stepbrother Sebastien Valmont.  I haven’t met Sebastien and I haven’t seen Kathryn for ages.  She’s . . . interesting."

"Wait, Kathryn Mertueil?  Of New York?" Cordelia demanded.  Buffy blinked.

"Yeah.  How’d you know that?"

"She’s only like the role model of the entire country!" Cordelia exclaimed.  "She’s your cousin?"

"Don’t sound so suprised!" Buffy muttered.  "And Kathryn’s the country’s role model?"

"What’a wrong with that?" Willow asked.

"She just . . . I don’t know.  I can’t explain it.  I always get this weird vibe from her," Buffy explained.  "It’s probably nothing really."

"I’m gonna make a guess and say she’s way rich," Xander said.  Buffy made a face.

"Good guess."

"So how are you related to her?  Is there something you’re not telling us Buff?" Xander inquired.  Buffy laughed.

"I wish!  We’re cousins on her mom’s side and her mom married into money–we’re talking major money.  Like the Donald Trump kind.  Except not Donald Trump.  She got half when they divorced.  And that’s a pretty penny.  And then her new hubby’s about as rich," Buffy explained.  Xander whistled.

"Don’t ya love divorce settlements?" he asked.

"Excuse me, are we going to just stand around discussing this for a while?" Giles asked.  "Because there is actual work to be done."

"Work?" Buffy asked.

"Why do I hang out with you people?" Cordelia asked.  "Who works at lunch?  It’s lunch."

"Time for food," Xander said, an inspired gleam coming into his eyes.

"No dunce!  Time for make-up touch-ups!" Cordelia exclaimed.

The scary thing was, she wasn’t kidding.

Buffy sighed and jumped up and down a little to start loosening herself up.  She wondered again why this Sebastien was coming with Kathryn, and what he would be like.  Her mother had been a little over-enthusiastic about the whole thing.  They only had one extra bedroom, so Kathryn had to stay in hers . . . something she was really not looking forward to, and somehow, thinking of her spoiled cousin, she doubted she was either . . .


"Tell me again why I agreed to come with you?" Sebastien Valmont asked, sipping the cocktail the first class stewardess had provided.

"Because, brother dearest, we’ll have a whole town to play with," Kathryn Mertuil purred, tucking a strand of chestnut hair back.  "And you must meet dear Buffy."

"What kind of a name is Buffy anyway?" Sebastien asked.  "It’s so, so . . ."

"So L.A.  It’s short for Elizabeth," Kathryn replied.  "I’ve told you this already."

"Yes well, I still don’t understand the sudden whim to visit a cousin you haven’t seen in years and obviously dislike."  Kathryn laughed softly, her green eyes gleaming.

"I don’t dislike her!  Au contraire.  There’s something rather appealing about her.  She’s so fresh and innocent.  Of course, last time I saw her she was also a valley girl, but I believe she grew out of that.  She may have grown out of the innocence as well–she was expelled from her last school."  Sebastien’s eyebrows arched elegantly.

"Indeed?  Quite a piece of work.  I see why you’re curious about her," he murmured.

"Besides, I get to miss school.  Well, I suppose we have to go to this Sunnydale High, but I’m sure it’s a joke of a school.  And that’s always a plus after all," Kathryn replied.  "Isn’t that why you’re along?" Sebastien shrugged.

"Sweet sis, it’s more than that.  I haven’t been to California in ages.  My journal needs updating."  A flash of something came across Kathryn’s eyes and vanished at once.  Sebasiten smiled.  "Still jealous?"

"Never," she snapped.  He only laughed, and gestured to the stewardess to bring his stepsister a drink.


"Thanks for coming you guys," Buffy said.  "Not really looking forward to this one."  Her mother hadn’t been able to get away from the gallery, so she’d sent Buffy to meet Kathryn and Sebastien at the airport.  Her friends had opted to come along as well, except for Xander who had regretfully been grounded.  Buffy didn't really get why, since he spent as many nights out as he did at home . . . more probably, and he'd never gotten in trouble before, but oh well . . .

"Of course!  Is Kathryn smart?" Willow asked.

"She gets like straight As," Buffy replied.  "I think."

"You guys seem like a really close knit family," Cordelia put in.  Buffy frowned.

"Well I haven’t seen her in y–" she broke off in the middle of her sentence and stared.  Because emerging from the terminal in a low cut, slim black dress and black heels was Buffy.  With dark hair.

"I’m guessing that would be Kathryn," Willow breathed, her eyes riveted to the newcomer.

"I hope so, or that’d be just way too weird!" Cordelia exclaimed.  Beside her walked a young man about their age with tightly curled dark blond hair.  A gorgeous young man.  Buffy took a deep breath and stepped forward, smiling and waving slightly to catch their attention.  Kathryn saw her and stopped.  A second later so did Sebastien, who stared with intense dark eyes.  Kathryn summoned a charming smile and walked over to Buffy, embracing her and kissing her cheek softly.

"Buffy!  It’s been ages!" Kathryn exclaimed.  Buffy smiled, still in shock at the resemblance.

"Yes it has.  Welcome to Sunnydale," she said.  She turned to greet the young man, smiling brightly.  "You must be Sebastien.  Buffy Summers.  Nice to meet you," Buffy said, holding out her hand.  He shook it, his palm slightly carressing against hers.  She pulled her hand away, losing her smile for a second, then summoning it back.  She turned to her friends.  "This is Willow Rosenburg, Cordelia Chase–"

"I’ve heard so much about you," Cordelia said to Kathryn, interupting.  Kathryn smiled charmingly and Buffy went on.

"–And Oz, our local band-man" Kathryn and Sebastien exchanged a little glance and Buffy appealed to her friends with her eyes.

"Why don’t we go pick up your bags?" Willow suggested.

"Excellent idea," Sebastien said, a smile on his sculpted lips.  "Shall we?" he asked, extending his arm to Buffy.  Wondering what was up with him, she took the offered arm.

"The baggage claim is that way," Oz pointed out and they set off, Cordelia beginning to drill Kathryn on New York.  Buffy glanced up at Sebastien and smiled slightly.  He looked . . . serious.  Gorgeous, but serious.  And she’d had enough of serious guys for a lifetime.  Come to think of it, she’d had enough of guys for a lifetime.  Relationships were things of the past.  Before Angel.  With Angel, it had been love, not dating.  And now there was Angelus, and guys were absolutely the last thing on her mind.  Buffy closed her eyes momentarily and prayed he wouldn’t decide to try anything while her cousin was there . . .

Part 2
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