A Day For Love

By: Serena

Disclaimer: Oh come one!  <insert snort>  Do you REALLY think I own them?? Would *I* let Buffy sleep with Riley?  Didn't think so.  Joss would, though, and he did.  All the characters are his.  But Angel is currently...detained. *G*  I wish...

Author's Note: Valentine's Day, set in my 'Lending a Helping Hand' and 'Ringing in the New Year' 'verse.  Read them first if you want to know what's going on.  Since I KNOW I'm gonna be having a crappy Valentine's Day, I figured I'd give Buffy and Angel a happy one.  You have to have read the other two stories to know what's going on--short summary if you forgot.  Angel was turned human after him and Buffy proved to the Powers that they were stronger together than apart.  Buffy broke up with Riley and Buffy and Angel see each other on weekends.

FEEDBACK: Is a must!  I feel some kind of writer's block forming, and it's NOT a cool thing...  Any feedback at all is greatly appreciated.

DEDICATION: To Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz, who are 'shippers just like the rest of us.  *G*  And for Krissy, just 'cause I love her and she's awesome.

Part 1

Buffy Summers sighed deeply and shifted in the uncomfortable wooden chair she was seated in.  She was trying very hard to concentrate on the lecture Professor Walsh was giving--something about the dangers of co-dependency--and was finding it increasingly difficult to keep her mind from straying to lusty thoughts about her boyfriend.  He was coming to Sunnydale that night so the two of them could spend some time together that upcoming weekend.  Plus he was staying for Valentine's Day and had promised her a night out on the town.  Buffy couldn't wait.

She brushed a piece of golden hair from her eyes and looked around the room at her fellow students.  Some were enraptured by Walsh's lecture, while others were snoring and one even had his discman blaring.  Buffy's eyes traveled lazily around the room, catching Riley Finn's gaze.  She held it for a moment and then looked away, knowing he still had feelings for her but not caring.  She had Angel.

Buffy sighed happily when she thought of her lover.  She couldn't believe that he had been human for two months already, it felt like only yesterday.  Being separated from him was hard and lonely, but they did what they could.  They dealt.  It was better than not being together at all...  She had not seen him in nearly three weeks and felt as though she was going to go insane from the feeling of incompleteness.  But he would be there soon and everything would be all right.

Professor Walsh signaled to Riley, who began passing around a packet of papers to each student.  During the lull, a cell phone went off.  Startled, Buffy looked around, wondering who would be so rude as to call during a class.  She strained to hear the ring again to decipher where it had come from, and realized with a wince that the sound was coming from her purse.  Quickly snatching it off the ground, Buffy hunted around for the tiny phone Angel had gotten her.  She hastily opened it.

"Hello?" she said, her voice an embarrassed whisper.  She felt the eyes of fifty college students and one angry professor on her and groaned inwardly.

"Hey baby," Angel said, his seductive voice making her shiver.  She smiled before remembering that she was being watched, at which point she shrank down in her chair to try and remove herself from her classmates' eyes.

"Angel, sweetheart, I'm kind in the middle of Psych here," she hissed, although she was actually rather happy he had called.

"You are?" he asked, a touch of disappointment in his voice.  "I'm sorry, I thought you had Psych at three on Fridays."

"It's okay," she said reassuringly, touched that he had remembered.  "It's just that I don't think Professor Walsh appreciates me interrupting her class to make with the mushy talk with you."

Angel chuckled.  "Okay, I'll let you go.  I'll see you in a few hours?"

"You'd better believe it.  And you DO know that you're making up not seeing me for *three* whole weeks as soon as you get here, right?" Angel growled playfully.

"I look forward to it," he said, promise in his voice.  "I love you, Buffy."

"I love you too, Angel.  See you soon."  She pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it for a moment, a goofy grin on her face.  Willow cleared her throat and Buffy suddenly remembered that she was still in class.  Blushing furiously, she shut the phone off and slipped it back into her bag, slumping down in her seat and suddenly becoming VERY interested in the packet in her lap.

Professor Walsh looked at her expectantly.  "Well?  Who was that?"

Buffy blinked.  She hadn't been expecting Professor Walsh to care, she thought she was gonna lecture...  "What?" she asked, unsure of the answer she was looking for.

"We're all rather curious now, tell us all about this person who just called you," she clarified, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against her desk.  Buffy swallowed.

"It was my boyfriend, Angel," she said with a shrug.  "He's coming to town later tonight and just wanted to call and check in."

"Oh, I see," the older woman said, bracing her hands on the top of her desk behind her.  "And he had to interrupt my class to do it?"

Buffy blushed and tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear.  "Sorry about that," she apologized, "he didn't know I had Psych at three and not two."

"I'm assuming you two are involved quite seriously?" she asked, a thoughtful expression on her face.  Buffy hesitated, not sure of where her professor was going with this.

"Well, yeah.  We just got back together two months ago and I know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him," she said confidently, her eyes glazing over in that sweet way they always did that told everyone she was in love.

Maggie Walsh sighed.  "I see.  Now tell me, Buffy, would you consider your relationship a healthy one?  Or is it a co-dependency, like the kind I just described?"

"It's healthy," she said firmly, glancing at Willow to verify her answer.  Willow smiled slightly and nodded.  "It wasn't last year, but we spent some time apart and then the Powers That Be decided it was time for us to get back together.  So we did."  She smirked, knowing that everyone thought she was just doing the freaky-religion thing, when in actuality that's what had happened.

"And why wasn't it last year?" Professor Walsh pressed.  Buffy's eyes flashed slightly.

"What's with all the questions?" she asked, an edge in her tone.  The professor smiled smoothly and waved her hand dismissively at the offended girl.

"Just trying to give the class some real-life examples," she said smoothly.  "Now, to continue on with my point..."

Buffy tuned her out almost immediately.  She felt a set of eyes on her, and turned her blonde head to see Riley Finn staring at her with dark eyes.  She coolly met his gaze with her icy one, until he finally looked away.

Rolling her hazel eyes, Buffy turned her attention to doodling in her notebook, content to write 'Buffy and Angel Forever' in her notebook for the remainder of the class, anxiously awaiting her lover.


After class was over, Buffy headed over to the campus coffee shop for a cappuccino, then back to her dorm room to begin the homework Professor Walsh had assigned for the weekend.  Arriving at her door, she was shocked to see a lavender rose resting in the plaque that displayed their room number.  She idly removed it, bringing it to her face and breathing its scent in deeply.  Buffy looked around but saw no one else in the hallway.  With a shrug, she fitted her key in the lock and quickly opened the door.

She entered with her head down and turned to face the door when she closed it, making sure it was locked.  Turning around and looking up, she started and gasped.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" she demanded, dropping her bag by her closet and taking off her cardigan to reveal a matching lavender tank top.  Angel grinned at her and shifted.  He was laying on his side on her bed, the latest issue of Cosmo open next to him.  He propped himself up on his right elbow.

"I highly doubt surprising you would give you a heart attack, Buffy," he said, cocking an eyebrow and smirking before turning his attention back to her magazine.  Buffy shot him a look and draped her sweater over the back of her chair.  She faced him once more and crossed her arms over her chest, the rose dangling from her fingertips.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever.  What are you doing here this early?  I thought you wouldn't be here until seven," she said.  "I'm assuming this is from you?"  She held up the rose in emphasis.  Angel nodded and smiled.  "Thank you, it's beautiful."

"You're welcome, beloved.  And I was able to leave earlier than I thought, so I figured I'd come and surprise you," he replied, turning the page.  His eyes nearly bulged out of his head when he saw the article about sex.  "Where in the world do they come up with these things?!"

Buffy giggled.  "I don't think we want to know," she said, "but I'm sure they're fun..."  She trailed off suggestively, unfolding her arms and dropping the rose on her dresser before crossing to the foot of her bed.  Angel closed the magazine and put it on her nightstand, inching over so she would be able to lay on the bed comfortably as well.

"Why don't you come here so we can find out?" he told her, patting the bed suggestively.  Buffy smiled and quickly kicked off her sneakers, slowly beginning to crawl up the bed towards him.  She looked like a predator about to strike, her eyes dark with lust.  Angel swallowed hard, trying to not give in to his instincts and pull her to him.

Buffy crept up the bed, rubbing her body against Angel's in the process.  When she was finally near him, Angel pulled her up the rest of the way and crushed his mouth to hers.  Buffy grinned against his lips and pressed her body against his as Angel wrapped his arms around her waist.

They broke apart only when the need for oxygen became too great.  Buffy sighed happily and nuzzled his neck, pressing a soft kiss on his delicate flesh.  Angel groaned and pulled her face up to his again, kissing her gently this time.  Buffy's hands snaked down and began the task of undoing his belt as Angel's hands ventured up the front of her shirt.

And then the door opened.

They broke apart sheepishly and looked up to see Willow's shocked expression.  Angel reluctantly removed his hands from underneath her tank top, moving them down to rebuckle his belt.  Willow held up a hand.

"Don't bother," she said with a grin.  "I just wanted to tell Buffy that I'm gonna be pulling an all-nighter at the library, I have a paper due tomorrow and I'm nowhere near done."

Buffy tried to fix her mussed hair.  "Okay, Will, sounds like fun." Willow rolled her eyes.

"Oh, yeah, tons."  She turned to go, then looked over her shoulder at the couple resting comfortably on Buffy's bed.  "You guys can go back to what you were doing now, I'm leaving.  I'll see you in the morning."

Buffy blushed.  "Later, Will," she said as Willow left, making sure she heard the click of the lock engaging.  Giggling, she turned back to Angel.  "Now where were we?"

Angel gently pulled her up so he could remove her tank top and bra.  Laying her against the pillows, he kissed her sweetly and said, "Right about here."


They lay intimately entwined in her sheets, Angel's fingertips gently grazing her arm.  Buffy burrowed into his chest and sighed happily, placing a kiss over his heart before looking up at him.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of doing that," she said with a secretive grin.  Angel raised an eyebrow.

"I like the sound of that," he replied, pulling her closer.  "We still have all those things to try."  Buffy looked over her shoulder at the open magazine and giggled.

"I think I liked that one best."

"Buffy, that's the only one we did," Angel said.  "The others will be better."

Buffy's eyes sparkled.  "Is that a promise?" she asked huskily, leaning close to him.

"You'd better believe it," he said before catching her lips in a fiery kiss.  He pressed a soft one to her sweaty forehead and sighed contently.  Buffy brushed a piece of matted hair out of her eyes and rubbed her hand gently over his hard stomach.

"I missed you," she said, turning her head to look up at him.  She rested her cheek on his chest, breathing deeply to inhale his scent.  Angel brought a hand up to caress her cheek.

"I missed you, too, baby.  I missed not holding you," he replied softly, gazing deeply into her hazel eyes.

"We really have to do something about this," she told him.

"About not seeing each other for three whole weeks?" he asked.  She nodded.

"I can't stand it," she whispered longingly.  Angel brushed his finger over her lips and Buffy's tongue snaked out, drawing his pointer into her mouth.  She lightly sucked on it, looking up at Angel from underneath her lashes.  Angel groaned as he felt a wave of desire wash over him.  "Not being able to hold you...kiss you...taste you...it drives me crazy."

She accentuated each word with a soft kiss, alternating between his chest and his finger.  Angel whimpered and pulled her up to him, his flesh tingling when it touched her bare skin.  "I know the feeling," he said hoarsely, a gleam growing within the chocolate depths of his irises.  "But we're together now, so let's make the most of it."

They began kissing again, Angel tugging Buffy on top of him.  They were interrupted by Buffy's stomach growling, and Angel leaned back against the pillows and laughed, moving to push Buffy off of him and get up.

"Or we can just go eat and--"

Buffy effectively blocked his arm, locking eyes with him.  "Sounds like a plan to me," she whispered, leaning down to place kisses on his chest.  Her questing mouth traveled down as Angel realized what she was doing.  "I like the way you think," he told her, his breath coming short as she reached her destination.

Angel forgot how to talk at that moment.

Part 2
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