Part 4

"God, you two really are vicious when you're angry, aren't you," Willow joked after Buffy had relayed the events of Saturday night's game to her.  Buffy giggled as she carefully applied another coat of mascara to her already-dark lashes.

"He deserved it and you know it," she retorted playfully.  Willow stretched out on her bed and propped herself up on her elbow, watching Buffy get ready for her date with Angel.

"Hey, I wasn't arguing.  I think the bastard deserves to be castrated," she replied, brushing a lock of red hair out of her eyes.  Buffy giggled and began carefully spreading light brown eye shadow on her eyelid.

"I think Angel would have if we had been alone," she said, switching to the other eye.

"So what did you do yesterday?  And last night?  And all of today?" she teased.  Buffy and Angel had wanted to spend some quality time together, and had declined from doing things with the gang so they could be alone.  A dreamy look crossed Buffy's face.

"We slept late, had breakfast in bed, spent most of the day *in* bed..." Buffy blushed slightly as tingles shot up and down her body, memories evoking his phantom touch.  "I took him to see Scream 3 with me."

"Angel?  At a horror movie?" Willow laughed.  "I never thought I'd hear that one."  Buffy joined her.

"He didn't seem overly impressed, he kept trying to make out with me and he seemed more preoccupied with trying to get his hand up my shirt," Buffy said, exasperated.

"You loved every second of it."

"Hell yeah."

She applied a thin layer of blush to her tan cheeks and stepped back.  Willow had helped her curl her hair and pile it on top of her head, clipping it up with a rose barrette.  Her red dress hung in a bag on the back of the door, and Buffy was clad only in a black strapless bra and panties.  She quickly pulled the dress out of the bag and slipped it on, the material instantly molding to her curves.

The Lycra dress fell to mid-thigh and scooped low in the front.  The straps were very thin and the back dipped a bit, supporting her frame but showing skin.  Buffy carefully zipped it and slipped on the open-toed platforms she had gotten to go with the dress.  Turning around, she looked to Willow for reassurance.

"Wow, Buffy, you look beautiful.  Angel's gonna die when he sees you," she said happily.  Buffy grinned.

"Let's hope not, I just got him back *with* a heartbeat.  No need to take it away again," she giggled as she slipped on the diamond earrings her father had gotten her for Christmas and smoothed out the creases in her dress.  The last step was to spray her vanilla perfume on, dabbing her neck and wrists with it.  Taking one last look in the mirror, she nodded happily.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay by yourself?" Buffy asked for the tenth time.  Willow laughed and nodded.

"Yes, for the thousandth time, I'll be fine.  Tara's coming over and we'll be watching sappy movies and doing spells," she said.  Buffy still looked uncertain.

"I feel like I'm letting you down by going out," she said truthfully, picking up her small handbag.  "I mean, that's my job as your best friend, mope and bitch and watch sappy movies."

"No, your job is to go out with your boyfriend--whom you love more than anything--and have a great time.  That's what Valentine's Day is all about," she said, opening a box of Sweethearts and popping one in her mouth.  "Spend it with the one you love.  At least he isn't off 'finding himself'."

"Oz will be back," Buffy said firmly, going over to sit next to Willow.  She poured out a few of the candies and polished them off.  "He loves you more than anything and when he's ready, he'll come back to you."

Willow nodded resignedly and sighed.  "I know, I just wish it would happen *now*."

A short knock on the door interrupted them.  Buffy jumped up nervously and fixed her dress before going over to her mirror.  Willow giggled at her friend and got up as well.

"He can't see me yet!" Buffy hissed, looking around for a place to hide.  "It's like a rule."

"I don't think they thought of that when they designed the room," Willow said with a smile, reaching over and opening the door.  Buffy settled to stand by her desk, waiting to make her 'entrance'.  Willow's gasp caused her to look up in shock and worry.

"Will?  What's wrong?" she asked, stepping over to the door and yanking it open wider.  "It's just...Oz."

And there he stood, holding a single red rose in his hands and a teddy bear tucked under his arm.  Buffy's mouth fell open in an 'o' when she saw the werewolf standing there, staring at Willow.  She silently backed up, leaving the two of them alone.

Willow's eyes welled up with unshed tears as she reached out a shaky hand, bringing it up to touch his cheek.  "Oz?" she croaked, her voice thick with tears and disbelief.  He smiled slightly.

"Hey, baby," he said in greeting.

"Oz," she said again, more desperate this time.  They stared for a moment longer before Oz opened his arms silently.  A muffled sob broke free of Willow's mouth as she launched herself into them.  Oz crushed the redhead to his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around her shoulders as she slid hers around his waist, her tears falling freely onto his shirt.

Buffy watched silently as they reunited, kissing with fervor after a moment.  Willow broke away to pull back and look at him, not really believing that he was there.

"You came back to me," she whispered in awe, her hands linking with his and pulling him inside.

"I couldn't stay away any longer," he replied, smoothing a piece of loose hair from her face.

"Did you find what you were searching for?"

"I think so.  I got some answers, sorted some stuff out.  Missed you like crazy the entire time," he told her, drawing her in for another kiss.  They stood locked in a passionate embrace for a long moment before being interrupted by Angel, who stood in the doorway with a bouquet of roses in his hand.

"Buffy?  Are you..." he stopped in the doorway when he saw Oz.  Buffy leaned over to look past the couple at him, tears of happiness for Willow in her eyes.

"Look what got dropped on our doorstep," she said, gesturing at Oz. Oz looked from Buffy to Angel with confusion on his face.

"Okay, I obviously missed--" Buffy walked over to Angel and kissed him gently.  "A lot," Oz finished, glancing back down at Willow, who was snuggling against his chest, inhaling deeply.

"Angel's human," Buffy said happily as he slipped an arm around her shoulders.  He looked down at her and suddenly remembered the flowers in his hand.

"Happy Valentine's Day, beloved," he said, leaning down to kiss her again.  She took the roses and smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling.

"Thank you, even though you already wished me that about twenty times today," she teased.  His lips quirked upwards slightly.

"That was twenty-one," he replied, pressing a kiss to her temple.

They looked back at Willow and Oz, who were quietly kissing in the center of the room.  Buffy sighed happily and placed her hand on Angel's chest, watching silently.

"These are for you," Oz said, holding out the rose and bear for Willow.  She smiled as tears leaked from her eyes and sniffled, taking them from him.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I think this is our cue to go," Buffy murmured to Angel.  He nodded and reached down, linking his fingers in hers.  Buffy pulled him over to her dresser and quickly set the flowers in a vase of water.  "I'll see you in the morning, Willow.  It's great to have you back, Oz," she said, walking over and giving him a quick hug.  Oz smiled and reached out to brush the tears from Willow's cheek.

"It's great to be back.  Nice seeing you, too, Angel," he said, holding his hand out.  Angel shook it.

"We'll see you two tomorrow," he said, gently taking Buffy's arm and leading her to the door.

"Happy Valentine's Day, guys," Willow called after them.

"You too!" Buffy said over her shoulder as they left, closing the door behind them.  Angel stopped after they had walked a few feet and pulled Buffy to him.

"With the reappearance and all I forgot to tell you how beautiful you look," he murmured, leaning down to capture her lips in a sweet kiss.  She smiled against his mouth.

"You don't look bad yourself," she replied, her hand playing with the collar of his black sports jacket.  "Where's your car?"

"Right outside," he said, offering his arm.  She linked hers through his and they set off for the restaurant.

The couple was about six blocks from it when they stopped for a light and heard shouting outside the car in an alley.  Angel carefully maneuvered it off the street and put the car in park.  Buffy groaned.

"You'd think the forces of evil could give me *one* night off," she growled, getting out of the car.  "I'm not exactly dressed for patrolling."

Angel chuckled as he pulled a stake out of the glove box and got out of the car as well.  They crept into the alley, where the scuffling of a fight had begun.  The couple quickly came upon a vampire beating up some college kid while his girlfriend cried and cowered in the corner, clutching her bleeding neck.  "Shouldn't take long," Angel whispered, watching Buffy slip into a fighting stance and pull a stake out of her purse.

"That's what you think," a voice said from behind them.  Buffy and Angel whirled around and came face to face with a group of six big vampires, fangs glistening in the moonlight.  Buffy sneered at them.

"Yeah, it is," she said, placing her hands on her hips.

"Well, you thought wrong," he growled.  Buffy glowered at him.

"What, you think you can beat us?  Because of you, I'm going to be late for my reservations, on *Valentine's Day*.  You'll be lucky if I only kill you," she snapped.  Before he could respond, she lashed out, punching him in the face.

The fight was furious, but over relatively quickly.  Buffy and Angel were breathing hard when the last vamp dissolved into dust.  They took a second to get their bearings before turning to each other and looking over the damage that had been done.  Buffy's dress was torn and bloodied, one of the straps had ripped and the material was stained.  She had a cut on her arm and slash marks where one had gotten her with his talons across her chest.

Angel had a split lip and a cut above his eyebrow, and was favoring his ankle a bit.  Buffy stepped over to him and hugged him lightly, groaning.

"It figures that our perfect day had to be ruined by vampires," she said, bringing a hand up to lightly touch his cut.  He flinched away and she frowned.  "And I really liked this dress!"

"I'll buy you a new one," Angel said with a slight grin.

"So what do we do?" she asked.  The couple they had saved had taken off at the beginning of the fight, so the two were alone in the alley with the dust from the vampires swirling in the air.

Angel's face suddenly lit up and he took her hand, leading her out of the alley.  "We have our romantic evening, just like we planned," he said, helping her into the car.  Buffy sighed and leaned against the cushions, silently cursing the forces of evil.

"How, Angel?" she asked, her eyes betraying her hurt at their evening being ruined.  He squeezed her hand in reassurance and made a U-turn, headed in the direction of his apartment.

"You'll see," he said, pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket and handing it to her.  "Put this on your arm."  She did as he said, the pressure slowly stopping the bleeding.  They pulled up to his building a minute later and she was about to get out when he laid a gentle but firm hand on her arm.  "Stay."

He got out of the car and bent down to peer in at her.  "You get to go inside while I sit in the car?  I don't think so!"  He hushed her with a look.

"I'll be back in a minute," he said, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to her lips.

"Great," she grumbled, "some date this will be."

Fiddling with the radio, Buffy waited for about five minutes before Angel appeared, having stripped down to his boxers and a robe.  She raised an eyebrow at his attire, but he chuckled and simply led her inside.

"Oh, that's romantic," she muttered sarcastically.  "Are we going to be sitting around eating cereal all night?  Or are we--"

Buffy found herself speechless when Angel opened the door to the apartment.  The entire room was lit with candles and romantic music poured softly from the stereo.  He grinned at her shocked face and took her hand, leading her to the bathroom.  She had thought that was her big surprise.

She had been wrong.

Angel's antique bathtub was filled to the brim with steaming liquid, bubbles threatening to spill over.  The light was once again provided by candles, which sat on the sink and lined the wall.  She gasped happily and spun to him, concern quickly clouding her face when she saw a large gash on his stomach.

"Angel, you're hurt," she whispered, her hand reaching out to gently touch his wound.  He brushed her hand away and grazed his fingertips over her shoulder, burning her skin with his touch.

"So are you.  The food will be here in half an hour so we have time for a bath before," he said, spinning her around and unzipping her dress slowly.  It pooled gracefully at her feet and she stepped out of it, leaving the ruined garment on the tiled floor.

"Food?  Bath?  Are you gonna clue me in or do I have to guess?" she asked teasingly as they quickly stripped down and got into the steaming water together, grimacing as the liquid stung their wounds.

"I like keeping you in the dark," he said as he reached over to the towel rack and removed a blue washcloth, wetting it and carefully rinsing away the dried blood from her skin.  She winced.

"So you're saying I look better in the dark?" she teased, leaning over to give him a sweet kiss.

"Maybe," he replied, trying very hard not to smile.

Her lip jutted out in a playful pout.  "Not very nice..." Angel grinned and lifted a hand to her chin.

"Look at that lip, all alone and sticking out helplessly.  Can I get it?" he asked, lightly sucking it into his mouth.  She pulled back and looked at him.

"Spike did that to me," she told him when his brow furrowed.  He nodded, then his eyes darkened.

"I can't believe Spike kissed you," he grumbled.  She giggled and wrapped a hand around the back of his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of it.

"He's good, but not as good as you," she said, kissing him again.  Their kisses became more passionate, but Angel stopped them before it went too far.  She whimpered and Angel gave her a reassuring smile, tenderly resuming cleaning her up.

When her wounds were cleaned thoroughly, he washed her hair and piled it up on the top of her head.  No words were needed while he worked, the love with which he treated her wounds made her tingle.  She set to work at cleaning him up as well, then sat with her back to him and his arms wrapped around her, her head tucked perfectly under his chin.

The water was starting to cool when Angel reluctantly hit the stopper and climbed out.  He fought the wave of desire that hit when he wrapped her in a towel, running his pruny fingers up and down her arms.  It had been torture for him to take a bath with her and not make love to her...

The doorbell rang, interrupting his thoughts.  With a quick kiss, he handed her a robe and slipped his on, sliding his boxers on too.  "Who's that?" Buffy asked, towel-drying her hair.  Angel grinned secretly and went to get the door.  Buffy tried to see who was at the door, but all she saw was Angel hand money over to someone and get several plastic bags.  He closed the apartment door and brought the food over to the table, where he had set up a dinner for two.

"Angel, what's going on?" Buffy asked as she came up to the table and wrapped her arms around him.  He smiled down at her and began taking cartons out of the bag.  "You got us Chinese for Valentine's Day?"

"I called in a favor and got take-out from L'Angelique," he told her, opening one of the cartons to reveal a delicious-looking chicken.  She squealed in delight and kissed his shoulder.

"This is perfect. A nice fight to get me all worked up, a bath, and now dinner," she said with a grin.  Angel pulled out the chair for her and she sat eagerly, suddenly starving.  She hadn't eaten all day--not wanting to look fat in her dress--and it was taking its toll.  Her stomach rumbled and Angel gave her a knowing smile.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Buffy," he said softly as they began eating.  She smiled at him.

"I love you," she told him, holding her fork up.  He opened obediently and she fed him.  They spent dinner feeding each other and staring into each other's eyes.  Somehow, Buffy had managed to creep into Angel's lap, and they started sharing sweet kisses as well.

"This really is perfect," Buffy sighed happily, nuzzling Angel's neck.  "The best Valentine's Day ever."

Angel tightened his arms around her tiny waist, his hand massaging her bare thigh.  The robe she wore reached mid-thigh and was starting to distract Angel.  "I'm sorry the evening got ruined," he said, looking into the hazel eyes he loved.

"Everything worked out and eating here instead of at a restaurant is romantic.  I think we would've gotten kicked out for the PDA," she giggled, pressing a kiss to his temple.  Buffy shifted on his lap and ran her fingers through his hair as his hands found purchase on her round hips.

"Want dessert now or later?" he asked, a mischievous gleam in his eye.

"Later," she whispered, her lips centimeters from his.  They met gently, sensuously, Angel tightening his hold on her.  Buffy felt hot, as though her body was on fire with need.  He picked her up and carried her in the direction of the bedroom.  Laying her on the bed, which had been covered in rose petals, he made quick work of their robes and set out to make her forget about the world outside of the room.

"I love you," he whispered, propping himself up on his elbow to look at her.

"I love you too," she replied with a sweet smile.  "Thank you for everything, Angel."

"You're worth it all, my love."


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