
By: Iago

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine.  They belong to Joss and his associates.  I write for the enjoyment and satisfaction.

Author's Notes: This story is written from a child's point-of-view.

2018 A.D.
The sun shined for a whole two hours today and it felt like a holiday . . . or so I imagine that's how they felt.  I went out with the others and we played like we have not in months.  That's when I found the book, it was buried in the ruins of the school . . the city school . . .Sun . .. High, whatever that means.  I hid the book in my travel bag.  None of the others can read anymore, but I know Guardian will know what it is.  She knows a lot about these things.

All the way to the shelters I could feel the book in my bag.  I wanted to pull it out and look at it, but the others might get angry.  Anything that reminds them of the past makes them mad.  Guardian is waiting for me as I approach our home.  She has her blonde hair pulled back like always.  I sometimes think she would be so beautiful if she were not so sad.  Guardian never smiles.  I've never seen her *truly* happy, not since when I was a baby and she took me in.

"What do you have there?" Guardian asks me after securing the door.

I show her what it is and a look I've never seen comes across her face.  It's a face of utter agony and regret.  I think maybe Guardian would have started crying had I not been there.  She is strong, so much stronger than I.  She protects me, comforts me, and when the Hunters are on the prowl, she swears to defend me from them.  She makes me feel not afraid.

"What is this Guardian?" I ask.  I'm curious, too much sometimes for my own good, but I can't help it.

"It's a book, A.J.," she replies to me, "a diary someone must have kept before the Evil One came to power."

Evil One.  Hearing his name makes me scared.  I know Guardian will protect me, but I can't help but shiver at that name.  She looks sad now, and I feel sorry for this.  I wish I were not so curious about things, but I can't help it.

"Please read it to me."

Guardian falters. She doesn't know what to say to me.  She stumbles for a response, but she can't find one.  Eventually she grabs her weapon.  "I've gotta go, A.J., I'll bring you something to eat."  She leaves, reminding me to bolt the door behind her.

I can read. Guardian taught me when I was younger.  I sit with the book.  I wish I was not so curious.  The designs on the cover are beautiful.  I open it. Most of the pages are ruined, but some I can still read.

"Dear Diary,
Buffy came by the house today.  She misses Angel so much.  I wish I could help her, but I can't.  I tell her everything will be okay.  He'll return.  He always has our well-being in mind.  We're going out to the Bronze tonight, hopefully this will cheer her up.  More later."

What is this Bronze?  I've never heard of this place.  Maybe if I read on I will find out.

"Dear Diary,
Buffy met someone tonight.  He is a nice guy, but something about him is strange.  I did not mention this to her, because she is so happy with him.  Who is he?  What kind of name is Iago anyway?  In Othello, he was a villain, but who knows?  Xander isn't much help.  He thought with Angel and Cordelia out of the picture, he could have a chance . . .and now there's someone else.  Anyway, I wish I didn't feel this way about Buffy's friend.  She doesn't sense anything, so all must be fine."

I read on.  Some pages before are still readable.  This Buffy was a hero, a warrior.  She makes the person writing this story feel so protected, like the way Guardian makes me feel.  I hope someday I can grow to be strong like Guardian, like this Buffy girl.  By the way, what is a Vampire Slayer?  Guardian will know, she knows everything.  I continue.

"Dear Diary,
I knew there was something.  Giles found it.  A prophecy of a demon named Iago.  He brings about the end of mankind's reign on Earth.  Buffy is the key.  Where is she?  We cannot find her!  Oh God, please let nothing have happened to her."

I hear Guardian coming. She has food, and I'm starving.  We cook in silence and I can't help but ask.

"Guardian, what is a vampire slayer?"

Her eyes get wide. "Where did you hear of that?"

Her voice frightens me.  Did I do something wrong?  "I read about it in my book."

Guardian takes the book and reads a few of the pages.  Her eyes get watery and she begins to cry.  Why do I do these things?  I'm so sorry.  "Guardian, please don't cry.  I'm sorry."

I got to hug her and she holds me tightly.  I throw the book out.  I won't hurt her again.  She sits there now, her eyes so distant, so full of pain.  Is she remembering when she was little, before the Darkness grew and the Evil One became ruler.  She goes to sleep soon after and despite how I hurt Guardian, I feel compelled to finish the book.  I step outside and flip the book open.

"Dear Diary,
This is my last entry.  It happened . . . Iago has opened the Hellmouth and the Apocalypse is here.  Buffy is crushed, but it wasn't here fault.  She missed Angel so much.  She was so lonely.  It could happen to anyone.  I know this.  God, please forgive her, she's done nothing wrong.  We'll fight, for that's all we can do. We'll fight until the end. . . Buffy . . .it's not your fault."

There's a picture here. It's worn, but I can see the faces.  They are young and happy.  One girl has red hair and beautiful smile.  Next to her is a man.  He looks like me. . . my eyes, my hair, my face. . . how?  Then I see it.  The girl next to him with the blonde hair and happy face.  It is Guardian, a young girl, and so happy.  That is how I've pictured her smile a thousand times.  There are names under the pictures: Willow, Xander, Buffy. . . . My Guardian is . . . .

"Alexander Harris Junior!  Get in here before the Hunters see you!"

Guardian is angry.  She never calls me by my full name.  I kick the book away If this hurts Guardian, I want no part of it.

The door closes and the book joins the trash litering a graveyard once known as Sunnydale.


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