"Well we're dealing with Spike and Dru, so we'll probably need the whole Scooby gang. Any clue to where they maybe?" Buffy asked.
"They left a present at my apartment. I think he was one of the gypsies. He was dead, when I got there. She left a message. 'Come. We have your friends,'" Angel told them.
"So that's why you were late," Buffy commented.
"Yeah, it took me awhile to clean up."
"So that's one less gypsy to save. How many were captured?" Buffy asked Trisn.
"Seven: two mages, Gilt, Beshok, and three warriors."
"That leaves six to rescue and at least one of them will be able to do magic. When we get there you two will have to make sure they know Angel and I are on their side. I don't want them attacking us, while we're trying to save them," Buffy told the gypsies, "If they want us to come, they must be somewhere they think we can find them. Any ideas?"
"We moved hideouts after Giles burned the last one down. I helped pick that one out. They probably moved after I got my soul back, but if they want us to find them that's the first place to look."
"How many entrance? What's the layout like?"
"It's small warehouse. It's got a few private rooms, but mostly there's just one large room. There's two entrances to the large room almost exactly opposite each other. There's also a door off the large room leading into a hall the connects all the private rooms. There's also one entrance directly into one of the private rooms from the outside. The second level is the same as the first, but it was trashed when we moved in. It was never repaired."
"Would they have them in the large room or in one or two of the smaller rooms."
"There are cages in the large room against the wall opposite the private rooms. One of them was made to whole several animals at once and could probably hold all the gypsies. That's where they're most likely to have them."
"Where's the warehouse?"
"South side of town. The old cosmetic factory."
"The one that got closed down for testing on animals?" Willow asked. Angel nodded.
"Why a cosmetic factory?" Buffy asked.
"Hey I heard about that place when they shut down. Some of those testing devices looked more like torture devices. I'd hate see what vampires could do with that stuff, if they got their hands on it," Oz said.
"They were worse than most, probably an effect of the Hellmouth. They didn't even have any windows so they could control the light. Thinking back on it, I'm surprised it got shut down so quickly. Us being on the Hellmouth and all," Willow said.
"What happened?" Buffy asked.
"It was like a mini-crusade, except for animals. A town north of here, found out about the factory that was doing the same thing in their town and they shut it down. They started south and stopped in every town that had a cosmetics factory and either shut it down or praised it for being animal friendly. They shut down about 8 in all," Willow said.
"Sunnydale was the second town they hit. After seeing the horrors that went on there after only being open for two years, they were probably inspired to keep shutting down factories," Oz added.
"When they left, they put all the animals they rescued up for adoption. We adopted a dog that had been in there, but he only lived a year or two," Willow said.
"Was their anything left in the factory when you guys moved in?" Buffy asked Angel.
"A lot of the stuff they used for testing was still there."
"So we better get there fast, before they start trying to use them. Willow, Oz you see if you can find Xander and Cordelia. Get Giles and some supplies and meet us there. If we're not outside, we'll probably already be inside waiting for reinforcements."
"Right," Willow said, as she and Oz went to check the make-out corners of the Bronze.
"I was planning to go hunting on the way home so I've got my supplies, we can come up with a plan on the way there," Buffy said as she led the way to the door.
"Hunting? What can you hunt in Sunnydale?" Jer asked.
"Vampires and demons mostly," Buffy replied.
Jer and Trisn stopped and stared at her. "You hunt vampires?" Trisn asked in astonishment.
"Yeah," Buffy replied, they still stared at her, "Oh right, you guys don't know. Well, I don't have time to explain so let's just say I'm not a vampire, but I can easily kick your ass. Now, lets go." She turned around and walked out the door. Angel smiled and followed her out. Jer and Trisn stood there for a moment longer, wondering just who they were going into battle with, before following them out.