
“How was the graveyard watch?” Angel asked as they walked towards Buffy’s apartment.  It had been months . . . almost a year . . . since Brian died.  Briana was walking now.  Buffy had put most of Brian’s stuff in storage a long time before.  She wanted to move, but she didn’t have enough money to rent anyplace else by herself.  She’d have to figure out something soon though, because, while Brian had payed his rent in advance for another year, that time was almost up and Buffy hadn’t been teaching much anymore.  She’d have to figure out something else to do soon.  Or get a roommate.

Angel had gotten a job at her mother’s gallery of all places.  It seemed he was overqualified.  He knew as much about art as Joyce and whenever they saw each other they got into long, involved conversations on the subject—which invariably put Buffy to sleep.  They’d been . . . dating for the last few months, if you could call it that.  Both were busy—they each took a shift vampire-watching since not all the half-vamps were gone yet (though they were mostly dead, and, with the help of Angel, Willow had been able to cast a spell so that they wouldn’t be conceived anymore).

“It was uneventful, which is always good,” Buffy said, shivering slightly and moving closer to him for warmth.  He always came at the end of her watch, without fail, to walk her home.  They didn’t get much chance to see each other the rest of the time, after all.  “Yours?”

“The same. Willow says to call her tommorrow, she wants to talk,” Angel said.

“I wonder about what?  Thanks for telling me.  Br—Brian always forgot messages,” Buffy said softly, looking away.  Angel was silent for a moment.

“I’m sorry,” he said finally.  Buffy stopped abruptly and shook her head, turning to look at him.

“No.  I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t . . . I need to move on.  You’re here now, not him, and I should start acting like it,” Buffy said firmly.

“It doesn’t matter.  You have as much time as you need.  I don’t want to rush you,” Angel said softly.  Buffy’s eyes flashed suddenly.

“Well I do!  Not want to rush me, that is, but . . . Okay, I know I’m not OVER Brian or anything.  I mean, how can I be over someone I loved?  I never got over you, but I moved on.  And I want to move on.  If you never kiss me though, how can I?  I love you Angel!  Loving Brian never stopped that, and you know it!  Brian dying didn’t stop it either.  I love you and you’re human and now the only thing that stands between us is you being way too understanding!  I want yo—” Buffy never finished her sentence because long before she had the chance Angel was kissing her.  She forgot everything she had wanted to say.  Ever.  She forgot everything in the feel of his mouth again.  She was in another world, another universe, and all she knew was the feel of Angel.

They broke apart finally, but only a few centimeters.

“Something like that?” he asked with a smile.  She grinned.

“Something like that.  Angel, I don’t want to forget Brian, but you’re here, and I love you as much as I loved him.  I loved him as much as I loved you before, that’s why I was with him at all.  Remember, I once told you that when I looked into the future, all I saw was you?” Buffy asked.  Angel nodded.  “Well, I still feel that way.  For a while—ten years—it was different, because I thought you were dead.  And while Brian was here, I didn’t know what to do.  But he’s gone, and I’m sad.  I loved him.  And you’re still here and there is a future.  There’s you and me, and now you’re human.  Do you know what I’m trying to say?”

“Yes,” Angel said.  “I know what you mean.  I love you too, and I just didn’t want to push you.  But I am human and now it doesn’t matter that you’re the Slayer.  I always knew you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen—I thought it was impossible for anyone to be more incredible.  But then I saw you in the sunlight and I realized I was wrong.”  Buffy kissed him again, and kissed him until she needed air.

“Angel, now that you’re human, there’s nothing that can change that right?  No curse or anything?” Buffy asked anxiously.  He shook his head.

“I had a witch check.  There’s no magic on me at all.  I’m just human.  Nothing can change that, except a vampire.  And that’s not going to happen.  Why?” Angel asked, a smile coming to his lips as he realized why she was asking.  She cast a look at him through her lashes.

“Well, I was just wondering ‘cause I wouldn’t be adverse to a moment or two of complete and utter happiness,” Buffy said smiling and glancing at him alluringly.  Angel laughed suddenly and swept her up into his arms, kissing her soundly.

“Neither would I, my love.  Neither would I!”  You can imagine how long it took them to get to Buffy’s apartment.  And what happened once they were there.  Which had nothing to do with losing a soul, but quite a lot to do with healing two.


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