Part 5

Buffy sighed heavily and shifted uncomfortably on her feet.  She refused to meet his gaze, her mind throwing image after image of her dreams at her.  When she finally did look at him, she had nothing to say.  Sensing this, he made it a bit easier for her.

"I thought we had agreed no stalking.  No seeing each other, actually...  We were supposed to stay away," he whispered, swallowing.  He stood suddenly and closed the distance between them slowly.

"I didn't think you would be here," Buffy said.  "Cordelia said--"

"I wasn't talking about that, Buffy," Angel told her.  He looked down at his hands awkwardly, struggling for the right words.  "I meant two nights ago."

"I was patrolling," she stated, raising her eyes to his.

"You were there.  When I was fighting, you were there," Angel said.  It wasn't a question.  Buffy nodded hesitantly.

"How did you--"

"I felt you."

The bond they shared.  She should have guessed that if she could feel him, he could certainly feel her nearby as well...  Feeling claustrophobic, Buffy stepped back and turned away from him, glancing around the office desperately.  Cordelia was fiddling around in Angel's office, moving things around in an attempt to not look like she was eavesdropping.

"Why didn't you say anything?  Come and see me or at least call--" Angel started as Buffy moved to cut him off.

"Oh please," she scoffed.  "The same reason you didn't tell me you were in Sunnydale when you were.  It's too hard."

Angel was silent, staring at the woman he loved more than anything in the whole world.  Her back was to him, allowing him to stare at her without worrying about making her uncomfortable.  His eyes bore into her, watching the way her breath seemed to catch every time she took one, the rigid way she stood that betrayed her uneasiness.  The memories had come rushing back, all of them in a tumult of emotions, in the instant he had heard her joyous laughing down the hall.

"This is too weird for me," Buffy said suddenly, picking up her purse quickly.  "I'm just gonna go, tell Cordelia I'll call her later."

"No, don't go," Angel said, stepping into her escape route.  "We"  At her incredulous look, he said hastily, "or something."

"Angel," Buffy sighed.  "We both know that if I stay, things will get even *more* awkward then they already are.  I'm gonna go and spare us both all this...pain."  The last word was whispered, and accompanied with unexpected tears.  Without another word, she brushed past Angel and ran towards the door.

"Buffy!  Wait!" he called after her, his hand reaching out to her, beseeching her silently...  She paused at the door hesitantly, but when she looked back and saw him looking so needy and loving an ancient memory fluttered through the haze of her mind, of Angel reaching out to her, begging her to save him from the pits of Hell...

He seemed to realize it as well and dropped his hand to his side.  With a final pained look, Buffy took off down the hall, her platforms slapping noisily on the tile floor.

Angel was alone in the middle of the room, abandoned by Buffy once more.

Cordelia's shout of pain snapped him out of the daze he had fallen into and he strided into his office to find his assistant doubled over his desk in obvious pain.  She yelped again and brought her hands up to her head, trying to claw the pain away.  Angel gently took her into his arms, reaching for the aspirin that sat on his desk.

Cordelia groaned as the vision took shape, a swirl of bright colors and flashing lights.  She always hated the visions, they made her mind seem as though it was not hers anymore.  A thousand different images flashed through her mind, pictures of people, of nature, of the universe at large...all at the speed of light, and Cordelia felt as though she was falling, trapped in her own mind.  And through the chaos and the flashes of light, a figure appeared, an otherworldly figure, made of air and Earth, and spoke to her.

"It is time.  Bring Angel and his Slayer to us."

The vision ended abruptly and Cordelia gasped, trying to pull air into her burning lungs.  Her head ached and she felt as though her brain was becoming too small for the space it was confounded to.  Squeezing her eyes shut in a vain attempt to ease the pain, it took her a minute to open them again.

Angel's worried gaze met her pain-filled one.  Wordlessly he handed her the aspirin and a glass of water and she gulped them down with a nod of thanks.  Shaking her head slightly, she turned to Angel.

"Get Buffy.  You two have a date with the Oracles."

Angel was speechless.


When Buffy had finally finished crying, she sat on her couch stone-faced.  She was quiet and pensive, reflecting on the events that had just transpired.  He had been so close, and her vivid dreams had taunted her, teased her...making her want to reach out and touch him so badly that she thought she would go insane with need.  Angel had felt it too, she knew, although he didn't know about her dreams.  It couldn't have been as bad for him...which was good, because he had suffered enough.  She hated to think that he was in more pain.

Buffy sighed as she stood up and went to the kitchen, rummaging around for something that would make her feel better, preferably chocolate or ice cream.  Finding nothing, she pouted as she went back into the living room.

The screech of tires outside caught her attention and she flew to the window to see what was going on.

A black car pulled into her father's driveway, windows tinted so she couldn't see who was in the vehicle.  The engine was cut as Cordelia jumped out and she strided up the walkway and to the door, getting ready to knock as Buffy flung it open.

"What's going on?" Buffy asked, eying the car warily.  Cordelia grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her out the door.

"You've been summoned."

"What?" she asked as she hurriedly locked the door and raced to keep up with Cordelia.  "Cordy, what are you talking about?"

She didn't answer, only hopped into the car and started the engine again.  Buffy ran around and jumped into the passenger's side, barely buckling her seatbelt before Cordelia threw the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway.  She took a deep breath and turned to ask Cordelia where they were going when she caught sight of Angel in the backseat.

"What's going on?" she demanded, looking quickly between the two.  Angel was hunched over in the backseat, trying to keep his cool.  She smelled so good, and she was right in front of him after so long...  He looked up at her then, and his gaze quieted her.  She would get her answers, of that he promised.

He just wished he knew what the hell was going on as well.


"Here," Cordelia said, shoving a shopping bag into Buffy's hands as the Slayer looked around dubiously at the underground cavern.  "Your offering."

Buffy peaked in the bag.  "Cordy, what are they gonna do with a Gucci handbag?" she asked before looking around again.  When Cordelia didn't answer, she tried small talk with Angel.  "What gets me is that this is all under the post office.  You'd think they wouldn't be so disgruntled or whatever..."

Angel flashed her his famous lopsided grin and she found herself returning it.  He knew how to make her feel comfortable even in the creepiest situations, he made her feel safe.  He made her feel loved.

"Okay, you guys ready?" Cordelia asked as she lit a match.  "Guess we'll see if you two have pure souls..."

With a flash of light, Buffy and Angel were hurtled into the portal, leaving Cordelia alone as the flame was extinguished.  They were slammed through time and space and deposited unceremoniously on cool marble, limbs tangled helplessly.  Buffy blinked and quickly looked around, taking in the environment around her before realizing that Angel's hard body was pressed tightly against her soft one.  She looked up to see him staring down at her, his lips a hairsbreadth away.  She remembered suddenly, they had been like this before and nothing had happened...

But this time she allowed something to.  She brushed her lips ever so slightly against Angel's, shuddering at the pleasure of the mere kiss.  She caressed his lips with her own softly...gently...oh so gently.  The kiss did not deepen, only stayed soft and feather-light for a few moments' time.

Reluctantly, Buffy pulled away from him, feeling the presence of something much more powerful than herself coming to stand before her.  She quickly pushed Angel off of her and stood, helping him up in the process.

Buffy Summers came face to face with the Oracles, some of the most powerful beings ever created.  She stood with her mouth open in awe as Angel unconsciously slipped an arm around her shoulders and stood side by side with his soulmate, waiting for the Oracles to speak.

"What have you brought us?" the female asked, her gaze sweeping over the two.  Ah, yes, they were powerful indeed.  And so in love that they were nearly blind...

"Why should we bring anything?  You summoned us," Buffy said tartly.  Angel squeezed her shoulders, indicating she should give them the bag. Reluctantly, Buffy held it out and an unfelt wind took it from her, depositing it into the female Oracle's hands.  She peaked inside and gasped with delight.

"Gucci.  My favorite," she squealed.  Buffy raised her eyebrows at her.  "Just because I'm all-powerful doesn't mean I don't like designer."

Buffy smiled.  "Are you gonna tell us why we're here or are we gonna sit around discussing the spring line?" she asked, her arm creeping around Angel's waist.  She was scared and he was her lifeline.  He would keep her safe, and she knew it.

"You see?" the Oracle said to her other half as she slowly approached the couple, gazing at them in wonder.  "I told you they were meant for each other.  Can you not see how perfect they are?" She circled, slowly, like a vulture circles her prey.  But the act was not malicious, merely observant.

He gazed at them dispassionately, not wanting to admit that she was right.  Standing before him, light and dark, fair and chiseled, soft and hard, Slayer and vampire matched each other in every way.  They seemed relaxed by the simplest word, the softest touch.  He had witnessed their kiss before and could tell that they were soulmates in every sense of the word instantly.

He also knew that if they did not intervene, both vampire and Slayer would die.

The Powers could not afford to lose these two Warriors.

"You see it, I know you do," she purred, coming to stand behind Buffy and Angel.  Reaching a hand up, the Oracle caressed their cheeks as she continued speaking.  "You see the love, the bond between these two.  We must see to it that The Powers do as well."

Angel turned to look over his shoulder at the Oracle as he spoke.  "Why have you brought us here?" he asked, tightening his hold on Buffy, never wanting to let her go.

"She remembers," the female Oracle said, waving a hand in Buffy's direction as she stepped around them and, her eyes glues on the two, walked back to her brother.  If Angel hadn't been pale before, his face would have been as white as a sheet.  Glancing down at her, he saw realization dawn on his beloved's face.

"That was real?  Those dreams...they really happened?" Buffy whispered, catching Angel's glance with her own.  "You were human?"

Her voice was so soft and heartbroken that Angel felt tears spring to his eyes.  Wordlessly he nodded, watching as a single tear slipped from her eyelid, sliding down the curve of her cheek.

" all happened?  We made love?" Angel nodded again.  "You gave it all up for me?"

"I had to," Angel whispered.  "I couldn't bear to see you die..."  At his words, uttered so softly, Buffy finally allowed herself to break down.  She leaned heavily into his chest, her face covered with her hands as she wept for what she had lost.

She was whispering incoherently, nonsense words that somehow Angel understood.  "It happened...oh God, you were human--and I was there...and we were together..."  Angel gathered her in his arms, crushing her to his chest in a futile effort to make all the pain go away.  He ran a hand through her soft hair, nuzzling her neck in comfort as he whispered sweet nothings to her, silent tears in his own eyes.

Angel looked up to see the Oracles whispering furiously to one another.  He should have been able to hear them--a perk to being a vampire--but it was as if they weren't speaking at all.  Buffy sniffled and pulled away slightly, gazing up at him with her bright, tear-filled eyes.

"Yes, it happened," he murmured, answering the question in her eyes as he brushed his lips across her forehead.

"Why didn't you tell me? let me walk away," she said softly, her tone not angry, only inquisitive.

He gave her a look.  "Would you have believed me if I had?" She faltered, looking away briefly.

"Okay, one point for the vampire," she joked, wiping the tears from her eyes before surprising Angel and wrapping her arms around his waist, hugging him to her.  He was startled for a moment but reacted involuntarily, pulling her up against him.  Buffy sighed, trembling against him as she breathed in deeply and inhaled his sharp scent.  Angel kissed the top of her head lovingly, reveling in the feel of her in his arms again.

"You two can touch each other all you want when you leave," the male Oracle said in disgust as he turned to his other half.  "You see, this is why I hate human romance.  It's so...clingy."

"Hush," the other scolded, her eyes shining with excitement.  "They are experiencing something rare and beautiful.  Be thankful you are here to witness it."

Buffy and Angel pulled apart reluctantly and turned to face the pair, arms still around each other.  "So I'm guessing this isn't a social call..." Buffy said, shifting her weight to her other foot.  The Oracle folded her hands over her heart.

"No, my pretty Slayer, it is not.  You see, we feel that you two are being treated unfairly."  At this point, the male Oracle tried to protest but was silenced with a hand gesture.  "You two have so much pain...and you know you cannot be together, yet you love one another all the more.  It is really quite fascinating...and sad."

She moved over to them, carried through the air effortlessly by something other than her feet.  Smiling up at them, she raised a hand to cover both their hearts.  "Ahh, yes...I feel how broken they are.  This is the very thing we set out to rectify..."

"That's really sweet and all, but what are you talking about?" Buffy asked, looking up at Angel before returning her gaze to the Oracle.

The female didn't answer, only turned swiftly and floated in the opposite direction.

"What's with all the floating?" Buffy asked Angel in a hushed voice.  He shrugged and squeezed her shoulders.

"Last time they walked...must be some Oracle power or something," he mused.  The male Oracle cleared his throat and glared at them.

"What she means is that we wish to prove to The Powers that you two need each other," he said.  Buffy and Angel looked at one another.

"Uh...okay.  A question--why would The Powers or whatever *care*?" Buffy asked.

"Ah, young one, you have not yet learned when to keep your peace," he scolded gently.  "But you ask for the truth to be spoken, and so shall it be."

"We have come up with a way to show them that you two work better together than apart," the female interjected.  Buffy and Angel looked at her.

"And that would be...?" Buffy asked, still unsure of what they meant.

"Simply put--we are granting Angel his humanity once more."

Buffy felt the breath escape her in a gasp as her knees buckled.  Had she not been holding onto Angel, she would have crumpled to the floor.  She stared at the Oracles with wide eyes, a small smile spreading on her lips as the news sunk in.  Turning her gaze on Angel, she saw that he too was in shock.  She leaned up against him heavily, afraid she would fall over if he was not there to support her.

"Angel..." she whispered dreamily, trailing off softly.

"Human?" he croaked, licking dry lips.  The female Oracle nodded happily.

"With your supernatural strength.  But there is a price," she warned, watching the smile slip from the Slayer's lips.  "You have to prove to The Powers that you truly are better off with him by your side, fighting with you.  If you can do that, I cannot see them having any problems with making it permanent."

"How much time do we have?" Angel asked, his voice strained.  Buffy squeezed his waist in reassurance, her heart singing at the thought of her wildest dreams coming true.

"Two days," she replied. "Are you up for the challenge?"

Angel glanced down at Buffy, who's eyes were shining like those of a child's on Christmas morning.  She was crying silently, tears of joy streaming down her face in proud rivers.  He felt the overwhelming urge to kiss her then and there, but the Oracles were waiting.

Looking up at them, he nodded.


With a sweep of her hand, it was done.

Angel's heartbeat resonated through the great hall, a steady beat that matched Buffy's perfectly.

Part 6
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