Going Home

By: A. Price

Disclaimer: I don't own them - Joss Whedon does.

The phone rang, once, twice, three times, Buffy reached over her husbands sleeping form to answer it.  "Hello" she answered sleepily into the reciever.

"Buffy, so sorry to wake you."  A familiar voice came over the line, sitting up in the bed, she asked "Giles?"

"Umm, yes, it's me.  I, um, we, the council needs your help." He told her nervously.

"What's wrong?  The new slayer, she's not..." She asked wide awake now.

"Goodness, no, Kayla is fine.  We are having your normal hellmouth problems times three and we need some extra slayer power." He explained, then hesitantly he added "You will help? Kayla is much too inexperienced to tackle this alone." He hated to guilt Buffy, but he desperately needed her help.

"Of course, I'll help.  Thank goodness it's summer time, so I don't have to worry about my job, great thing about teaching, summers off.  I'll talk to Kyle and see if he can come too."

"Wonderful, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Giles frowned slightly as he hung up the phone.


Giles turned to the dark man sitting on his couch.  "She's coming." He said with a sigh.

"I knew she would." Angel said with a pained smile.

"You should have let me tell her the whole story.  I hate keeping things from her.  Even if she's not the active slayer anymore, I love her like a daughter." Giles said tersely as he went to heat the kettle.  It was going to be a long night.

Angel entered the kitchen sighing heavily.  "Giles, Buffy is a happily married woman now, she's not the Slayer, she has a life now, a good one, and as much as I hate to admit it, I like Kyle, he's perfect for her, well balanced, grounded guy.  So, telling her that her ex vampire lover is dying is not going to bode well.  I have to help Kayla with this vampire explosion, because we both know I won't be around forever...now, thanks to a dose of poison in my bagged blood, having 250 years worth of enemies can be a real bitch, I...we need Buffy's help, and she needs to concentrate on helping Kayla, not worrying about me." Angel finished and sat down at the dining table, taking the cup that Giles offered him.

"Angel, I can't tell you how sorry I am about this situation." Giles told him as he patted his shoulder and sat down across from him.  Looking over the steam rising from his cup he spoke "Let's plan our strategy."


Buffy finished dressing as she heard Kyle getting out of the shower.  He toweled his hair dry and met her for a kiss.  "Good morning" She whispered between kisses.  "Kyle, I need to talk to you.  I've got to go to Sunnydale, Giles and Kayla need me.  Do you think you can go with me?" She asked biting her bottom lip, hoping this wasn't going to upset his too badly.

He looked at her worriedly.  Kyle knew a portion of her Slayer history and it made him uncomfortable, he loved her far too much to think about the dangerous life she had led before him.  At 28 years old, Kyle knew what he wanted in life, to be with one Buffy Anne Summers Weldon as long as possible, and her old life resurging scared him.  He thought for a moment then swallowed his fear, "Sure, I'll come with you.  I'm not teaching summer classes this year, so we have all kinds of time.  How dangerous is this going to be?"

"Giles says hellmouth activity has tripled, I guess he, Angel and Kayla need some help." She answered him lightly.

"So how dangerous is this?"

"I'm sure it will be under control in no time." She smiled and patted his shoulder, then went to get the suitcases from the closet.  <I hope it will be anyway>

Kyle made the call and went to help Buffy pack.  They didn't go to Sunnydale alot, although Buffy still had close ties there.  Her mother had moved back to LA after Buffy was retired as the slayer.  The council had retired her four years ago at 23, she had served for many more years then any other slayer - seven years.  Of course there was a stipulation, they could ask for her help if ever needed.  She had agreed, moved to LA, where she found a teaching job, she had met Kyle soon there after.  After much persuasion and help from Keats and Byron, the literature teacher had persuaded her to go out.  He could tell she had been hurt in the past, but felt she was worth the effort, he knew he had made the right call now as he watched her packing.  Three years of marriage and he still felt like a newleywed.

Buffy smiled as Kyle packed beside her, his longish brown hair formed soft ringlets at the nape of his neck.  Bright blue eyes smiled back at her. She smiled to herself, wondering how she had gotten so lucky.  She remembered all too well, a time when luck was not with her on the romantic front.  She pushed away memories of Angel, knowing she would be seeing him soon, he had made it his goal in life to help the Slayer, whoever she may be.  This must be bigger then what Giles was telling, if he and Angel couldn't handle it.  She could wait just a little bit long to confirm her secret and give Kyle the news.

"All ready to go?" He asked interrupting her thoughts.

"Um, yeah, but I've got to call Giles."

"I'll put the bags in the car, you call."

Giles answered the phone on the first ring.  "Buffy, so glad to hear from you. You'll be here in a few hours, good, we'll meet at my place.  Thank you, Buffy."

He hung up the phone and picked it up to dial Angels number, then Willow's.


Willow Rosenberg sat down by Oz on the couch, their children played in the livingroom floor.  She had kept her maiden name, and was now Dr. Rosenberg, she and Oz had married while still in college, they had two children, Kelsey age four and Ian age two.  "Who was on the phone?" He asked her smiling at the children playing with the brightly colored waffle blocks that were all over the floor.

"Giles, Buffy and Kyle are coming in just a few hours.  We're meeting over at his place at Sunset.  Can you keep the kids?"

"Of course, are you going to tell Buffy about the poison, about Angel?"

"I swore to Angel that I wouldn't.  I'm still hoping to find an antidote, but I realize time is running out.  He gets weaker every day, but I must abide by his wishes.  Patient confidentiality."

"Willow, I try not interfere with your decisions, but sometimes don't you think that confidentiality should be forgotten, this is your best friend."

"Oz, Angel is my friend too." She said sadly as she moved closer to him, he put a gentle arm around her and kissed her hair.


Buffy and Kyle got settled into a hotel quickly, Giles had offered them a place to stay, but she felt Kyle would be more comfortable at a hotel.  He knew and liked her friends but had not really spent a lot of time with them.  They had all been at the wedding of course, and they had spent weekends here over the last couple of years.  He thought Willow and Oz were wonderful, Xander and his wife Megan were very nice, but they wouldn't be here, he had been transferred to Texas.  Cordelia was in LA with them, they saw her irregularly she was always busy.  Giles was a great guy, more like Buffy's father then her actual father.  And Angel was...he was a source of apprehension, Kyle knew that he had been involved with Buffy and there had been a bad breakup, but he got the feeling that Angel still loved wife.  Although he was never anything less then a gentleman when they were together, Kyle was weary of him, but he admitted he did admire him for helping Giles and Kayla.

"Let's go, it's almost sunset." Buffy told Kyle as she pulled on a light sweater and went to the door.  "Willow wants us to come for dinner after we meet. Okay? I talked to her earlier.  She's got rounds in the morning at the hospital, but then she's off for a couple of days."

"Sure, I like Willow.  It will be nice to see her and Oz, too." He agreed happily.  They locked the motel room and drove to Giles, they of course had to drive by the house on Revello Drive. It held so many memories, good and bad for her.  Buffy looked up at the window of what had been her room, she smiled at some forgotten memory, Angel on her bed holding Mr. Gordo, she, Willow and Xander watching the indian channel on cable.  She looked at the wonderful man next to her, she loved him, it was funny she thought she would never love again after Angel, and along comes this funny, sensitive, poetry spouting man who had more patience then she deserved.  And he loved her, she knew it, she could sense it in his every look and caress.  She sighed happily and leaned up against him as they pulled up to Giles apartment, he looked down at her and smiled as he placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.  He opened the car door for her and they made their way to the door.

Giles was waiting eagerly.  He shook Kyle's hand and gave Buffy a huge hug. She smiled as she saw Willow sitting on the couch next to Angel and Kayla.  Willow was up in a second, she hugged Buffy tightly, smiling she pulled Kyle into the embrace.  They said their hello's and then it was Angel's turn he stood up slowly.  Buffy could have sworn he looked tired, worn.  <I guess it's all the extra work lately> She smiled up at him and leaned into his hug, he held her briefly then let go.  "Hello, Kyle." he said warmly and extended his hand.

Kyle accepted the handshake and spoke just as warmly "Nice to see you, Angel" <That went smoothly>

The new Slayer was Kayla, a charming red head of 17, she was just as fiery as Buffy had been.  She had been the slayer for a year.  She had been the second Slayer called since Buffy's retirement. She stood up and Buffy gave her a hug, "How's the slaying?" She asked in a teasing voice.

"It's been tedious lately.  All work and no play" she sighed and Giles rolled his eyes heavenward.  Angel let out a small chuckle as he ran a hand over the slayers head.  Buffy could tell he cared for, not like he had cared for Buffy, but in a brotherly fashion.

"Well, hopefully I can help." Buffy said cheerfully as she sat next to Kyle.  She put her hand over his and clasped it tightly. Angel noticed the small intimacy and winced inside.  <Kyle's a good guy, Buffy's happy that's what counts.  He can give everything I couldn't>

Giles brought in tea for everyone, except Kayla.  We should probably start patroling tomorrow night.  The activity has greatly increased, and there are several fledgings being made, as if they were trying to gather in numbers for some reason.  If we can get these extras under control then maybe you can get back to LA, Buffy.

"Why don't we start tonight?  Why put it off?" She asked curiously.

"Oh, I assumed you would be too tired tonight.  But if you want to start right away it would be wonderful.  Willow is of course doing research and Kayla and I will hit one side of town, if you and Angel can do the other side."

Kyle looked around uncomfortably, he wasn't sure where he fit in here.  Willow smiled at him, "You can research with me, Kyle, I need the extra eyes, since Oz is with the kids." Buffy smiled a thankful smile at her friend.  Willow nodded back.

Kyle looked down at Buffy.  "Is that what you want me to do?  Help Willow?" He asked her softly.

"I think it would be best, maybe tomorrow night I can show you the joys of slaying up close and personal"  She winked at him as he grasped her hand more tightly, whispering "Be careful"

Giles brought out a bag of supplies for Buffy.  She and Angel decided to go by the High School and take that side of town.  Willow gathered up her paperwork and got the key to the library, "Come on, Kyle.  We'll go as far as the high school with Buffy and Angel."

Kyle looked a little unsure.  Buffy just smiled at him reassuringly and took his hand.   "We'll drive to the high school and then Angel and I will walk from there."

Willow looked at Angel "Come on, Angel.  You can ride with me."  He followed her to her car.  Buffy waved her thanks at Willow once again, thankful for her insightful friend.

Buffy and Kyle got into the car.  He was quiet as he started the engine.  Buffy picked up quickly on his insecurity.  "Kyle, are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just that you take to this patrolling as if it's completely natural.  Until I met you, Buffy, I didn't think that all of those things that go bump in the night actually existed.  It will just take me a little while to adjust, and you going off with Angel isn't exactly my favorite scenario!" He tried to joke, but she could see that he was serious.

"I'm going to patrol with Angel, walk around, stake vampires, probably visit the sewers.  I'm going back to the hotel room with *you*, I'm going to shower and crawl into bed with *you.*"  She stated matter of factly, then her soft lips found his, trying to reassure him that it him that she loved.  He held her close for a moment.

"Okay, but you do promise you'll shower after being in the sewers, right?"

She punched him lightly on the arm.  "Okay, former Slayer of Vampires, which way to the school?"


"I don't think he likes me much" Angel told Willow on the drive over.

"I don't think he knows you, Angel.  And anyway, he has reason to be leery of you, your his wifes first love.  Kyle's a good guy.  I think you know that." Willow said with a smile.  Then on a serious note she asked "How are you feeling?"

"I'm dying, Dr. Rosenberg, your diagnosis.  How should I feel?" He told her his voice barely containing his bitterness.

"Angel, I...I wish it could be different." Willow said softly near tears for her friend.  "I think you should tell Buffy."

"NO!  I mean it Willow, you tell her and I will run so far away, no one will ever find me, I'll just be a pile of dust somewhere when the time comes."

"Okay, okay, calm down." Willow said as she pulled into the schools parking lot.

Buffy and Kyle pulled into the school parking lot moments after Willow and Angel arrived.  After giving Buffy a hug and wishing her luck, Kyle somewhat reluctantly followed Willow into the library.  Angel and Buffy started out on patrol.  "Restfield Cemetary first?" Buffy asked as they headed down the street.

"Yeah, it's the closest.  Hope Willow and Kyle can find some clue for all this extra activity." He answered.  He glanced sideways at her, smiling at her natural grace and beauty, she was still beautiful.

They had not been in the cemetary for very long when they heard a clatter inside the mausoleum.  Angel motioned for Buffy to follow him in, they burst in on three vamps, trying to break into a casket.  Angel took the largest and Buffy easily went into action, quickly disposing of the other two, she looked around to find Angel sitting down on the floor.  "Are you okay, Angel?  You look wiped out." She asked as she helped him up, her voice full of compassion.

"I'm fine, just tired, been patrolling hard now, for a couple of weeks." He explained briskly.

"You should have called me earlier."

"I...we didn't want to bother you."

"It's not a bother if you need me."

"Well, face it, Buffy.  You have a life off the hellmouth now.  I hate dragging you back here into it.  I don't think your husband likes it either.  And I don't blame him, I wouldn't want my wife off slaying demons either."

"Kyle understands.  He knows I have to do this."

"He is a good guy, Buffy.  I don't know him well, but I can tell." Angel said hoarsely.  "Lets look in this casket, they obviously were interested in it's contents."

Buffy helped him push the heavy lid open.  "Ah, theres a book in here."  Buffy removed the dust covered book, smiling at Angel.  "Maybe, Giles will know what this is."

They took one more look around the crypt then headed back to the library with the book.


Kyle looked at the large stack of books that Willow had placed on the table. It was kind of overwhelming.  He reached for a book and started looking through it, not sure what he was looking for.  He looked around the library, <so this is where Buffy spent so much time> "Willow, what was it like then?  When Buffy was the slayer?"

"It was scary, and exciting and sad and wonderful all at the same time.  We were the slayerettes to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  At first, it was just Xander and me, and of course back then Angel just came and gave a cryptic remark or too and left.  Then Cordelia joined the group and Angel became more active after Buffy killed the Master.  He and Buffy were more open about..." Willow's voice trailed, she didn't know how much Kyle knew about Buffy and Angel.

"More open about their relationship?" Kyle offered.

"Uh huh."

"Willow, I know they were in love and that it ended badly."

"That, it did" Willow agreed with a nod.

"Willow, I also know that she loves me, now.  I may feel some anxiety over Angel, but I know that Buffy loves me.  I am secure in that," He told her reassuringly.  "Now what am I looking for in these books, this one seems to be about beets."

"I've read that one, several times." Willow laughed softly. "You are so right, Kyle.  Buffy does love you.  And I for one am glad she found someone who cares so much for her."

"It's an easy job." He said softly as she returned to the book.


Buffy and Angel got back to the library with no problems.  Buffy smiled when she saw Kyle.  Angel noticed that her face lit up when she looked at her husband, for some reason that made him happy.

"Learning anything?" Buffy asked as she gave Kyle a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Lots about beets."

"Oh, we've read that one." Angel and Buffy said together and laughed.

"Did you find anything?" Willow asked from the stacks.

"A book, maybe you can figure it out." Angel told her as she appeared at the table.  He handed her the dusty book.

"I'll take it home, I've got to get to the hospital early tomorrow.  Do you want a ride home, Angel?" She was worried about him.

"Sure, I guess we'll see you tomorrow night?" He asked Buffy and Kyle as he followed Willow to the door.

"Yeah, we'll be here. Willow, I may come see you in action at the hospital tomorrow, ok?" Buffy asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice.  Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Buffy and Kyle said in unison.

"Let's get something quick to eat and get to the hotel." Buffy told Kyle as he got up from the table.

Kyle got them both burgers and fries and they drove back to their room.  As he unlocked the door he noticed how tired she looked.  "Are you okay?"

He asked concern in his voice.

"Yes, I'm fine, I just haven't done this for awhile.  It's almost as exhausting as trying to teach 15 year olds to appreciate art." She joked.

Once in the room, Kyle went to the bathroom and started a hot bath for her.  Adding plenty of bubbles, he called her in.  "Come get in before the water gets cold."

Buffy undressed and slid into the relaxing water.  "You're too good too me" She said as she closed her eyes and leaned back.

After a nice soak in the tub, he handed her a towel and her robe.  He went to turn the bed down and waited for her. She crawled in next to him and curled up close.  His arm went around her and she was soon peacefully sleeping.


The next morning Buffy woke early.  She untangled herself from Kyles warm embrace and got dressed quickly.  He stirred and looked up at her.  "I'm going to the hospital to see Willow.  Okay?  I won't be long.  Stay in bed awhile!"

Buffy found Willow's small office on the lower floor of the hospital.  She helped run a clinic there.  "Dr. Rosenberg?" She asked as she entered the room.  Willow looked up from a chart and smiled.  "Buffy."

"So this is where you work.  It's nice, I'm so proud of you, Will.  I need to ask a professional favor." Buffy said softly.

"What do you need? Are you okay?" Willow asked concerned.

"I'm about six weeks late, and I think I might be..."

"Pregnant!" Willow finished the sentence for her.

"Um...yeah." Buffy smiled a nervous smile, "Do I need to pee in a cup?"

"No, we'll draw some blood, if it's positive we'll do a quantative, so we can tell how far along you are."

"I'm not fond of needles, Will.  Can't I just do the pee thing?" Buffy asked unsurely.

"It won't hurt a bit and we can measure the amount of HCG in your serum if we do a blood test.  Urine will say yea or nay, blood can give me a quantity of HCG so I can give you dates.  When you get pregnant your body releases human chorionic gonadtropin, and it increases so much at a time, so we can measure the amount and give you an approximate value of how far along you are." Willow explained.

Buffy shook her head "Whatever you say, your the Doctor."

Willow took her to the exam room, where she drew two tubes of blood.  "Why two tubes?" Buffy asked her suspiciously.

"One for the pregnancy test and the other for a routing CBC, just to check on anemia."

"How long is this going to take?" Buffy was impatient as ever.

"I'm taking the blood to the lab now, this tube has to clot and then be spun down, then the pregnancy test takes about 5 minutes, if it's positive, the quantatative will take about 20 mins.  The CBC will be done in about 5 minutes.  I'll be right back."

Buffy looked at the pictures of Willow's children that sat on her desk.  Willow had looked so cute pregnant.  And she was a great mom.  Buffy bit her bottom lip, she hoped she would be a good mom, she knew Kyle would make a great Dad.

Willow came back with reports in her hand and a huge smile on her face.  "Congratulations!  You are going to be a mommy!"

"I am?" Buffy said excitedly.

"Yes you are, and we'll know when in another few minutes.  Does Kyle know you suspected anything?"

"No, I didn't mention it to him.  And I'm not going to until we get this vamp business taken care of.  He won't let me stay, if he knows." Buffy told her with a sigh.

"Buffy, are you sure?  I mean he loves you as much as Ang... I can tell he loves you alot, he's gonna be so happy!"

The phone rang, Willow picked it up "Yes, thank you." She hung up the phone.  "Mrs. Weldon, you are approximately 8 weeks pregnant.  Let's do an ultrasound!" Willow said excitedly.

"Relax, Buffy." Willow instructed her friend.

"Willow, you made me drink three glasses of water.  It's hard to relax, when you feel like you are going to pop." Buffy complained good naturedly.

"You had to fill your bladder so it would raise the womb and I can get a better look. Cold and wet" Willow told her as she put the jelly on her tummy, as she moved the wand around she showed Buffy her baby on the screen, "See the little hand and thats the heartbeat."

Buffy stared at the screen in awe.  That baby was inside of her.  Kyle was going to be ecstatic!  <When I'm able to tell him, he will be ecstatic.>

Willow helped Buffy down off the table. She got dressed and hugged Willow whispering in her ear "Thanks".  Willow handed her the black and white photo from the ultrasound, "Don't forget this, the baby's first picture.  And remember dinner at my place tonight, 6pm."

Buffy nodded and headed back to the hotel.  Kyle was in the shower, she let herself in and debated with herself to tell or not to tell.  He came out smiling at her, he put on his clothes, "Want to get some breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'm really hungry, let's go to the restaurant in the lobby." He took her hand and led her out.


The phone rang in the hotel room rang as they tried to leave.  "Buffy" Giles voice came over the line, I got the book from Willow that you and Angel found.  I thinkI know what's going on we can all meet at the library about 8 if that's okay with you" Buffy agreed and hung up the phone.  She and Kyle went to the restaurant, Buffy ordered a huge breakfast, Kyle laughed as he watched her eat.  They went downtown to her Mom's former gallery and Buffy showed him all of her hangouts.

They went back to the motel and Buffy took a nap.  Kyle watched her sleeping and once again thanked God for his luck in his finding her.  He stroked her hair and watched some tv.  When Buffy awoke it was time to go to Willow's and then another patrol with Angel.

Buffy and Kyle arrived at Willow's in time to find Oz setting the table and the two children running around the livingroom.  Buffy watched them play and subconciously put her hand to her tummy.  She smiled as Kelsey showed her the picture she had colored and Ian smiled a sticky smile at her, he had found a sucker and Willow had just taken it from him.

When everyone was corraled to the dining room they sat down to eat.  They all enjoyed each others company and Kyle felt comfortable with Willow and Oz and he decided the kids were great.  "They must be a real adventure?" He asked Willow .

"They are, but worth every minute." She replied smiling at Ian as he fell asleep in his dinner.

Buffy and Willow cleared the table, while Oz and Kyle cleaned up the kids.  Soon it was time for them to meet Giles and Angel.  They said their goodbyes, Willow said to call if they needed her.  Kyle pulled up to the library and sat for a minute.  "What's wrong?" Buffy asked.

"Nothing, it's just this is all so new to me.  I just worry about you, please be careful tonight." He told her softly as he dropped a soft kiss on her pert little nose.


Angel and Giles were waiting in the library.  "Buffy, Kyle, I'm glad you are here.  I think these vamps are from the circle of Clayus they needed this book to perform a ritual that will give their leader a power boost.  They also need an amulet to finish the spell, you need to find it, it's probably in the same crypt.

"Okay, we'll get it now." Buffy told him as she headed for the door.  Angel followed her.

"Be back soon" She told Kyle sweetly.

"Kyle, could you help me with some more research?  This probably won't take them very long?" Giles asked him as he went to start the electric kettle.

Buffy and Angel met no less then five vamps on their way to the cemetary. Angel was tired and he noticed Buffy kept holding her stomach when she fought.  He was worried about her.  "Buffy, are you okay, you keep holding your stomach.  Are you sick?"

"No, no I'm fine." She answered quickly changing the subject "How about you?  Is your age finally catching up with you?  You seem to tire easily." Her teasing masked her concern for him.

"No, I'm fine."

"Okay, lets see if we can get to the cemetary in one piece."

Once at the cemetary, they went back to the mausoleum, a lone vamp was searching the open crypt.  Angel surprised him and he backhanded him hard against the wall of the mausoleum, running off with an ivory amulet in his hand.  Angel slumped to the ground, Buffy watched as the vamp ran off, she crouched beside Angel.  "What's wrong with you, Angel? This isn't you."

"Nothing, Buffy.  Okay nothing is wrong, even one gets away from me sometimes.  We'll find the amulet." He said grumpily.

"Angel, right now I don't care about the amulet.  I care about you.  What's wrong, let me help." She said softly as she helped him up.

"No, Buffy.  You can't help this time. You have a life, don't worry about me.  Let's go back to the library."

"Angel, don't you trust me anymore." She asked her voice breaking.

"Of course, I trust you.  I said don't worry."  He ran his hand through her hair and hugged her softly.

The walk back was quiet.  Giles and Kyle were waiting, Giles thought he had figured out where the circle of Clayus were holed up.  Caves on the outside of town.  They made plans to go the next night.  "You know what, I think I can handle this alone." Angel told them.

"Right, you're not at full power for some reason, Angel, and I'm not letting you go alone." Buffy said barely containing her anger.  Kyle looked at her uneasily "Let's go to the motel, Buffy."

"Okay, we'll meet at sunset tomorrow.  We'll both go, do you understand?" She looked pointedly at Angel.


Buffy and Kyle went to bed quietly, when she was sure he was asleep she got dressed and snuck out.  She would take care of this problem, Angel obviously didn't want to work with her anymore, that was fine.  She went to Willow's and knocked on the door.  A sleepy Willow answered "Buffy?"

"I just wanted you to know what's going on Willow.  I'm going to the caves and take care of these vamps.  Angel is acting weird, I know something is wrong, and he won't tell me, so I'm going alone.  Don't look at me like that.  If something happens, tell Kyle I love him with all my heart."  She turned and got into the car leaving Willow standing on the doorstep.

Buffy had not been gone ten minutes when Angel showed up at the door.  "Willow, I'm going to go to the caves tonight and take care of these vamps.  I think Buffy's sick, she kept holding her stomach all night.  And she wouldn't tell me what's wrong.  If something happens to me tonight, tell her I love her and to be happy."

Willow had to smile when Angel mentioned the tummy holding <that maternal instinct to protect had kicked in> She then turned serious "Angel you just missed Buffy she's taken off for the caves, and Angel, I shouldn't tell you this, but Buffy's pregnant.  You need to help her!"

"Pregnant?" He barely got out the word before he was gone.

Buffy walked the last couple of hundred yards to the cave.  She was crouched outside listening to the vampires inside making plans.  She heard someone approaching from the path.  She held in a sigh when she saw it was Angel.  "What are you doing here?" She asked him angrily.

"I could ask you the same thing" He answered just as angry.  "Got a plan?"

"We charge in, there are three of them, I'll take two, you take one."

"Why just one for me?"

"Because I'm younger and faster." She hissed.

"Buffy, go back now. Willow told me."

"She what?  I'm gonna kill her."

"You don't need to be doing this." He said tenderness in his voice.

"Sorry, it's still my job" She told him as she got ready to enter the cave.

Angel followed her in, Buffy startled the first one staking him easily.

She turned around to find the second one coming at her with a sword, Angel watched from the corner as he battled the third, finally staking him.  As the dust coated his jacket, he turned to Buffy she had tripped and fallen back against the wall.  The vamp aimed the sword directly at her abdomen and went forward to plunge in, Angel ran in front of the sword in the nick of time.  He fell to the ground, the sword in his chest.  Buffy looked griefstricken for a moment, then regaining her balance used a broken shovel handle to dispose of the vamp. As the dust settled she knelt beside Angel.


"I can't believe she did this." Kyle repeated for the third time as he.  Willow and Giles drove to the caves.

"Believe it." Giles told him exasperatedly.  "This is just like Buffy."

Willow just looked ahead afraid of what lie there.

They entered the cave to find Buffy kneeling beside Angel a sword in his chest.  Willow quickly went to them.  Giles and Kyle hung back.  Willow removed the sword.  "It's time, Willow.  This and the poison, it's time." Angel whispered.  Willow silently shook her head yes, a tear running down her cheek. She looked at Buffy.

"What poison?" Buffy asked tears forming in her eyes now.

"Angel was poisnoned a few weeks ago, a slow poison with no cure.  The sword wound hasn't helped.  I'm so sorry, Buffy." Willow explained in a broken voice.

"No, no, he's gonna be okay.  DO SOMETHING, WILLOW!" Buffy cried out, cradling Angels head in her lap.

"I can't this time, Buffy" Willow said sadly and she walked back to Kyle and Giles.  Kyle was watching his wife intently as she cried and stroked Angels face softly.

Willow spoke to him, "Kyle she loves you, but she needs to say goodbye to him.  Please understand.

"Actually, I do.  I know she needs to say goodbye.  And I think he deserves to die in the arms of the woman he has always loved.  He loved her enough to give her up. I'll give him this last gesture." Kyle said without wavering his eyes from Buffy.

"You are a good man, Kyle." Giles said and placed his hand on Kyle's shoulder.

Angel looked at Buffy through painfilled eyes.  She was smoothing his hair off of his forehead and whispering soothing words to him.  "Buffy, I love you.  And I am so sorry for any sadness I ever caused you."

"Shh...you don't ever have to apologize.  I' m sorry, sorry that we couldn't be together.  I love you Angel" She said softly tears flowing freely.

"I can hear it, Buffy." He said with a smile.

"Hear what, Angel?"

"The baby, your baby has a strong heartbeat.  You are going to be a great mom." He told her smiling softly.

Kyle looked up startled "Baby?"  He looked at Willow.  She shook her head to confirm it.

"Angel, you need to be quiet now.  Save your stength," Buffy told him as she placed a light kiss on his lips.

"I love you." He said in an almost whisper and then in an instant he was gone.  A fine ash covered Buffy and the floor, she lay her head down and sobbed heavily.  Kyle was at her side in an istant.  She had not registered that he was there.  She looked into his sympathetic face and put her arms around his neck pulling him into a tight hug.  He just held here silently for what seem like hours. Giles found an empty urn in the cave to put Angels ashes in.

"We need to go now, Buffy." Willow said as she placed a hand on Buffy's back.  Kyle stood up with her, he picked her up gently in his arms and started to carry her to the car.  She looked up at him and suddenly smiled.  It was Kyle, Kyle who had a beautiful reflection, Kyle who could run in the sunlight with her and their child.  Kyle who loved her, despite everything.  "We're going to have a baby." She said softly leaning in closer to his chest as he carried her tightly.  She was where she was supposed to be - with the man that she loved, the father of her child.  Angel was gone, maybe he was at peace now.

"I heard" he said with a smile.  Looking down at her, he knew it would all be okay.

Giles and Willow dropped Kyle and a sleeping Buffy off at the motel.  He carried her in and gently lie her on the bed.  He started to take off her boots and she stirred and opened her eyes.  He took off the other boot and lay beside her.  Putting his arm around her she lay her head on his chest.  "I'm sorry about Angel, Buffy.  I know you cared for him...you loved him."

"Yes, I did love him.  But I love you." She said as she yawned. "I'm going to miss him, but he told me to be happy. And I intend to do just that.  We are going to have a baby, Kyle.  A baby!  And when I walked out of that cave, it dawned on me that you are my life now.  I'll never forget Angel, but it's time to go on."

He kissed the top of her head, "Now, what about names?"

They both laughed out loud and she cuddled next to him, knowing there was no place she would rather be.


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