Part 11

Harmony woke a few minutes later.  Michael was standing over her.  Buffy, Angel, Willow, and Oz were standing near by.  Giles and Xander were standing over the young woman near by.  The table and chairs had been returned to their normal places.  She was currently seated in one of those chairs.  "How long have I been out?" Harmony asked.

"About 15, 20 minutes," Michael replied, as Buffy and Angel came over.

"Who's the girl who attacked us?" Harmony asked.

"She's the local witch.  She's on our side," Buffy explained.

"Who's your friend?" Angel asked.

"Oh excuse me.  This is Michael.  Michael that's Buffy, Angel, Willow, Oz, Xander, and Giles," Harmony said pointing to each in turn, as Willow and Oz came over.

"Good timing," Oz said.

"Hey!  What are you doing here?" Harmony asked.

"When I could feel the first spell back at the University, I knew you'd be drained.  I also knew you always forget to check for local witches, and ghosts and stuff, so I came to watch your back," Michael explained.

"You felt the spell?" Willow asked.

"I'm a magician.  We can feel magic.  Usually not from so far away, but that was quite a spell you performed," Michael explained.

"And you had the best intentions at heart," Angel said sarcastically.

"Michael's my boyfriend.  He goes to University of Magic.  It's within sight of  SU.  The archives say SU was built within sight to anger the magicians at UM, because they wouldn't except women," Harmony told Angel.

"I think they just wanted to spy on the cute guys through binoculars," Michael teased.  Harmony tried to give him a mean look, but laughed and ruined the effect.

"A magician boyfriend," Angel said disapprovingly.

"Uh oh.  Look he's known we're related for less than an hour and already he's acting like a disapproving uncle," Harmony said, sighing dramatically.

"I assure you, magicians can be gentleman," Michael said with a mock bow.

"Besides," Buffy said pulling him towards her, "A magician's not that outlandish compared to a kind, cradle-robbing-creature-of-the-night boyfriend."  Angel laughed at the old joke, and playfully kissed her on the nose.  "Walk me home?"

"Of course," Angel replied.

"Don't worry," Willow said, "We'll make sure Amy wakes up and knows what's up."

"Thanks Will.  See you in the morning," Buffy replied walking out of the library with Angel.

"We're leaving too," Harmony said taking Michael's arm, and following them out, "I'll be back in the morning to see if part two worked."

"That's right.  I guess I'll have to stay with you 'till sunrise," Buffy said.

"Won't your parents be mad?" asked Michael.

"I'll just sneak in, or say I went for an early run or something," Buffy said lightly.

"I'm sorry for what I said to your mom," Angel said quietly.

"She didn't take it as bad as I thought she would.  I'm afraid she's either going to kill you on sight, or she's denying you ever told her.  I wouldn't go near her 'til I've told her were back together though," Buffy said.  Angel nodded, but said nothing.

"That's the sort of talk in a together always couple.  Poor guy, I'd never want to get roped into that," Michael said sadly, shaking his head.

"And what makes you think you're not in one," Harmony said tickling him.  He laughed and ducked away before simply wrapping his arms around her to pin her arms to her sides.  Buffy and Angel laughed at the playful duo.

"There's nothing wrong with being in love," Angel said.

"And when you're in love, all you can think about is being there forever," Buffy said, looking into Angel's eyes.  He pulled her into a passionate kiss.  After a few seconds, Michael looked at his watch and began timing them.  When Harmony started wondering how the were breathing, she cut in.

"Looks like neither of you are going to get any sleep.  All I want is for you to promise me one thing and we'll leave you two alone."

"Anything," Buffy said with exaggerated desperation.

"I get to be the godmother when you have children," Harmony said.

"Certainly," Angel replied.

"It won't be soon, though," Buffy warned, "But I could hardly deny a child a real fairy godmother."

"Shhhhh!!  Don't say that!  The fairies get mad," Harmony said glancing around.  Buffy burst into laughter and the others followed suit as they walked out of the school.


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