See Part 1 for Disclaimer

Part 2

"SU stands for Sorceress University.  This is my first assignment as a full sorceress, and is usually called the final exam.  I graduated a few days ago. Ms--" Harmony began.

"But we've already got a witch," Xander said.

"I'm not a witch.  I'm a sorceress.  Witches have no training and are usually evil.  Sorceress have an education and are always good," Harmony replied hotly.

"So you're a good witch," Cordy said.

"I'm NOT a witch.  I have an education!"

"Sorceress, witch same difference," Xander said.

"I am a sorceress, please remember that!" she replied curtly, "Now, Ms. Calendar sent a description of her problem to SU.  She said that she wanted to summon the soul of Angel, and place him back in his own body, which is now occupied by Angelus.  She said she was working on a translation of the original spell.  The original was broken when Angel had a moment of pure happiness.  She asked for our help.  The board deemed her cause worthy, so they gave the assignment to me.  I can help because I think I can change the original spell into something that will work in a loving environment.  From her description of the spell, it sounds like the original spell bound Angel's soul with hate, so when there was no hate to bind him, his soul was released.  I think I can change it so that Angel's soul will be bound with love.  That means that only complete lack of love will break the spell.  Don't worry though, I'm talking about all kinds of love: friendship, family, pets, and of course true love.  All I need is the translation.  So where is it?"

"Your theory is quite intriguing.  The basis sounds solid though I'd want to go more in depth.  Unfortunately we don't have the translation.  This is the first we've heard of it," Giles replied, "Did she say where she kept it?"

"Well she said she was using her computer to translate it," Harmony replied.

"Her computer!" Willow cried excitedly, "But that would mean it's on disk or in a file.  The janitors found a disk in her room."  Willow fished around in her backpack, before coming up with a small disk.  She rushed over to the computer and popped it in.  Willow sat looking intently at the screen.  Oz looked over her shoulder as her fingers plinked away at the keyboard.  Everyone waited anxiously as Willow tried to break the password with a little help from Oz.  "Got it," Willow cried triumphantly, "It looks like this is it.  Everything's written in two languages."

"Can you print it out?  It's easier to work with that way," Harmony said.

"Done," Willow said.  The printer soon started to click and buzz, as it spit out the papers.  Harmony hurried over to the printer and waited impatiently for it to finish.  When it was done she picked up the pages, and read through them quickly.

"This is it!" she cried, "Now all I have to do is change it.  Does anyone have a pen?"

"Here," Buffy said handing her a pencil.  Harmony barely looked at it as she started making scribbles on the pages.  Ten minutes later, Harmony finished rereading it for the second time.

"This should work," she said, "The original is much stronger than I thought, and the use of love instead of hate will strengthen it even more.  It also has a second part for strengthening, which she didn't mention.  The spell shouldn't be broken unless Angel hates everybody, and everyone hate him.  If we use the strengthening spell as well, I may be able to do even more.  Depending upon the strength of the love, if he's happy, he could be completely human during the day.  The sunlight should weaken the demon so much, he will probably age during the day, too.  He would be a vampire at night of course, but it would have the overall effect of letting him age at about half the rate of a human.  I'll have to take this back to the University and the board to confirm my suspicions, of course.  He will have to decide whether he wants the strengthening spell.  I imagine after living over 200 years, he may not like the idea of aging."

Part 3
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