Part 6

"Yes, but we can't kill him.  He must be alive for this to work.  Then we tie him to the chair with the rope.  I'll then heal him using his own strength and power.  It will leave him perfectly healthy, but as weak as a new born babe.  Then everyone grabs a chair and puts it in a half-circle around Angelus giving him about 3 feet of space.  Then we stand in front of the chairs and I cast the spell.  Giles and Xander can be on my left and Willow and Oz to Buffy's right.  Buffy and I will stand in the middle, with Buffy on my right.  All of you will serve as a power source for the spell.  All you have to do is think of Angel, and how much you care for him.  You must try to keep all bad, evil, or even unpleasant feelings or memories from your mind.  You shouldn't feel any pain.  The spell will strip us of our strength though.  That's why we have the chairs, so we don't collapse onto the floor," Harmony explained.

"Why don't we just sit in the chairs?" Oz asked.

"Because it takes longer to get up and fight, if any of Angelus's friends show up," Harmony replied.

"Oh," Willow said.

"I'll explain the second spell if Angel decides to go through with it.  Angelus may try to break the Orb first, so if he goes for that stop him.  Any questions?" Harmony finished.

"Yes, what happens if this doesn't work?" Giles asked.

"Angelus will be at full strength and we'll be exhausted," Harmony said cheerfully, "but don't worry, it'll work."

"And if not, we're vampire food.  Does anyone else not like this idea?" Xander asked.

"You get to beat up Angel and you're still not happy?" Willow asked sarcastically.  Xander shrugged his shoulders.

"Time to pick our weapons.  I want to practice before he gets here," Buffy said cheerfully.  Everyone rummaged through Giles collection of weapons.  Buffy decided on a crossbow and her fists.  Willow decided to stick with holy water and a cross.  Xander chose a staff and spent the rest of the afternoon learning how to use it.  Oz also had a staff but he nailed a cross to the center of it.  He decided to use it mostly for protection.  Harmony was simply going to use offensive magic.  Although Giles asked (practically begged) her for information on her school and her magic, all she would say is that she was an all around graduate with an extra year in offensive magic and rare spells.  It was decided that Buffy, Harmony, and Xander were going to be the main ones attacking.  Harmony would call a stop when he had been beaten up enough.

Time slowly ticked by and sundown finally arrived.  Everyone but Harmony hid in Giles office.  Harmony began making mystic passes, and sprinkling water over the chair and ropes.  Suddenly, Mystical hissed and jumped over to the box holding the Orb of Thesely.  She stood over it and hissed, as if guarding it.  Harmony turned toward the door, waiting for Angelus to arrive and he did.  There was a crash as Angelus jumped through the glass ceiling and landed on Harmony.  Harmony landed face down, while Angelus landed on his feet.

"Buffy showed me that one," Angelus purred, pinning his victim and kneeling down for a bite.

Part 7
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