Five by Five

By: Ivory

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

Author's Notes: I own no one.  They are all the property of Joss Whedon.  Aside from that, I suppose this story and the ones that will follow it require some explanation.  As of the latest episode, “Expecting,” I have decided it might be fun to write down journal entries the way I imagine Cordelia would write them.  There will be at least one to mark each episode of the series thus far, and will end whenever the Angel Series Finale airs.  Hope you enjoy the look into Cordelia’s mind as much as I will enjoy writing about it.

On a side note, each entry will be subtitled with a quote from the episode of which it’s about.  Enjoy:

“When A Whacked-Out Slayer Tries To Kill Your Boss, It’s Very Wrong.”

March 24, 2000

I think I’m officially giving up my belief that nothing can shock me.  I know, I keep saying that it should be impossible with all the stuff I’ve seen and experienced, but there’s always something new that comes up that catches me off guard.  This week was no exception.

It started off with Kate calling into the office to rope Angel into doing a job for her.  She must have been desperate in order to turn to him, as she does (for some odd reason) hold Angel responsible for her father’s death...  Anyway, Kate’s dilemma was that she had a witness to a drug trafficking and murder case who was simply unwilling to testify, and she suspected that said witness had a contract out on him to silence him permanently.  This, coupled with a vision I had disclosing the guy’s whereabouts, fortunately enabled Angel to find in no time, thus saving his neck.

The real problem (in my opinion) lay in getting this guy to actually testify, as he looked like someone who hated the law more than life.  Yet, somehow--I’m not sure how--Angel actually talked him into it!  Also served as a fantastic way to stick it to the law firm of Wolfram & Hart, as they were the ones representing said murderer.  The only thing that Wesley, Angel, and I were uncertain about was how our not-so-legit law firm would strike back; they’re not big on losing cases.

The answer to that question presented itself the following afternoon.  On our way to meet a prospective client--and next time, I won’t be so quick to take on a divorce case no matter how much money is involved--Angel was assaulted and nearly killed by a person all three of us never expected to see again.

Taking it from the top... At one point, Angel’s ex-girlfriend, a Vampire Slayer named Buffy, did actually die for a few minutes, an event that seemed to have messed up the whole One-Dies-Next-Is-Called-Only-One-Per-Generation rule.  In a roundabout way, that enabled Faith to be called; there was another girl before her that didn’t do so well...  Anyway, shortly after her arrival in Sunnydale, Faith went totally psycho, even going so far as to switch sides, after she’d accidentally killed an innocent bystander (though that’s a whole other story).  However, the last that Angel, Wesley, and I had heard, she’d been put in a coma courtesy of Buffy, with little hope of awakening...  Guess doctors aren’t the best judge when it comes to a Slayer’s physical stamina.

A call to our friends in Sunnydale revealed that Faith had been awake for a week and a half, and had been causing plenty of trouble on their side (so nice of them to WARN us!)...  Anyway, Angel figured that Wolfram & Hart must have contracted Faith to kill him, which means he must really be hurting them.  After all, it was the only way she could have found us so easily.

While Angel went to Wolfram & Hart undercover, to try and find where Faith was hiding, Wesley and I made a point of laying low per his instructions.  Now that I think about it, that SHOULD have included renting a hotel room right away rather than going back to my place to pack.  My “roommate”, Phantom Dennis, actually tried to keep Wesley and I out of the apartment, which I wrote off at that moment as him being annoying again.  I’ve got to learn to read more into his actions.

Anyway, Faith was waiting for us inside.  We tried to reason with her, but the fact that she elbowed me roughly in the FACE and, I’m told, kicked Wesley ACROSS the room had to prove she wasn’t listening!

When I came to some time later, Angel was there to console, and Wesley was gone, perhaps taken by Faith.  The two of us worked fast to find them, which led to us tracking Faith’s movements more closely for the past few days.  She’d been one busy little Slayer, it seems, attacking guys in alleys, starting bar brawls, etc.  But, we struck gold with the fact that she’d lifted the wallet and house keys of her first LA victim, thus giving us an address.

Angel went to confront her while I sat around with an icepack on my face.  And (thank God) Wesley called in to touch base with me a little later.  He’s doing as well as can be expected considering Faith put him through a long torture session...  And, as Wesley tells me, Angel burst into that apartment in the nick of time, a big fight ensued, and he and Faith took a two-story drop out a window.  I’m surprised that didn’t kill her!

By the time Wesley broke free and made it out to the street fully armed, Angel already had Faith defeated.  And no, I don’t mean dead...  Turns out, during their fight, Angel got Faith to “confess” that she was evil and that everything she’d done thus far was only a ploy to try to GET Angel to KILL her!  She broke down in tears even!

So, as I write this, Faith is spending the night at the office, which I think is a big mistake.  One lapse does not change the fact that she’s uncontrollable, and a killer, in my book.  And if Angel thinks I’m going to be spending time working at the office while she’s around... well, he’s in for a BIG surprise.


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