Lonely Hearts

By: Ivory

Disclaimer: I own no one.  They are all the property of Joss Whedon.

Author's Note: Aside from that, I suppose this story and the ones that will follow it require some explanation.  As of the episode, “Expecting,” I have decided it might be fun to write down journal entries the way I imagine Cordelia would write them.  There will be at least one to mark each episode of the series thus far, and will end whenever the Angel Series Finale airs.  Hope you enjoy the look into Cordelia’s mind as much as I will enjoy writing about it.

On a side note, each entry will be subtitled with a quote from the episode of which it’s about.  Enjoy:

“I Don’t Have To Talk To People To Know Their Story.”

October 11, 1999

Let me just say right off that demons are disgusting.  I know it sounds ironic coming from me, a secretary who’s working for a vampire in LA, where the supernatural is commonplace, but it’s true.  Especially after the week we’ve just had.

It all started on a Friday night when I walked in (intending to show off newly printed business cards) on Doyle and Angel at the office, the former trying to convince the latter that it’d be fun to go out for a night on the town.  Yeah, right!  Angel’s typical idea of fun is kicking some demon butt, and the sooner Doyle learns that, the better.

Nevertheless, I suppose Doyle got his wish when one of his visions struck without warning.  Watching him go through that, I got the sense that, next to telling him there was trouble happening, they were also quite painful.  When I asked later, Doyle confessed that they did tend to bring on skull-splitting migraines more often than not... which is a little more detail than I wanted to know.

Anyway, when he recovered, Doyle simply gave out the name of a bar.  Opaque’s or something, I can’t remember.  But that was all he knew.  Well, that and the feeling that something bad was going to happen there.  So off we went, all three of us, to investigate things.

At the start, I was all happy being given the opportunity to hand out our new cards.  That is, until Doyle butted in, spouting off something about the fact that such blatant advertising may arouse suspicion from the police.  As if any of them would actually be roaming around a single’s bar like this... No, wait.  I should amend that... Or wait and tell the story in sequence, exactly as it happened.

While we hung out near the refreshment counter and I dazzled Doyle with my ability to read people, Angel was across the room making idle conversation with Kate Lockley, a semi-attractive (by my standards) young blonde, perhaps in her early twenties. I may not have been able to hear what they were saying, but I could tell by her body language that Kate was hoping to make it an evening to remember.  Yeah, good luck, lady!  Trying to score with a two-hundred-plus, cursed-with-a-soul vampire who will turn evil by experiencing one moment of true happiness is a good way to assure rejection!

Things first took a turn for the worse when some punks who’d received our business card came on to me with the assumption that I was a hooker.  Despite Doyle’s attempt to deflate the situation, it soon escalated into a bar fight.  Fortunately, Angel and Doyle both made short work of the guys, which the bartender subsequently kicked out.

The night ended with not much else happening.  We simply stayed at the bar until closing, the last hour spent just mulling over our nonexistent social lives.  And although I don’t think Angel appreciated my rundown of why he couldn’t date anyone, I announced it anyway.  Finally, the three of us departed to head home, and along the way, Angel decided he should come to the club the next night just in case.

We spent the hours in between looking up old news stories about this club, and murders connected to it.  There were at least two, but neither seemed linked to the other.  However, it did lead the way towards Doyle and I looking up any references to eviscerating demons (yuck!).  Plus, now that I think about it, Doyle got kind of funny when I started in on how gross and ugly I thought demons were... Maybe he just thinks that if I have that line of thought, then what am I doing working for a vampire?  I don’t know, honestly.  Maybe I spoke too soon; maybe I should actually think before the words start spewing out of my mouth.

If anything, Angel had an earful of news for us when he returned from his second trip (he had gone alone) to Bleak’s or Oblique’s (Darn, what is the name of that club and why can’t I remember it?!).  He tracked our bad guy of the week down, to find it was an ancient Burrower demon who can jump from body to body.  Something about it wanting to find the perfect host, someone who it can stay with.

Aside from that, you’ll never believe who’s a cop who followed Angel to another body, showed up right after the real killer had left the scene!  That’s right, Miss Kate Lockley.  Turns out she’s been on the demon’s trail longer than we have, and now, Angel is her prime suspect.  She tried to arrest him on the spot, but, being a vampire, he escaped without breaking a sweat.

After another day or two of going back to the club trying to pin down the Burrower demon, Angel caved in and placed a call to Kate, offering to team up to end this.  I’m a little fuzzy on the details, but apparently the demon had by now jumped into that bartender who helped us the first night, and it tried to claim Kate as its next host.  The evening ended with Detective Lockley and Angel saving each other’s lives, killing the demon in the process.  So, all’s well that ends well, I guess.

I think Doyle’s officially giving up on his quest to drag Angel out for a night on the town; now he’s trying the same thing on me.  Don’t get me wrong, Doyle’s appealing in his own way, but I don’t know if he’s quite my type.  So if he has any ideas about trying to get me to date him, he may be in for a sore surprise.  I’ve gone down that road before, falling in love with a solid guy who’d only hurt me terribly in the end, and I don’t know if I’m ready to repeat it.  Plus, there’s the fact that he drinks a lot, and I think he gambles as well.  Not exactly qualities I look for in a lasting relationship.

Then again, maybe I’m speaking too soon again.  I don’t know what the future’s going to bring.  Anything can happen, and maybe even little old me could go for the serious romance again...


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