The Prodigal

By: Ivory

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

Author's Notes: I own no one.  They are all the property of Joss Whedon.  Aside from that, I suppose this story and the ones that will follow it require some explanation.  As of the latest episode, “Expecting,” I have decided it might be fun to write down journal entries the way I imagine Cordelia would write them.  There will be at least one to mark each episode of the series thus far, and will end whenever the Angel Series Finale airs.  Hope you enjoy the look into Cordelia’s mind as much as I will enjoy writing about it.

On a side note, each entry will be subtitled with a quote from the episode of which it’s about.  Enjoy:

“Sometimes The Price We End Up Paying For One Bad Choice Isn't Commensurate With The Offense.”

February 12, 2000

I’ve always known that above everything and everyone, our parents are the most important people in our lives.  They teach us, guide us, shape who we become... But there’s another side to it.  We, in turn, want to understand them, why they sometimes behave the way they do, and in some cases, we want nothing more than for them to approve of us.  Such was true in the situation with Kate and her father, which is why the outcome of this week was hard on her especially.

Let me start off by saying that another of my many visions led Angel into the subway, to fight and subdue a creature that was attacking passengers on a certain train.  He got there just in time, before it could hurt anyone, I’m told.  And from there, Angel had no problem killing it.  Only this time around, complications were due to rise afterwards.

Kate arrived on the scene moments after the demon had been slain, and Angel was quick to accompany her back into the subway station.  He watched from the sidelines as she went around questioning passengers, then spoke up when he noticed her father, a RETIRED policeman, was milling around.  Kate took it as a sign that her Dad was checking up on her, that he might actually care after all.

When Angel returned to the office, Wesley and I were in full research mode--or rather, Wesley was; I was more concerned with an alarm system I’d had installed, even to the point of stressing the importance of it to my boss.  But let me save a long story on that by summarizing that the alarm system was a complete failure; I’m getting a refund as of tomorrow.  Enough said!

In short, Wesley found information that our creature of the week was a Kwaini.  The weird thing was, they’re always female and tend to be peaceful, non-violent demons.  They’re not exactly big on fighting, but Angel had to disagree there; the one he’d encountered that morning definitely gave him a run for his money.

That evening found Wesley and I traveling to the subway to do an autopsy on the Kwaini, which (surprise, surprise) didn’t bother me all that much this time around.  Guess I’m finally getting used to all this yucky stuff associated with the agency...  Well, in the meantime, LA’s resident vampire trailed one of the more shady passengers on that train, a delivery man who’d had no business being on a subway train during his shift.  Plus, the demon had seemed to be after HIM directly when it attacked, so it was obvious he was up to something bad.  And where does this delivery guy lead Angel but straight to the apartment of Trevor Lockley, Kate’s father?

Angel watched as the delivery man retrieved a package of some sort from Trevor, who must have lifted it from the crime scene earlier.  After the former was gone, Angel actually stepped in to confront Trevor over this, but it didn’t help much except for serving to irritate Kate’s father.  Maybe next time, Angel will know better than to make threats without getting all the facts first.  Of all the times for my boss to abandon caution...

The autopsy results brought made the whole situation even more serious, I’m afraid.  That Kwaini was high on the supernatural version of PCP, which made Trevor Lockley an official accessory to drug smuggling.  And, thanks to my tailing of the delivery guy during the day, Wesley, Angel, and I got the location of where these drugs originated.

To sum it up, even though Trevor was involved in some bad dealings, there was no way he could know that demons were behind it.  Thus, Angel elected to go out come nightfall to warn him, tell him what he was up against.  However, things went from bad to worse when two more drug-addicted Kwaini demons attacked the three of us.  Angel subsequently got one to confess that the creatures behind this were wise to our movements thanks to Kate’s father, the latter of which would be their next target.

Angel tried to get there in time, even called Kate for assistance, but, sadly, both their efforts were wasted.  Upon his arrival, Angel tried to get Trevor to invite him in, but in the end, all Angel could do was watch while two other vampires murdered Kate’s father.  I can only imagine how much that must have hurt her, to know that if SHE’D just gotten there two minutes earlier, Trevor might still be alive.

Together, Kate and Angel shut down the drug ring, slayed everyone who was involved with it.  But it didn’t change what happened, and I’m sure it didn’t make her feel any better.  The consolation is that I don’t think Kate had a clue as to what her father was up to and with any luck, she won’t have to know--ever!  I’m a mere bystander to this, and even I don’t get it.  What drives a person to do that, even a retired policeman who served to PROTECT people for over thirty years?!  Trevor must have had his reasons, but I can’t imagine they were good ones.

Nevertheless, I’m still sorry it turned out the way it did... no wait, that‘s not entirely true.  Yes, I’m sad for Kate, but in my eyes, NOTHING could hurt worse than being disillusioned by the parents who raised us, not even the finality of death.  At least she was spared that, if nothing else...


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