Know Who I Am

By: Felicity

Disclaimer:  I do not own any of the characters in this story (except Sophia...that is, I don’t think Joss ever mentioned a sister).  All the rest belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, Fox etc. etc.

Author’s Note:  This takes place right before “Suprise/Innocence.”  I wasn’t totally sure on the date, so I guessed, according to when “Suprise” aired on TV.  If I’m wrong, just ignore it . . . the dates in the story are only a reference point for the two time periods.  Also, I only saw “Becoming” once, last May or whenever it was, and I didn’t even see the whole thing.  I tried to watch it again in September but there were all sorts of problems and it didn’t happen :(  If I have any details wrong, I’m sorry.  It’s only a story though. 

Lastly, I didn’t think they’d ever mentioned any details about Angel’s family on the show, so I made it all up.  If I was wrong, once again, forgive me, and don’t sue!  The quote is from (as it says) the City of Angels Sountrack.  It may not make sense at first, but hopefully by the end you’ll know what it means.  I just love that song and had to use it!  I think that’s about it, except that I love comments and would appreciate any you have greatly . . . my address is  Now enough of me . . . on to the story . . .


“If everything’s made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I  am.”- “Iris” by The Goo Goo Dolls,
City of Angels Soundtrack

The street was dark and deserted.  And very quiet.  The beautiful woman in the shadows waited, reveling in the silence, knowing it would soon be broken.  Not by screams, as she wished, but by something perhaps rather more . . . enjoyable.  Well, something more enjoyable than screaming was rather hard to find.  But she would settle for a few looks of horror and a night of revelry afterwards.  Oh there would be blood tonight!

As she waited a door swung open and two men stumbled out, shouting, laughing and cursing.  There was light and loud noise, and the woman smiled.

“You’re a cruel man!” one of them men shouted.  They were both young.  No more than twenty, certainly, and one was very handsome.  It would be that one, of course.  She didn’t like ugly boys.  Besides, the other one was very drunk, and while his friend was still shouting at the bartender, he passed out in the streets.  Well, that solved another problem for her.

The door to the tavern swung shut and the boy turned away in disgust.  She stepped into the light of a street lantern, assuming a pose of innocence.  Not total innocence-just in the things that mattered.  In the things that would scare him.  In only a few moments she would make sure nothing would ever scare him again.

He saw her.  Of course he did.  She had meant him to.  He straightened himself and his clothes and walked over.  Oh he was very young, but she liked young blood best.  It was the sweetest, and young companions the most inventive.  And this was certainly a beautiful young man.  She had chosen well.

He began a polite inquiry into the nature of her business in a dark street.  After all, she was dressed like a lady.  He offered himself as an escort home, and to . . . while away the dark hours.  Oh yes, she had chosen very well.  They would while away the dark hours indeed.  Looking away, the vampire Darla smiled.  He had no idea what was coming.

Part 1
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