Laughter and Luggage

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I don't own them, if I did I'd be nicer to them.  But no, they belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.  Please don't sue me.

Author's Notes: This is the 5th in my new series.  It follows "Meant To Be," "Friends Like These," "Facing the Consequences," and "Eavesdropping."  Read those first.  This is the first part of their trip to Las Vega, there will be a few more.  Right now they're at the airport.  Enjoy.  Oh, and this is for all those nice people who sent me feedback for the first four.

"Ready to go?"  Cordelia Chase asked as she got out of the Black BMW at the airport.

Her fiance, Whistler, grinned and got out after her.  "Ready Delia."

Cordelia grinned and motioned for him to get her suitcases, he sighed and lugged her four suitcases out of the trunk.

"Cordy, we're going away fro the weekend not moving."  Her friend Buffy Summers drawled as she got out after them.

Willow Rosenberg grinned as she lifted her one duffel bag out.  "And, that's why you have three?"

Buffy stuck out her tounge. "I...."

"Of course."  Cordelia smirked, Willow's boyfriend, Spike, grinned at her.

"Don't fret Slayer, you're boy's got more than you."

Buffy looked at Angel, who glared at Spike.

"I do not!  I brought one suitcase, you're the one with three!"

"Oh, yeah."  Spike murmured, slightly embarrassed.

Willow looked at Spike curiously.  "Why do you need three suitcases?"

Spike shrugged.  "I don't.  I thought that I'd back extra, just in case Cordelia or the slayer needed an extra for the way back."

"Smart man."  Cordelia said heading to the desk.

The others followed, wondering what this trip held in store for them.

It would certainly be interesting.


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