Part 3

As Buffy walked down Rebello Drive, she tried to think of what to say to her mom.  She couldn’t think of anything.  What could she say?  All she had were questions in her head.  Will my mother take me back?  Does she still love me?

She walked up to the door and knocked.  When the door opened, she saw the familiar face of the person who raised her.

“Buffy?”  Her mom had a question in her voice.  She couldn’t believe her eyes.  Was that really her daughter standing there right in front of her?

“Mom.”  That was all Buffy could say.  She knew she had hurt her mom.  Ever since she found out she was destined to be a slayer, there had been trouble between her mom and her.

Her thoughts were interrupted when her mom pulled her into a mother-daughter hug.


“Hmm?” Joyce answered still holding onto her daughter.

“Aren’t you mad at me?  Do you still love me?”

“Of course I still love you.  Buffy, you’re my precious little girl.  Even though you did a lot of stuff, my love for you only gets stronger.”

“But I caused you so much pain.  I….”

Her mother interrupted her.  “Buffy, the pain you caused me has healed.  I now understand what you’ve been going through.  Well, sort of.  You just have to include me in your life.  You have to tell me what’s going on.  You can’t leave me in the dust.”


“Please tell me about the Slayer thing and what has been happening in the past two years.”

So Buffy filled in her mother of past events.  She told her about the first encounter she had with a vampire, and how it was vampires that burned down the school gym that night.  She told her about how she had met Angel, and how he was a vampire.  Then as her mom tried to take it all, she started asking questions.

“So, when they said there was a gas leak at the school, it was actually a demon who had these babies, and they attached themselves to us, and made us their slaves?”


“And that boy you slept with, Angel, is a vampire?”


“And after you slept together, he turned bad, terrorized you and your friends, killed Ms. Calendar, and then you sent him to hell?”

“That about sums it up.”

There was a moment of silence between the two.  Buffy’s mom just took it in.  She didn’t understand it all, but how could she?  Her daughter had had just told her that all of the things in your nightmares were true.  Joyce knew that her daughter and her had a lot to work out, but that would take time.

“Buffy?  There’s just one more thing.  Principal Snyder, before he died, called me and told me you were suspended.  We can’t move now.  I mean you just told me about Droscult, and I think you need to take care of that.  What do we do?”

“Well, I don’t know.  I was thinking of calling Cordelia, and asking her for her help.  Well, actually her father’s”

“We can do that tomorrow.  In the meantime, let’s do something.  What do you want to do?”

“Let’s just sit here.  I want to just sit here with my mom and talk.”

So they talked.  They talked about where Buffy had been, and what they need to do.  Then they just sat there; mother and daughter.  Together again.

It was around three o’clock in the morning when Buffy awoke.  She had had another dream about Angel.  This time he was there, but she couldn’t see him.  She was in this dark, empty space.  All that guided her to him was his voice.  When she got to him, all he did was look into her eyes.  He never said a word. She started to speak, but he put his finger over her lips.  With that, he raised her mouth to his, and gave her a kiss.  As the kiss got more passionate, Buffy could sense Angelus behind them.

Buffy pulled away.  Angelus came up to Angel, and he staked him through the back.

“No!” Buffy screamed.

“Buffy!” Angel screamed back.  “I love you, and Droscult……”

He said something, but Buffy couldn’t hear it.  He exploded into ashes, and Buffy was left to look Angelus face to face.

That was when Buffy awoke.  She was covered with sweat. She sat up, and started to cry.  She didn’t stop until five.  After that, all she did was lay in bed until morning.

Part 4
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