See Prologue for Disclaimer.

Part 3

Despite the dire prediction of the night, life went on as usual for everyone the next day, each of them handling it in their own way.  Buffy still had her part-time waitressing job, Xander and Willow found comfort in each other, Jenny scanned through her world of web pages for a clue to what the future held, etc.

And, in the cellar of Buffy's home, Stefanie and Angel were engaged in a martial arts training session.  She already had every move down, but still insisted on this so she wouldn't get rusty.

Stefanie went at him with a series of roundhouses, kicks, and punches, but Angel blocked each blow with amazing agility.  This went on for a while until she began to tire.

Angel took a step back with a sigh, removing his pads.  "Are you okay?" he asked in concern.

Stefanie nodded, taking a moment to recover.  Then, she said, "How would you rate this session, coach?"

He smiled slightly.  "I'd say your skills are still pretty fine-tuned," he replied.  "And that you're going to need them for whatever the next week brings."

"I know," she said, feeling a pang in her heart as a dark thought came down on her.  How many more times will Angel and I have these matches, she mused.  Before one of us is killed?

Just then, the two of them heard Ivory crying in the distance.  Angel sighed, going upstairs to see to his daughter's needs.  The entire house had been shrouded in darkness thanks to the curtains and blinds Buffy had installed, allowing both vampires free run of the place during the daylight hours.

Stefanie soon followed, stopping in the kitchen to retrieve a pack of blood from the fridge.  She wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead, amazed at how fatigued this fight had left her.  But she merely connected it with the tension of last night.

Stefanie looked down at the bag in her hands, her face morphing into that of a vampire.  She bared her fangs, sinking them into the plastic and drinking her fill.  When she had finished, she too went upstairs to see how the infant was.

Ivory was held comfortably in her father's arms as he sat in a rocking chair inches from the crib.  Stefanie took a step into the room, smiling at this sight.

"You're so good with her," she said, walking over and sitting on the floor beside Angel.  She gazed at Ivory a moment, then asked to hold her.

With a smile, Angel handed his daughter to Stefanie, watching as she made faces at Ivory that made the baby laugh.  It felt good to hear that sound, but it also hurt knowing it could be stolen in an instant.

Stefanie looked up at him.  "Don't presume that, Angel," she chided, having picked up his thoughts through her telepathic abilities.  "You, Buffy, and Ivory will get through this perfectly fine.  It's me I'm worried about."

Stefanie paused, rubbing absently at her eyes.  "I used to have so many dreams when I was still human," she said.  "Would you believe I actually wanted to be a ballet dancer?"  Without letting him answer, she added, "I wanted to have a romantic wedding and two or three kids of my own.  I was so hopeful until I was told about this destiny I didn't even want."

Angel leaned back, sensing that she wanted to share her thoughts and feelings about her life; he was ready to listen.  He remained silent while she recounted the events that had led to her becoming a vampire: how her Watcher/mentor had informed her that she was a slayer, Stefanie's reluctance to accept her duties until her brother was recruited into the enemy's ranks, and finally, how her own flesh and blood had betrayed her in the worst way.

"It seems like... when you take on the life of a slayer, you can forget about any fantasies of the future you might have," Stefanie finished.  "When your life expectancy is low, the odds are you'll never be around to realize them."

Stefanie looked back at Angel then, an almost accepting mood about her.  It was as if she had already resigned herself to dying, even though they still didn't know that she was the one who would.

"I'd miss you," Angel said without thinking.  "And I'm sure Buffy would too...  There has to be a way around this.  I would personally kill anyone who dared hurt her or you."  There was such raw emotion in his voice that Stefanie couldn't help but believe him.

Only she didn't know how the statement made her feel...


Cordelia returned to Buffy's house around two in the afternoon, thinking that she'd seriously have to consider finding her own place until the prophecy blew over.  She started for her room, intending to start packing.  But it was the sight of the crib in the nursery that stopped her.

Cordelia could pretend that the friendships meant nothing, that they weren't important to her, but she couldn't cast aside what she felt for little Ivory.  With this in mind, she slowly entered the room, going to stand at the baby's bedside.

Despite herself, Cordelia felt a smile tugging at her lips.  "Hi, sweetie," she cooed, reaching down to tickle Ivory's chin.  "How are you?"

"She's doing good," Buffy said from the doorway, making Cordelia stiffen.  "I'm glad she's so young...  What's happening doesn't bother her in the slightest that way."

Cordelia remained silent so long that Buffy was afraid that she wouldn't speak at all.  Finally, the arrogant brunette turned, arms crossed.  "It's your prophecy," she spat out.  "Why do the rest of us have to suffer because of it?"

Buffy flinched at Cordelia's harsh words.  "it's not fair," she stated simply.  "I know.  It never is... Cordy, don't you think I would prevent this if I could?!?  I don't have a choice.  None of us do!"

Cordelia shook her head.  "That's where you're wrong.  Come tonight, no one will associate me with you.  I'll be safe!"  With that, Cordelia stormed from the room, not even throwing a glance at Buffy as she passed her.

Buffy stood there a long while fighting tears, strangely finding herself wishing that everyone else around her dared be as callous.  If it would save them, it would be worth it.  "I hope you're right, Cordy," she muttered under her breath...

On to Part 4
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