
By: M&M

Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, yada, yada, yada. Joss and those other fantabulous people do. I wish I did, but I don't.

Author's Notes: You remember those future fictions I'm so fond of writing? Where I take an idea I heard would happen and make it my own (okay, so I've only done one of 'em before this)? This is one of them. There is that nasty rumor which seems to be true that Seth Green is leaving and that Oz may go off with a girl named Veruca. This is when he comes back to Sunnydale...and Willow. This picks up two months after he left. Let's pretend it's Christmas. Knowing it may seem as though it could be "Amends" like, try not to think of that. Angel really isn't even a factor in this with the exception of a mention or so. Also, I am adding in a new character. Let's see what happens.

Definition: Penance: any suffering that one takes on in order to show sorrow for one's sins, wrongdoing, etc.

It had been two months, six days, and seventeen hours since Oz had left Sunnydale with fellow werewolf, Veruca.  In that exact amount of time Willow had experienced more pain than she thought anyone could in one lifetime.  She was beginning to understand the extent of Buffy's anguish over loosing Angel.  But part of her was angry, and it was a very big part.  UC Sunnydale seems too lonely without Dingoes Ate My Baby, especially that one in particular.  She had done quite a bit.  She began helping Professor Walsh with things after classes and was hanging out more and more in Xander's basement with he and Anya.  The two resolved to begin dating when they finally talked about their night together.  They now had a permanent group with the five of them researching and fighting the baddies.  Sometimes with the aid of Spike.  But every now and then you need a break.

Which led them to the Bronze after Buffy had killed a fungus demon, apparently like the one Drusilla had left Spike for.  But the night was not going as planned.  It was not leisurely, because one of their group was missing.  But of course this being the Hellmouth it was not the only thing that was amiss.

The band on stage was playing and people, of course, were dancing. But the band was quickly replaced by another.  The announcer's voice came booming and Willow felt as though she might vomit.  Dingoes Ate My Baby had returned to Sunnydale.  And with them came Oz.  Something was different though.  Their lead singer was not with them.  Devon was there, but not Veruca.

The somewhat short, redheaded guitar player looked solitary and alone up there to Willow.  He seemed to notice her less than a minute into their song, but went back to his guitar, only looking at the chords.  The set was done, Willow had been asked a dozen times if she'd like to leave, but she declined.  She felt like she needed to get over him.  And that facing him, being in the same place as him, was the only way to go.  Xander, on the other hand was preoccupied looking at all entrances for Anya.

In all of the times they had decided to meet at the Bronze no one, not even Buffy, had ever been this late without a call.  It Xander worried, as it rightly should have.


"How did I get here?" Anya looked around the familiar setting, then at D'Hoffryn.  The elder demon sat perched on his throne of rock down at the former demon.

"I summoned you," D'Hoffryn barely gave the question a second thought.


"The other elders have decided to give you your power center back."


"On one condition.  There is a young woman who is in need of your help. You will go to her and you will grant her her wish.  If you cannot do that you have no chance of ever getting it back.  You will then remain mortal.  Should you succeed you will be allowed to keep this, but you will also be under heavy observation.  We do not like it when such mistakes are made."

"I understand," Anya replied.

"Her name is Cecile. She shall tell you her story.  Throughout her life men have rejected her, you will find out who she wants her revenge upon and follow through with the request."

"Where is Cecile?"

"Sunnydale, California.  She's a student at the college, just as you currently are.  You have one week to complete this.  I think you can imagine what would happen should you fail us again."

In a flash Anya was returned to her bedroom, realizing she was late meeting her friends.  Friends, it was something she still had to think twice about before convincing herself that she had them.  Though she was overcome with thoughts of her experience a few moments earlier she made her way to the Bronze to be greeted by a very worried Xander.  She quickly placed her power center underneath her top, so not to reveal it to the others.

"Where were you?" Xander checked over her to make sure she was not hurt, knowing Sunnydale as he did.

"I, um, I started cleaning up my place when I realized I had a ton of time left and before I knew it I was really late," she lied.

"Oh, okay," Xander smiled at her.

"Um, I'm going to go to the bathroom.  I'll be back in a minute," Anya excused herself.  She walked towards the ladies room and a funny feeling came over her.  She remembered it well.  As she entered the bathroom she saw a young girl sitting on the little bench, near tears.

Cecile had cropped dark hair and blue eyes.  They would have been bright had she not been so sad.  Her tan top and black pants suited her well.

"Are you okay?" Anya looked at her, sympathetically.  She knew her job and knew it well.

", no, I'm not okay.  Every time I trust a guy he tramples on my heart.  And it started with him," Cecile was crying now.

"Him who?"

"The guy I saw you with, Xander Harris.  I'm Cecile McClain," she introduced herself.  "He did it in ninth grade and ever since my life has been ruined in the guy department."  As Anya listened a rush of fear came over her body.  She knew whom the wish would be concerning, but prayed she would be wrong.


The Dingoes had finished their set and Oz made his way over to where Willow was.  She tried her hardest to not look at him, but as he sauntered closer, it became increasingly more difficult.

"Hi," he said when he reached them.

"Xander, do you have the same craving for chocolate that I do?" Buffy pulled her friend away from the former couple before he could answer.

"Hey!  I don't think Willow wants to talk to him," Xander said in his defense.

"Whether she wants to or not she will have to do it sometime."

"I guess your right," he conceded.

"Trust me on this.  Plus, it's an excuse to get chocolate."

"Buff, when you have a point, you do have a point," Xander replied.  "Anya's been gone an awfully long time."

"Would you like me to go see what's going on?"

"Um, no, I don't want you to-yes, yes, please."

"Someone likes Anya," Buffy said mockingly and needlessly.

"Love on the Hellmouth, always with a supernatural factor involved," Xander commented.

"I shall return with the former demon of your current affections," Buffy said heading to the bathroom.


"I don't really want to talk right now," Willow told Oz.

"I know, but I think we need to."

"Where's Veruca?"

"She's dead," he said, solemnly.

"Oh?" Willow, despite her anger, did feel bad.  Had she not been with Oz, she would have liked the she-werewolf.

"Yeah, silver bullet," Oz explained.

"Were you in any danger?"

"No, I was in the van."


"So...we're talking," Oz observed.

"Yeah, I guess we are.  Oz, look, I'm not ready for this.  Do you understand that?  I need some more space before we can talk, really talk about thing," she told him.

"Okay," Oz said.  He smiled slightly and walked away, looking back at her.


"Anya, the King of Cretins, is getting worried," Buffy said poking her head into the bathroom.

To the surprise of many, the Bronze had a very nice bathroom.  The walls were black and the lighting was perfect for the silver stall doors.  It came complete with two comfy sofas and a nice sink area.  It was quite comfortable.

"Huh?" Anya had no clue who Buffy was talking about.

"Sorry, nickname for Xander," Buffy explained.


"Hi, I'm Buffy Summers," Buffy introduced herself to Cecile.

"I'm Cecile McClain."

"Um, tell Xander I'll be there in a minute," Anya told Buffy.

"Okay," Buffy removed her head from between the door and the door frame, leaving Anya and Cecile alone.

"Why don't you call me," Anya said writing down her number on a piece of paper supplied by the Bronze bathroom.

"Okay, I'll do that," Cecile said, placing the number in her purse.

With the exception that she didn't like Xander, Anya liked Cecile.  If the wish had not been veered towards the destruction of Xander, she would have enjoyed the work.  Cecile's situation was one of the most common, though always a pleasure to do.  Anya walked out and found her way to Xander and Buffy who had joined an incredibly sad Willow.

"I'm actually really tired, I think I'm going to go get some sleep," Anya said when she got to them.

"Be careful on your way home," Buffy reminded her.

"Don't forget dinner at Buffy's Christmas Eve," Xander reminded her.

"Yeah, bye," Anya said, walking out of the Bronze.

"I think I'm going to go too.  I haven't been home in a week, literally, with all the helping Giles and stuff with those books he got," Xander said.

"Bye, Xander," Willow said to him.  He smiled and left the two femmes to talk about what had happened with Oz.


Xander walked into his basement home to find something different.  It was smaller.  There was now a wall in the middle of the room with all of his things crowded together.  He looked around then went to the door he found on the new wall.  He opened the door to find a familiar face laying on the bed with a guitar.

"What are you doing here?" He was completely shocked.

"I missed you too.  Uncle Rory, who happens to be quite upset I'm not at the school he sent me to, lives in my room.  So he had a wall built here so I could also have a room.  Sorry, we couldn't find you."

"I told mom, I'd be at Mr. Giles' and Willow's," Xander said.

"Oh, that's what she was saying.  It sounded more like something about pillow files.  She was drunk, so it made sense."


"Xander!" Willow and Buffy's voices could be heard from Xander's room.

"What are you guys doing here?  I just left you at the Bronze," Xander said to them.

"We brought food.  We thought we'd have an all night vid fest.  We brought the movies too," Buffy explained.

"Roz?  What are you doing back?  Let me guess, you've honed your hacking skills and will now proceed to kick my butt in that department," Willow said to the new arrival.

"Actually, I decided that boring school sucked, so I came home."

"Um, who are you?" Buffy was lost.

"Rosalyn Harris.  As Willow pointed out, people call me Roz.  Are you a friend of my big brother?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's nice to meet you," Buffy said.  "You're welcome to join us."

"Yeah, I think I will.  I'll be out in a second.  I want to talk to Xander first."

Buffy and Willow went and sat on Xander's sofa/bed leaving the brother and sister to talk.

"So, what's Xander's sister like?" Buffy wanted to know about her.

"She's exactly like Xander, except a girl, and really good with computers and a straight A student.  She and I get along really well, she's a year younger than us," Willow told her.

"What you just described is nothing like me," Xander said, following Roz.

"It's you and him put together, Will," Buffy commented.

They started talking with Buffy and Roz getting to know each other and for the rest of the night they watched movies and ate munchies.


As the object of her affection was enjoying himself, Anya sat on her bed in deep thought.

"Cecile wants me to do something to Xander, I can feel it and it's something bad.  Can I do it?  If I don't, then I don't get my power center back for good.  I guess it depends on how badly the want is."

The phone suddenly rang and it shook Anya from her thoughts.  She picked it up, wondering who would be calling.


"It's Cecile."

"Oh, hi," Anya said cheerfully when all she really wanted to do was think.

"So, I was thinking we could go to breakfast and talk," Cecile proposed.

"Um, sure."

"How about seven?"

"I'll meet you there," Anya said, yawning.


"Great.  I have to go though, goodnight," Anya said.


She was doing her job, something she had loved in the past.


"Something's going on," Giles said cryptically.

"Isn't something always going on?" Buffy was sure there was.

"Yes, well, something new is going on.  I was reading last night and I came across something in this book."  He handed it to her and her eyes scanned the page.

"Sorry, can't read it.  It's funky looking."

"Oh, yes, yes, it's in Greek."

"That would explain it," she mused.  "So, what's the what?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but be prepared for something.  I'll let you know more when I know more."

"Gee, that really helps me out, Giles."

"Well, give me time.  Was England built in one day?"

"No, but normally you're book guy with all the answers.  Now: zip."

"Sorry, yes, but give about an hour or so.  I'll call you," he said.

"You do that.  I have a class to go to," she said walking out the door.


"So, what exactly are you mad at Xander about?  I mean, it happened four years ago," Anya asked Cecile.

"He dumped me, and ever since I've had extremely bad luck with men.  I'm just a very superstitious person and I feel like he's jinxed me."

"So, you have this great resentment towards him ever since?" Anya thought it seemed very petty and fickle, and it was.


"So, what do you think?"

Xander and Roz walked down the streets of downtown Sunnydale, Christmas shopping.

"About what?  Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to you," his sister explained.

"What do you think I should get Anya for Christmas?"

"And who's Anya?"

"My girlfriend."

"Of how long?"

"About two months."

"Okay, you need something nice, but since it hasn't been long, noncommittal."

"Got it."

"Let's go shopping."



"I wouldn't wish Xander Harris on any woman.  No offense.  I don't know how he ended up dating Cordelia Chase," Cecile told Anya.

"Hmm."  Denny's was bustling and Anya was uncomfortable with the situation in such a large crowed.

"I wish he'd die a horrible, gruesome death.  Very Braveheart-ish with decapitation and torture," Cecile uttered the fateful words.  Anya sat, paralyzed with the fear of having to do this.


"Can we talk?" Oz looked down at Willow, who was sitting on a bench at UC Sunnydale.  The morning was bright and crowded.

"Okay, but not here.  Somewhere less crowded."

"Thanks," Oz said following Willow's lead.


"That's it!" Xander and Roz stood in front of a store filled with trinkets.  One in the window caught Xander's attention.

"If it registers that response it's worth it. Let's go."


Anya sat, looking at Cecile and thinking of the words she had just said.  "Wow, you really, don't like him."

"That's an understatement."

Anya looked at her watch and then at Cecile. "I have to go. I'm late for to meet some people," Anya said.  She was lying, but had to leave.


D'Hoffryn was steaming.  Anya had betrayed him and she would pay.  He was going to take it into his own hands to do so.


"I hadn't planned on spending that much," Xander commented walking out of the store.

"Good thing I was here," Roz added.

"Very good thing."

"I think she'll like it.  It's unique.  At least I think it is."

"So, two days till Christmas, what will you be doing on this holiday?"

"I don't know. Funny, isn't it.  Our family never does anything together.  Camp out under the stars?"

"Why not.  I did it last year and it started snowing."

"It snowed in Sunnydale?"

"Weird, I know," Xander said.

"Can we, I don't hang out later?" Oz watched Willow's face for a reaction.

"Here's the thing.  I was talking to Buffy and Xander last night and they brought something to my attention. Last year at this time we were in this position, but the roles were reversed.  You missed me like an appendage and I miss you like one.  But we need to work on building the trust back again.  But I'm willing to try if you are.  Buffy and her mom are having us over for Christmas Eve dinner.  You could come with me."

"Okay.  Thank you.  And, I'm sorry, about everything."

"I'd like to say it's okay, but it isn't.  It is something we have to work on.  But I have to go to class now.  So, I'll see you later."

Oz looked at Willow, smiled and hugged her. She returned the gestures and it felt right.  Even though he had left her, it felt right to be back and a big part of her knew she shouldn't worry about anything.


Throughout the day Anya felt uneasy.  She knew she had not done her duty and knew that D'Hoffryn would not be pleased. None of the elders would.  But not doing her job had been surprisingly easy.  She decided to never tell Xander about it either and cut off all ties with Cecile. She again felt as though she may vomit.  What she did know was that she had to see Xander.  D'Hoffryn did not like being disobeyed and someone would pay.  She just hoped it wouldn't be Xander.

All of the sudden a blinding pain ripped through Anya's body.  She lurched down near the ground and curled in a ball on the pavement.  A few seconds passed and the pain worsened.  No one was around to help her, which was probably best.  Anya knew she was about to be reprimanded and there was nothing she could do about.  After forty-five seconds the pain ceased.  Anya stood straight up, her face horribly grotesque with the features of a demon.  Anyanka, the demon she formerly was.  Anya was gone and the demon had returned.  It had no mind of it's own and was out for blood.  It was the blood of a particular mortal.


The jumpy Bronze was jumpy as usual.  Xander, Willow, Buffy, and Oz sat at the movie theater stile seats in the back.  They were soon joined by Roz.  The evening went by smoothly.  Oz was treated as though nothing happened with the exception of a few glances by Xander.  Buffy, Willow, and Xander left before the other two and walked the streets as they normally would.

Walking down the street they ran into Giles on his late night jog.  It was talk as usual, the subject being demons and vampires.  Willow stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the demon Anyanka walking towards them.

"Oh, my God."  Giles too recognized the demon. Xander and Buffy gawked.  "This must be the great disturbance I read about," the Watcher realized.

Anyanka began to speak.  She grabbed Xander by his shirt and held him up off the ground against the wall of the Bronze.  The others tried to reach him, but she started chanting and quickly bound them in a mystical, swirl type rope.  Buffy tried to kick her way out unsuccessfully.  Willow and Giles tried to cast a spell only to have their voices removed.  Anyanka kept one arm outstretched toward her captives and one choking the life out of Xander, while chanting in Greek.

From around the corer Oz and Roz saw what was going on.  Oz pushed Roz behind the wall and told her, "In every generation their is a chosen one.  She alone will fight the demons, the vampires, and the forces of darkness.  She is the slayer.  Buffy is the Slayer.  Giles is her Watcher.  But they quit the council, it's a long story.  The one choking your brother is Anya, but in her demon form.  She used to be one Now, that notebook computer you have with you, we need it."

"Huh?" Roz stared in shock.

"They'll explain more later, but we need the computer, now!"

Oz listened to what Anyanka was saying, over and over again.  He typed the phrase into the computer and got what he needed, a counter-spell.  He began saying the words, loudly.  Anyanka looked towards Oz and Roz, but there was nothing she could do.  She looked at Xander's face, which was turning colors.

"Anya, please, let go.  You don't want to do this to me.  It's me, Xander, remember.  I don't annoy as much as other males.  Please, Anya, please."  Xander tried to get more out, but couldn't.  Suddenly Anyanka's grip loosened and both she and Xander fell to the ground in a thump.  Anyanka was no longer and Anya was back, however, she was unconscious.  Xander crawled over to her and rolled her onto her back.  He checked to make sure she was still breathing.  She was, but barely.

Oz and Roz rushed over to the others.

"Are you okay?" Oz looked at Willow and then the others.

"Yeah, thanks," Willow said getting to her feet.

"Roz, what you saw was-," Buffy was about to make up one of their outrageous lies.

"She knows part of it.  It could take more explaining though," Oz said.

"Oh, well, indeed," Giles brushed himself off.  They all walked to where Xander was picking Anya up off of the ground.

"She needs to get to a hospital," he said, pushing his way through them to Oz's van.  He climbed in, carrying Anya ever s gently and held her in his arms all the way to the hospital.


"Oz, Roz, thank you."  Xander looked at his sister, who now knew all she needed to know to survive in Sunnydale, and friend.  "I was really about to die there."

"Actually, we had nothing to do with her letting go of you.  Ours was a counter spell to have her let go of Willow, Buffy, and Giles," Oz explained.

"I wonder why she let go?" Buffy looked through the window to Anya's room.

"I think I know," Willow replied.  "I was reading in one of Giles' books that when someone is possessed there is one thing that can over come that, stronger than anything else: Willpower.

"You think Anya willed herself to stop choking Xander?" This intrigued Giles.

"I think it was what Xander said that got through the demon and back to Anya herself," Willow explained.  She looked at Xander smile through the window.

"Excuse me, but you'll all have to go now," a nurse said to the group.

"I want to stay with her.  She needs someone she knows here when she wakes up," Xander told the nurse.

"I'm sorry, sir.  But if you leave your number I'll call you when she wakes up.  That's the best I can do."

Xander wrote his number down and the nurse left it on Anya's chart.  The Scooby Gang, mostly intact, walked out of the hospital, not realizing it was now Christmas Eve.


The Summers home smelled like everything Christmas should smell like.  Joyce and Giles were in the kitchen with occasional help from the Slayer and her friends.  For the most part Buffy and the gang sat in the living room talking.  And, everyone seemed happy.  Willow had Oz back, Buffy wasn't missing Angel, but Xander was missing Anya.  He was worried that no one had called yet.  But it was only eight in the morning.

Then, like magic, or some weird coincidence, their was a knock on the door.  Buffy opened it up to see Anya standing there.

"Anya, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said.  "Is Xander here yet?"

"Yeah, I'm right here," he said stepping into the entry way.

"Can we talk?" Anya looked at Xander with hope.

"Yeah, sure.  Buffy, can we use your room?"

"Sure," the Slayer said, opening the door wider for Anya to enter.


"Are you okay?  I told the hospital to call me when you woke up, but they didn't.  I should write and angry letter," Xander laughed nervously.

"I snuck out.  Xander, what exactly happened?  All I remember was walking through town and then being hit by this sudden pain, then I woke up in a hospital bed.  What did I do to you?"

"How did you know you did something to me?"

"There were things I didn't tell you about that happened a couple of days ago," Anya said sitting on Buffy's bed.  "The night I was late meeting you at the Bronze I was called forth by D'Hoffryn.  I was given back my power center and would be allowed to keep it if I completed the wish they told me to grant.

"I found out my 'assignment' was to grant the wish of Cecile McClain.  It was against you.  D'Hoffryn and the other elders aren't stupid.  It was a test.  First they'd make me live a human life then tempt with the one thing that was taken.  The point of the test is to see how human I've become and the see if I could stop the one thing that made me so human, and have faith in the thing I was created to hate.

"Killing you, by granting Cecile's wish, would have gotten me my power center back for good, but I couldn't do it.  D'Hoffryn, obviously became upset, and turned me back into Anyanka.  I was under his control and couldn't do anything about it.  That's all that I know about it.  And I only know that because I've seen it happen before.  Xander, did I hurt you?"

"You nearly killed me."

"Oh, God. I'm so sorry."

"I'm finally getting Buffy's point about forgiving Angel.  There were so many times when he nearly killed her and all of us, but she forgave him.  Do you know why?"

"No, I don't," she said softly.

"Because it wasn't Angel who did it, it was Angelus and they're two different people.  It wasn't you who tried to kill me, or tied up my friend with blue rope, it was D'Hoffryn possessing you . That's something I understand.  I don't need to forgive you, because it wasn't you.  But if you need me to say the words, that I forgive you, I will.  I forgive you, Anya."

Anya was becoming choked up as she received the hug Xander instigated.  He pulled away from her, giving off a comfortable smile.

"Merry Christmas," he said, pulling her present from his pocket.

"You didn't have to get me a present.  Here's yours," she said handing him a box she had taken from her purse.

Anya opened hers to find a silver bracelet with a charm dangling from it.

"I thought it looked like the picture I had seen of your power center," he explained, placing it on her wrist.

"Thank you.  Now open yours," she told him.

Inside the box was a framed picture of she and Xander at the prom.  Both looking very happy to be there.

"It's what we took after we started having a good time.  It's been one of my favorite mortal memories and I didn't know what else to get you.  I thought it should be something that we share that I love so much," Anya said.

"It's perfect."

"You don't have to say that," she blushed.

"No, I do love it.  I was really surprised by you, Anya.  The entire night all you spoke about was the men you'd destroyed.  Then after the last dance things brightened up and when this was taken I realized you weren't so bad.  Please, do not take that the wrong way, but listening to your stories, is not what I guy wants to hear.  But I have to tell you that you are quite a woman.  You've changed for the better."

"Merry Christmas, Xander," she told him.

"Merry Christmas.  Ready to join the crowd?"

"Mmm, okay," she said wearily.


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