Part 11

"Maybe we should go check out the mansion," Buffy said, trailing behind the others with Spike.  "That’s were Acathala’s final resting place was."

"Tried there on my way in," Spike told her.  "Place looked as bad as when we left."

"Yeah, well, Giles made the statue go bye-bye," Buffy said as they went through the library doors.  "So if Dru is looking for it…"

Buffy and Spike ran smack into the backs of those they were following.  Startled, they could only look at each other with raised eyebrows.

"Spi-ike," Drusilla’s voice came from the other side of the small group of people.  "You’ve been helpin’ the Slayer again.  An’ I don’t like it."

"Aw, Princess," Spike said, stepping around the Slayerettes.  "You got it all wrong.  I was lookin’ for you.  Figure I’d kill you a Slayer as a gift."

Drusilla stood with five other vampires spread out over the library.  The door to the office looked as though it had been hit many times, but not enough to break it open.  Buffy prayed that Cordelia and Giles where safe inside.

"I see you got me a better present," Drusilla said, walking closer to the group. She passed Spike to stand directly in front of Angel, who was looking at her with curiosity and confusion.  "You got me my Angel."

"That I did, pet.  That I did," Spike said, saving his own skin.  "Deals off, Slayer.  Anything goes."  He gestured to the waiting vampires.  "Kill them."

The vampires attacked.  Buffy jumped in front of everyone, kicking Spike in the chest sending him flying over the check out counter.  Another vampire grabbed her by the arm and swung her into the same counter.  Buffy hit it, but held onto the countertop in order to swing both her legs straight up behind her and capture the vampire’s head between her feet.  She twisted and the vampire plus the Slayer fell to the ground.

Oz pushed Willow back through the library doors before he was tackled by a flying male vampire.  They both hit the floor hard, Oz on the bottom, and the vampire tried to go in for the kill.  Oz squirmed under him, trying to work the stake out of his flannel pocket.

Xander grabbed the nearest female vampire and brought her head down into his knee with a resounding crack.  The female staggered back a few steps and Xander went after her, stake in hand.  She lashed out with her right leg, catching Xander in a snap kick to his crotch.  In pain, Xander bent to cup himself and the vampire grabbed his head with her hands and slammed him into the wall.

Noticing the battle taking place in the library, Giles opened the office door.  He took aim and let a crossbow bolt fly, dusting one of the vampires advancing to hinder the Slayer.  He quickly reloaded as the other unoccupied male vampire headed towards the open door.

Drusilla stood amidst the fray, staring Angel in the eyes.  "Be in me," she told him.  "Be in my eyes."

Willow pushed back through the door and jumped on the vampire trying to bite her boyfriend.  She thrust a cross on his cheek and held on as he screamed and stood, bucking like a bronco.

Xander, both heads ringing, used the female’s grip on his skull to bring them both crashing to the floor.  He rolled to his left, away from the vampire, and got to his knees, searching his pocket for the vial of holy water hidden within.

Spike just stayed where he landed, not very interested in duking it out with the Slayer or her friends.  As soon as he could, he’d grab Drusilla and bolt.

"Let’s see what we can find," Drusilla said, touching Angel’s head with her hand.  Her eyes rolled in her head.

Cordelia threw a small bottle of holy water out the door of the office at the charging vampire.  It exploded on him, and he threw up his arms trying to brush the burning away.

Oz stood and extracted the errant stake and thrust it at the thrashing vampire with Willow on his back.  The point went in, and he exploded into dust.  Willow fell to the floor, face first.  She stopped herself in time with her hands and knees.  Oz hurried to her side.

Buffy brought her fists down together on the vamp’s face, clenched together.  The vamp’s nose, cheeks and forehead concaved at the force of her blow.  No longer able to scream, blood bubbled from the vampire’s lips.  The Slayer whipped out a stake, slid her right leg out to the side so she was in a crouch and dusted him.

The unearthly wail that rose from the center of the room made everyone freeze, vampires and humans alike.  Angel fell to his knees, clutching his head in his hands, and leaned forward until his face was almost touching the floor.

Spike stood up and surveyed the mess in the room.  He saw his sire and then Drusilla with a smug smile on her face.  "Ut-oh," he said to himself.

The silence after was deafening.  Buffy did not move from her position, as her love slowly brought his head up to look at her.

"Hello, lover," he whispered.

That voice, that evil smirk, those cold eyes, Buffy’s mind tried to shut down but it could not.  "Oh, god," she whispered.  Angelus.

Battle immediately continued at the sound of Angelus’ voice.  The female vampire on Xander charged him, knocking him back against the wall.  The air rushed out of the teen and the vampire moved in for the kill.  She was suddenly a poof of dust as Oz shoved another stake through her back.  "Thanks," Xander said, sagging.

Spike jumped up onto the counter, then down behind Drusilla.

Giles let go with another bolt, which imbedded itself in the smoking vampire ’s shoulder.  The vamp hissed and tried to wrench it out, but Cordelia ran out and thrust a stake into his chest.  Dust flew around her as she turned and bolted back into the relative safety of the office.

The only vampires left were Drusilla, Spike…and Angelus.

Buffy and the vampire had not moved from their positions on the floor.  Staring each other down, one the hunter the other the prey.  The Slayer realized that this was it.  Her Angel was once again no more.  She closed her eyes as the pain washed over her, then opened them to see Spike standing above Angelus, stake in hand.  There eyes met and Buffy nodded imperceptibly.

Spike brought the wooden stake he was holding down into his sire’s back with all the force he could muster.  Drusilla screamed, her hands flying to the sides of her head.  Giles and Cordelia ran out of the office and slid to a halt as slow motion seemed to descend upon the room.

Buffy watched as her love’s eyes widened in surprise and pain, then his hand reached out for her.  "Buffy…"

Buffy didn’t move.  She could only stare as his body slowly collapsed into ashes, a dirty pile on the floor.  Her lips began to tremble as she pressed them together.  A sob escaped her throat and she looked up at the ceiling, trying desperately not to let the tears fall.

"No! You did this!  You killed my Angel!" Drusilla threw herself at Spike.  The two vampires tumbled to the floor, Drusilla clawing and screaming and Spike not doing anything to defend himself.

The others slowly crept around the vampires, the Slayer and her dead love and out the library doors.

Part 12
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