See Prologue for Disclaimer

Part 3

Buffy groaned and opened her eyes.  Blinking, she noticed she wasn't in her bed.  Or even in her house.  Fully awake, she looked at Angel, sleeping peacefully on the bed.  She quietly stood and went over to him.

She couldn't believe he was back.  The tears started to fall unheeded as she stared down into his handsome face.  Sniffing, she glanced at her watch.  "Damn, I have barely enough time to get home, shower and get to school," Buffy said to herself.  "Oh, man.  I bet mom's having a fit."

After leaving a quick note for Angel, Buffy hurried out the door towards home.  Her mom was waiting for her when she arrived.  "Buffy, are you ok?"

"Yeah," Buffy said, hugging her mother.  "I'm sorry I didn't come back last night."

"It's ok.  Rupert called me and told me about Angel," Joyce said.  She looked at her daughter's haggard features.  "Are you sure you're ok?"

Buffy sighed.  "No.  But I will be.  Seeing him again…it hurts.  Knowing that it was my fault he has all those scars."


"Oh, mom.  They're awful," Buffy said.  "All over the bottom of his feet and back.  The pain he must have gone through…"  She started to cry.  Joyce took her daughter into her arms once again, trying to give some comfort to the pain and guilt Buffy was feeling.


"Hey, guys," Buffy said with little enthusiasm as she entered the library.  Willow and Giles were the only ones there.

"Buffy!" Willow stood and hugged her friend.  "How are you?  How's Angel?"

"I'm ok, he's ok," Buffy responded.  "Well, not really, but I'm coping."

"Did he remember anything?" Willow asked.

"No. He didn't even realize he was drinking blood," Buffy told her.  She turned to her Watcher.  "Giles, can you make an appointment for that psychology testing?"

"Certainly," Giles said.  "I gather nothing happened last night?"

"Nothing, Giles.  I helped him undress and tucked him in, then fell asleep on the couch," Buffy explained.  Her eyes welled up with tears.  "I saw the scars the doctor told us about."

"Were they…extensive?" Giles asked.

"Understatement," Buffy said.  "They were awful.  None of us could even begin to imagine the pain he must have gone through."

"Hey, Will, Buffy, Giles," Xander said, entering the library.  "How's the psycho?"

"Don't call him that, Xander," Buffy said fiercely.

"Why not?  It's true," Xander replied.

Buffy took a swing, landing a left hook on the boy's jaw.  His head snapped back with the impact.  Holding his jaw, he stared at the Slayer with surprise and hurt.  "Um…ow."

"Serves you right," Willow said, slapping him on the arm.  "Just because you don't like Angel, it doesn't give you the right to say things like that.  I think you'd better leave."

"Fine.  Defend the murderer," Xander said, spinning on his heel.  "Just don't come crawling to me when he drains you both dry."

Buffy turned to Giles.  "Giles, I know that you don't like Angel either, but please take it out on me and not him," she said.  "It was my fault that Angelus came back."

"Buffy, I am not going to lecture you on my feelings towards Angel," Giles said.  "Nor am I going to forbid you to see him.  However, I will warn you that the demon was released once, and it could happen again."

Buffy nodded solemnly.  "I know.  But do you think you can find out for sure?  If he gets his memory back, I'd like to be able to give him somewhat of a reassurance that Angelus can't come back."

"Very well," Giles sighed.  "You better get to class."

"Yeah, before the troll shows up and gives me detention again," Buffy said.  "Coming Will?"

"No, you go ahead.  I want to talk to Giles a minute," Willow told her.

"Ok. See you at lunch," Buffy said.  She left the library.

"You wanted to speak with me?" Giles asked the hacker.

"Yeah.  Do you want me to start researching the curse using the disk we found in Miss Calendar's classroom?" she asked.

"That would be very helpful, Willow," Giles said.  "Thank you."

Willow smiled, pleased she could do something to help her friend.

Part 4
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