Part 7

Buffy and Angel arrived at his apartment in record time.  She led him inside, locking the door behind them and took his books.  She set them on the table, then pulled him into her arms, kissing him deeply and passionately.

Angel responded eagerly.  He was not sure why Buffy was kissing him with such fervor, but did nothing to stop her.

Breathing heavily, Buffy broke the kiss and whispered to him.  "Make love to me."

Angel looked at her with surprise.  "Are you s-sure?"

"I need you, Angel," Buffy said, cupping his face in her hands.  "And I want to show you how much I love you, how I could never despise you or think you’ re a monster."

"Wh-what?" Angel asked, confused.

"Don't worry about it," Buffy told him.  "Just love me."

She took his hands, then led him over to the bed.  Slowly, she removed her black camisole and matching skirt, along with her shoes.  Buffy stood before Angel proudly in wisps of lace.  Angel swallowed heavily, taking in the beauty before him.  He removed his own shirt and shoes, then pushed his shaking hands into Buffy's hair as he bent and kissed her.

Buffy leaned into his cold body, wrapping her arms around his waist.  She winced slightly when she felt the puckered scars, but Angel did not notice.  He began to kiss along Buffy's jaw, then down her neck and onto her shoulder, sliding his hands down her arms slowly.  Buffy shivered, even though the apartment was hot.

When they joined and release finally came, the two lovers fell together, each calling the other's name. Angel held Buffy close, not wanting to ever let her go.  He could feel her body shaking underneath him and Angel moved his head back to look into his love's face.  "What's wrong?"

"I love you," Buffy told him, tears falling freely from her eyes.  "I love you so much."

"I love you, too," Angel told her, kissing the trails of wetness.  "I don't know why, but I do.  With all my soul."

Buffy squeezed her eyes shut at his words, pulling him closer.  *He couldn't have realized he said soul instead of heart,* she thought as Angel settled back into her arms.  She stroked the back of his head as he drifted off into sleep, thinking about all he had said while hypnotized.  *I will make sure that he knows he is loved no matter what,* she swore to herself.  *Even if I have to live forever to do so.*


That night, Angel dreamed.

He woke to find Buffy missing from his bed.  Looking around with worry, he sat up.  She moved out from the bathroom, staring at him, buttoning a red shirt.  He watched as she picked up a chain hanging on a statue and put it over her head.

"Buffy," Angel said.  "Where did you go?"

"Been around," Buffy answered.

"I was freaking out.  You just disappeared," Angel said, watching her carefully.

"What?  I took off."

"But you didn’t say anything.  You just left."

"Yeah.  Like I really wanted to stick around after that," Buffy said cruelly.

"What?" Angel asked, confused.

"You got a lot to learn.  Although I guess you proved that last night," Buffy told him.

"What are you saying?"

"Let’s not make an issue out of it, ok?  In fact, let’s not talk about it at all.  It happened," Buffy said.  She turned to the door.

"I…I don’t understand.  Was it m-me?  Was I not good?" Angel asked meekly.

"You were great, really," Buffy laughed snidely.  "I thought you were a pro."

"How can you say this to me?"

"Lighten up.  It was a good time.  It doesn’t mean like we have to make a big deal."

"It is a big deal!"

"It’s what?" Buffy asked.  "Bells ringing, fireworks, a dulcet choir of pretty little birdies?"  She laughed at him.  "Come on, Angel.  It’s not like I’ve never been there before."  She stared at him, a tear streaked mess on the bed.  "I should’ve known you wouldn’t be able to handle it."

"Buffy!" Angel cried, sitting up abruptly.  He looked around wildly, trying to get his bearings.

"I'm right here," Buffy said sleepily from next to him on the bed.  Angel pulled her into his arms, holding her as if his life depended on it.  "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked, as he rocked her in his arms.

"I h-had a hor-horrible nightmare," Angel told her, his voice choked with tears.  "You-you were s-s-so cold t-to me.  Said you-you-you wouldn't have b-b-bothered if you-you knew I-I-I would b-b-b-be so easy."

Buffy's eyes widened in horror.  That was what Angelus had said to her after their one night together which released his soul.

"Shh.  I'm right here," she comforted him, even though her mind was reeling.  "I'm not leaving you."  Angel cried for a long time before he fell back into a dreamless sleep.

Extracting herself carefully from his arms, Buffy threw on Angel's discarded shirt and picked up the phone.  She quickly dialed home.  "Mom?  Yeah, I know it's late.  I won't be home tonight....No, I'm ok.  I'll tell you about it tomorrow after school.  Bye."

Buffy hung up the phone then went to the bathroom.  She cleaned herself up somewhat, then joined Angel, falling into a dreamless sleep.

Part 8
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