Tell Me That You Don't Love Me"

By: A. Price

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters of BTVS. At this point I think they would be happier if I did. But they are owned by Joss Whedon and Co. And I will return them to their unhappiness when I'm done with them.

Angel tossed and turned in his bed.  Her words repeating and hurting over and over again.  "Tell me that you don't love me" she had said to him.  He couldn't say it and she walked away out of his life forever.

He went over the conversation again.  She had come in and found him in the garden.  His face had lit up when he saw her.  "I was wondering when you were coming." he had told her.

Then came the words that hurt so badly "I'm not coming back."  She had told him that couldn't be friends, she couldn't fool herself anymore.  "What I want from you, I can never have." she had told him sadly.

Angel had stared in disbelief at what he was hearing.  "I don't accept that." he had told her.

"You have to." she said quietly.

Not quite willing to let her walk away, he had walked towards her.  She had backed away from him.  "There's got to be a way taht we can still see each other." he had told her, praying for an answer.

"There is...Tell me that you don't love me." she had said it, softly, the hurt showing in her eyes.

He couldn't say it and she walked away.  She left him alone in the garden, trying to figure out what had just happened.

He got up from the bed, sleep was not going to come.  "I should have lied to her, told her that I didn't love her.  Because the pain of knowing she's not coming back is worse then any torture I suffered in hell" he shouted to the uncaring walls.  He couldn't have lied to her if he had wanted to, he knew she could see right through him.

Spike was right, they would be in love until it killed them both.  Maybe Buffy was right to walk away.  He thought to himself as he paced the floor.  "No!  Damn it, she wasn't right."  They had not gone to hell and back to be separated forever.  There had to be a way.  Why had he come back, if they couldn't be together?

Angel knew who to go to for help.  He prayed she would help him, but he had saved her life a few weeks ago, so maybe.  Willow was awakened from a restless, bad dream filled sleep.  She wasn't sure what to do about the Oz/Xander/Cordy mess.  She went to the french door to peek at who was knocking.  She was surprised to see Angel there.

"Hey, Angel" she said as she stepped out on to the balcony.  "Oh, I forgot, thanks for saving me from the flamey death" she managed a small smile.

"Your welcome, and I need a favor." Angel said returning the smile.

"Well, I'm don't know what I can do for you, unless it would be to make a mess of your life.  I seem to be doing that alot lately." she told him sadly.

"I'm sorry about you and Oz, Willow.  It will all work out.  I need your help with Buffy." he said softly.  He prayed she would help.

"With Buffy?  She told me...she decided it's best not to be near you.  It's too hard for her, Angel.  She does love you, you know that right?"

"I know Willow, and I've been thinking there has to be a way around this curse.  Can you help me study it and figure it out, please." he pleaded with her, adding softly "If I can't be with her, I might as well have stayed in hell."

Willow looked at the heartbroken vampire and made a decision, "Yes, I'll help you.  Somebody in Sunnydale should be happy."

Angel smiled at her broadly "You will!  What can I do to help?"

"Go home, don't go near Buffy.  It will only upset her.  I'll get in touch with you." Willow told him as she went back into her bedroom.

Angel was surprised the next night to see Willow show up at the mansion.  She was smiling "Angel, I have good news!  I took the restoration spell apart and reread each line.  I figured out a few things:"

"Number one: The restoration spell I cast for you, was a spell unto itself."

"Number two: The infamous happiness curse attachement was used by the Romani, but Jenny didn't include it in the spell that she interpreted.  There is no curse, Angel, just a soul restoration."

"This brings us to number three, the most important thing" continued Willow.  "Love, I think yours and Buffys undying, self sacrificing love brought you back.  I don't know why I didn't look all this up before.  I guess I was scared and we were all confused by everything.  I'm sorry Angel, I should have known before." Willow told him with a sad smile.

Angel sat down, trying to process what Willow had told him.  "Your sure there is no curse, Willow?  Absolutely sure?" he asked her his voice shaky.

"I am positive.  I am positive enough to go with you to Buffy now and tell her.  Do you want me too?" Willow said smiling happily.

"Let's go!" Angel said as he grabbed Willow's hand.

Angel knocked on Buffy's door, he had checked Joyce wasn't home, so they could be alone.  She answered it, seeing him she said "Angel, I can't" and started to close the door.

Willow spoke up "Buffy, you have to let us in.  I have wonderful news for you. Please listen."

"Come in, but this better be good.  Willow, you should understand, why I can't keep seeing him," Buffy said softly.

Willow wasted no time in explaining the news to Buffy.  "So this means that you can be together, no curse Buffy." Willow finished with a smile.

Angel could not contain his joy as he listened to Willow explain everything to Buffy.  Buffy spoke "You're sure?"  Willow shook her head yes and smiled.

"I'm sure.  And I'm going.  You two have a lot to talk about.  And maybe I can go work on some of my problems." She said as she left out the door.

Angel stepped closer to Buffy, unsure of what to do next.  She smiled up at him, and stepped closer to him.  She put her arms around his neck "You just wouldn't give up, would you?" she asked with a smile.

He cautiously took her into his arms, she leaned in against him, lying her head on his chest, arms still around his neck.  She couldn't believe he was here!  And it was safe!  "Angel" she said as they made their way to the couch.

"Yes" he answered as he slid his arm around her and pulled her next to him.

"Would you ever give up on us?" she asked softly.

He looked into her eyes and with a smile said "Only one thing would make me give up."

"What?" she asked curiously.

"Tell me that you don't love me" he said with a soft laugh.

"Angel!" she said exasperated.  Then their lips met and they were unafraid of what would happen next for the first time since he had returned - they were free at last - free to love each other at last.

The End

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