Worth Fighting For

By: Ivory

Disclaimer: Everything Buffy-related belongs to Joss, yadda yadda yadda...

Author's Notes: That aside, this poem was inspired by Buffy and Angel's conversation in Gingerbread.  Enjoy!

How many times have I had more than I can stand?
Every defeat lessening the times I stop to lend a hand.
In this struggle, it seems I am the only opposing one,
And I wish more than ever for it to be over and done.

It would be easy to dissolve into the crowd,
Hanging my head that was once so proud.
As long as I didn't have to look into the vibrant eyes,
It would be that much easier to say the goodbyes.

Maybe, I think, it's time to let someone else be brave,
And have them worry about who they can save.
It shouldn't be me alone to fight the tide,
But I can't ignore that little voice inside.

"What if, by choosing now to give up the fight,
You become one who favors wrong over right?"
Moments ago, I thought I had nothing left to give.
But maybe, I am the reason why someone else lives...

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