What Happens Whe The Lights Go Out

By: M&M

Disclaimer:I don't own Xander or Cordelia or any part of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I wish I did, but I don't.  They all belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Twentieth Centruy Fox Television and the Warner Brothers Network.  I'm sure there are other companies involved, but I don't know them all.  The Sunnydale Inn is mine.  Motel 6 is not.  That belongs to the people who run Motel 6's.  Please do not sue.  You'll only get about a quarter.  I am only a poor little person who writes fan fiction as a hobbie.

Authors Note:If your wondering where the rest of the group is through this story...don't.  They won't show up.  It's purly Xander and Cordelia.  I hope it's fun too.

"I hate elevator music.", Xander Harris commented.  He and his girlfriend, Cordelia Chase were in the elevator at the Sunnydale Inn.  Though it wasn't a four star resort it was the best in Sunnydale.  It attracted the welathiest of people who happened to visit the town or who wanted to get away from their children.  It was either that or Motel 6.

Cordelia had dragged Xander here for brunch with her parents.  He did not want to be there and made it known.  "So how long do we have to stay?", Xander asked for billionth time.  "I told you we will leave when I'm ready.", Cordelia shot back.  Thankfully Cordelia didn't like to be around her parents that much.  The boring elevator music conitued to play along merrily.  Suddenly it stopped and the lights went out...and so did the elevator.

"What was that?!?!", Cordelia yelled with panic in her voice.

"I think the elevator broke.", Xander replyed rather calmly.

"Well what are we going to do?", she was getting more and more panic stricken.

"We'll wait, Cordy.  There's nothing we can do.", he told her.

"There you go again.  The same thing happened when the bug man attacked us.  You just wanted to stay there and wait for Buffy to come find us.  Did it happen?  No.  And no one's gonna find us here either.!", she screamed.

"Yelling like you are and some one's gonna come.", he tested her.

"Shut up.  If you weren't such a coward you would have gone out from the ceiling and tried to find help.", she shot back.

"No, no.  I saw that movie where the guys body came out from the elevator.  Want that to happen to me?", he asked.

Cordelia pondered the question for a moment.

"Don't think to hard.", he replyed sarcastically.

She shot a look that he knew ment not to test her right now.

"Cordy, it's alright.  We'll be found.  Other people have to go up the elevator, too.  Eventually they will find us.", Xander tried to calm her.

"Xander!!!  I can't wait that long.  My parents are up there waiting.  My making will start to melt.  I can't stay here.  I'm leaving.", she said trying to jump up to the panals in the elevator ceiling.  Xander went to her to stop her.  After three jumps she fell on top of Xander.  They laid on a heap on the floor.  They stood up and colleted themselves then looked at eachother.  They each knew what they were about to do.  It's what always happened after they argued.  They both began kissing the other and were now in the corner of the elevator.

They had no clue how long they had been going at it, but they suddenly heard a voice and stopped kissing.

"Hey you alright?", a male voice asked.

"Yeah. We're both fine.", Xander yelled up to him.

"Okay, we'll have you outa here in a jiffy.", he told them

"Oh, thank God.  We get out of here soon.", Cordelia breathed.

She began to check herself in the elevator mirrors.

"Oh, my God.  I can't go out there looking like this!  My hair!!!!  Xander we can't leave until my hair looks like it did before we got in here.", she said sternly.  "Now hand me the brush in my purse.", she demanded.

He did so and for the next thirty minutes he handed her other hair things from her purse.  They fixed the elevator ten minutes after the man asked if they were alright.  But Cordelia would not leave until her hair was perfect.  *That's my Cordy*, Xander thought to himself.


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