Fanfic M

There are 152 stories by M authors

"This is a library of sorts, so please behave properly. All stories with short summaries are short stories, all stories without are part stories. The part stories summaries can be read when you go to the story. The entries for the contest have in front of them. Most authors like feedback, so please be kind enough to send some. Flames are not usually welcome, so please don't. All stories are here thanks to the archivists Dreamer and Delia. You can find all submission instructions here or e-mail and ask the Webmistress. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some demons to reasearch."

Again, only short stories (1 part), have summaries on the index pages.


What Happens When the Lights Go Out by M&M
Xander and Cordelia get stuck in an elevator.

The Meeting by M&M
Xander meets Cordelia's parents.
The sequel to "What Happens When the Lights Go Out"

A Vampire In Love by M&M

A Death in the Family by M&M
Buffy's cousin comes to live with them.

Forgive and Forget by M&M
Ms. Calendar's spell is found. It's time to forgive and forget.
1st story in a trilogy

I Told You I'd Dance with You on the Slayer's Grave, Pet by M&M
Spike and Drusilla are back, with a prophecy behind them.
2nd story in trilogy

I Can Walk Like Man, But I'm Not One by M&M
Prophecies, dreams and a spell are sure to bring attention to Sunnydale.
3rd story in his trilogy

Unexpected Visit by M&M
An old friend tries to convince Buffy to go back to Sunnydale.

Penance by M&M
Two people seek penance and/or forgiveness from those they love.


Generation Next by Mary-Jany
1st in the Generation Next series.

A Family Affair by Mary-Jany
Part of the Generation Next series.


A Scrapbook of Memories by Megg
Willow, Xander, and Buffy make scrapbooks of their highschool years.

Michael K. Donovan
Winner of New Author Award given by the Very Suave, Very Not Pathetic Slayerette Site

The Dark Side of Zeppo by Michael K. Donovan
Winner of the VSVNP Scooby Award for Best New Villian
What if Xander had found himself not so powerless during "The Zeppo".

Divergent Paths by Michael K. Donovan
1st in the "Seventh Son" series

Returns by Michael K. Donovan
2nd in the Seventh Son series

To Hell With Tomorrow by Michael K. Donovan
Winner of the VSVNP Scooby Award for Best Time Depection, Best Prophecy, and for Best Completed Fic
3rd in the Seventh Son series

History by Michael K. Donovan
4th in the Seventh Son series

Bad Blood by Michael K. Donovan
A familiar face comes to LA, forcing Angel to confront both a violent killer and his lingering feelings for Buffy.
Part of the Seventh Son series

Poor Miss Edith by Michael K. Donovan
Spike and Drusilla meet and battle with a young Gabriel Giles in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Part of the Seventh Son series

A Day in the Life by Michael K. Donovan
Buffy and Gabriel are transformed into children and Willow and Xander must assume the powers of the Slayer and Seventh Son.
A part of the Seventh Son series

Redeemed by Michael K. Donovan
5 months after 'The Wish', a new Slayer arrives in Sunnydale with the promise of redemption.
Part of the Seventh Son series.

Boy's Night Out by Michael K. Donovan
While the girls have a night to themselves, the boys go looking for fun and run afoul of a demon with a taste for young men.
Part of the Seventh Son series

Instincts by Michael K. Donovan
Oz is forced to confront the savage side of his nature.

One Final Goodbye by Michael K. Donovan
Buffy and Angel see each other one more time before he leaves for LA.

Vengeance by Michael K. Donovan
Jenny Calendar rises from the grave and death has changed her.

Justice (or Vengeance Revisited) by Michael K. Donovan
Jenny Calendar returns from the dead and is confronted with an important choice.


Emptiness by Michelle
Buffy's POV at the Bronze in "I Only Have Eyes for You"
1st in Opinion series

Everything Changes Sometime by Michelle
Angel's POV at the school in "School Hard."
2nd in Opinion series

What I'll Never Have by Michelle
Cordelia's POV in the parking lot scene in "Some Assembly Required."
3rd in Opinion series

I'll Always Be There by Michelle
Angel’s POV during "When She Was Bad:, you know the scene where he came to her window?
4th in Opinion series

What Money Can't Buy by Michelle
Cordy’s POV in "When She Was Bad" when she tells Buffy off.
5th in Opinion series

Someone For Me by Michelle
Xander's POV in the last scene of "Some Assembly Required."
6th in Opinion series

In Too Deep by Michelle
Angel's POV. The dance scene in "When She Was Bad."
7th in the Opinion series

The Worst Type of Pain by Michelle
Buffy's POV when Angel breaks up with her in the sewers.
8th in the Opinion series

Hatred by Michelle
Xander's POV when he tells Faith about Angel in "Revelations"
9th in Opinion series

Separate Worlds by Michelle
Buffy's POV when she's celebrating her birthday with her Mom in "Innocence"
10th in the Opinion series

To Break a Slayer by Michelle
Angelus' thoughts just after he turned back into Angelus.
11th in the Opinion series.

Meant to Be by Michelle
Angel shows up at Buffy's wedding day (B/A, W/S)
1st in Friends series

Friends Like These by Michelle
Everyone's gathered at Cordy's trying to ignore the consequences of leaving the wedding. (B/A, W/S)
2nd in Friends series

Facing the Consequences by Michelle
Buffy calls Xander and her mom.
3rd in Friends series

Eavesdropping by Michelle
Spike eavesdrops onto Willow, Buffy, and Cordelia's conversation.
4th in Friends series

Laughter and Luggage by Michelle
The gang is on their way to a wedding in Las Vegas!
5th in Friends series

Wedding Plans by Michelle
Buffy starts to get anxious to get married.
6th in Friends series

Wedding Dresses by Michelle
The girls look at wedding dresses.
7th in Friends series

The Most Perfect Dream by Michelle
Buffy and Angel get married
8th in the Friends series

Just the Beginning by Michelle
The kiss scene from "Angel" if he wasn't a vampire.
1st in the Fate series

A Little Closer by Michelle
Buffy and Angel get a little closer
2nd in the Fate series

Perfect Moments by Michelle
Buffy and Angel take the next step
3rd in the Fate series

Closure by Michelle
Angel finds some closure
4th in the Fate series

Fate's Cruel Twists by Michelle
Maybe some things are just inevitable
5th & last in the Fate series

Gifts of Fate by Michelle
Buffy and Angel get their happily ever after
Alternate ending to the Fate series

Her One True Love by Michelle
Angel grieves as Buffy dies.
1st in a set of 3

No Such Thing as Happily Ever AFter by Michelle
Xander grieves as Cordelia dies.
2nd in a set of 3

The Loss of An Angel by Michelle
Oz grieves as Willow dies.
3rd in a set of 3

New Beginnings by Michelle
It's time for Buffy and Angel to start life (alternate IWRY)
1st in "A New Life" series

No More Dreaming by Michelle
It's time to look to the future.
2nd in "A New Life" series

Letting Go of the Memories by Michelle
Buffy lets go

An Angel's Love by Michelle
Buffy tells Riley about Angel
a companion to my story "Letting Go of The Memories"

Amateurs Night by Michelle
Buffy, Angel, Willow, Oz, Xander, Cordelia, Giles, Jenny, and Spike sing at the Bronze.

Back to the Bronze by Michelle
After doing so well, the gang decides to sing again.
the sequel to "Ameteurs Night"

Looking Back by Michelle
Buffy looks back on her life since she moved to Sunnydale.

Pain, Peace, and Love by Michelle
Xander looks back on the women he's loved.

Release by Michelle
Angel finds his release.

The Way it Should Be by Michelle
An alternate ending to "Lover's Walk".

Frozen by Michelle
Buffy thinks about her forzen heart.

Too High a Price by Michelle
Is there too high a price, if they can actually win?

Envy by Michelle
Faith's POV after "Enemies".

A Crack in the Mirror by Michelle
Willow thinks about her evil self from "Dopplegangland".

Sad Goodbyes by Michelle
The gang says their goodbyes.

Just Like Yesterday by Michelle
Another Prom, 30 years later.

Forever in My Heart by Michelle
Buffy has to consider moving on.

Protest by Michelle
The Slayerettes protest the cancelation of a show.

The Hardest Part is Letting Go by Michelle
Can Buffy finally let go of her first love?

Broken by Michelle
Cordelia thinks about Xander and Wesley.

Friendship by Michelle
Cordy gives Buffy a ride home during "Helpless".

This Time Forever by Michelle
Angel comes back to see Buffy.

In Her Memory by Michelle
Family and friends reflect on the life and death of a slayer, daughter, mother, wife, and friend.

Sunburn by Michelle
Buffy gets a sunburn (B/A).

After All This Time by Michelle

One Last Kiss by Michelle

Until the End of Time by Michelle
An alternate version of how Angel leaves.

Watcher's Child by Michelle

The Greatest Gift of All by Michelle
It deals with Buffy's wedding day, and the sacrifice Angel made to make her happy (B/O)

Piece of My Heart by Michelle
Buffy is with Xander now, and she is looking back on her relationship with Angel.

Always by Michelle
Buffy and Angel are dancing together at the prom.

Dreams by Michelle
Cordelia reflects back on past dreams of her and Xander.

Always An Angel by Michelle
Saying goodbye to an angel. (B/A angst)

A Twist of Fate by Michelle
What if Angel met Buffy's daughter?

Secret Smile by Michelle
A song reminds Buffy of his smile (B/A)

Never Regret by Michelle
A real goodby for Graduation Day Part 2 (B/A)

Saying Goodbye by Michelle
goodbye B/A angst

At The End by Michelle
It's time to end it. (X/C angst)

Forbidden Love by Michelle
A forbidden love must end. (W/X)

Explanations and Recriminations by Michelle
An author gets paid a visit from 2 fanfic readers, Buffy and Angel ;)

Forgotten by Michelle
Buffy's the last of the Scooby Gang

Don't Know How to Let Go by Michelle
Spike misses Willow

In My Life by Michelle
Angel is remembering the life he led before.

One True Love by Michelle
Buffy thinks about Angel after Granduation.

Just a Dream by Michelle
Buffy wakes up from a long, hard dream.

Change by Michelle
Buffy's thoughts on her wedding day with Oz.

Moving On by Michelle
Oz's thoughts on his wedding day with Buffy.
Companion to Change.

It's Better This Way by Michelle
Buffy’s getting married, and it’s not to Angel. (angsty closure)

Surprises by Michelle
Buffy tries to let Riley down gently.

A Story by Michelle
It’s Buffy and Angel’s story. The gang is narrating

Ashes To Ashes by Michelle
What if Buffy had staked Angel when he had turned bad?

As Time Goes By by Michelle
A chance at the future for Buffy and Angel.

Always Remember by Michelle
Angel's thinking. (Reflective piece, B/A)

A Phone Call by Michelle
What if Angel hadn’t hung up without talking to Buffy?

A Fitting End by Michelle
Parker gets what he deserves.

A Bitter Ending by Michelle
What if Angel had died in the fire on Graduation?

Dark Fate by Michelle
Angel turns Buffy during "Innocence" (dark)

Daddy's Little Girl by Michelle
A Father reflects as his daughter gets ready to go on her first date (future fic).

Clean Up Time by Michelle
Cordelia's apartment is a mess, so it's clean up time.

Broken Hearts by Michelle
Willow catches Oz cheating on her.

Broken Glass by Michelle
Everyone's lives have gotten really screwed up (depressing/angst fic)

Goodbye by Michelle
Buffy says goodbye.

Feelings by Michelle
Cordelia/Doyle, romance, cuteness

Forever by Michelle
A slayer mourns for her Angel (A/?)

Every Time it Rains by Michelle
Buffy's feelings as the rain comes down.

Little Miracles by Michelle

Just One Day by Michelle
Angel and Buffy have a day in the sun together.

Interview with a Vampire Slayer (and a Slayerette) by Michelle
Buffy and Cordelia are interviewed by "Seventeen" magazine.

If Only by Michelle
Buffy doesn't sleep with Parker (angst reflection)

Just to Know He Cares by Michelle
Remember when Angel called Buffy and then hung up in "The Freshman"/"City Of"?

Our Destiny by Michelle
Buffy learns how cruel destiny has truly been.

One More Moment by Michelle
Buffy gets one last moment with her Angel.

Shoulder to Cry On by Michelle
Buffy needs a shoulder to cry on after Parker

Spreading Wings by Michelle
Angel prepares to let his little girl go on her wedding day.

The One Perfect Thing by Michelle
Angel decides he belongs with his heart.

The Price of Growing Up by Michelle
Some of us pay for growing up more than others.

The Right Thing by Michelle
Xander does the right thing.

The World's Worst Pickup Line by Michelle
Angel is trying to mingle.

Turn Back Time by Michelle

Unpleasant Truths by Michelle
Unpleasant truths are revealed.

We'll Always Have Sunnydale by Michelle
Even if they break up ...

When Angels Cry by Michelle
When angels cry, it's time for a leap of faith.

When the End Comes by Michelle

Working Things Out by Michelle
Cordelia and Doyle straighten a few things out.

Sunlight by Michelle
Angel's POV after "In the Dark".

>Silent Tears by Michelle
Angel reflects on his relationship with Buffy (B/A, B/X)

Silence by Michelle
Why Angel didn't say anything.
Companion to Despite It All

Despite It All by Michelle
Buffy's thoughts, when all she hears is silence.
Companion to Silence

Love Hurts by Michelle
Spike's POV after he meets Parker.

Free by Michelle
Buffy thinks about whether she's free.

Destined To Be Apart by Michelle
Buffy deals with Riley.

Because I Love Her by Michelle
Angel remembers his one day of humanity.

Christmas Dreams by Michelle
A future family Christmas.

Lifetimes by Michelle
Angel looks back on all the lives he has lived.

The Hardest Goodbyes by Michelle
an angst piece on saying goodbye

Daddy's Girl by Michelle
An Angel future fluff set to the Sailor Moon soundtrack.

The End of the Birthday Curse by Michelle
What if for once Buffy had a *good* birthday?


I Am The Darkness by M14Mouse
A poem on The First.

Two Reasons to Say Goodbye by M14Mouse
Angel reflects on why he must leave.

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Special thanks to Chrystal for letting me use this picture.