The Hardest Goodbyes

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Note: This is an angst piece.  Sorry, but pure angst.  Also there is no classification because I want the characters to be a surprise.  I hint at who it is, but you have to figure it out for yourself.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please, I want to know what people think of my stories.  But could you please keep criticism constructive not cruel?  Tell me that I made a few spelling errors, or that I need to improve this or that.  Don't tell me that my stories suck and that I'm dumb.  All that does is hurt my feelings.

"Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust."  The minister finished, sprinkling some dirt on the coffin.

From the crowd a woman watched him numbly.

*This isn't happening.* She thought to herself, refusing to accept it.

After a minute the crowd started to break up and a strong arm clasped her.

"Are you okay?" The man whispered.

She nodded.  "I think so."  Then she looked up at him.  "I don't think I've really accepted it yet, my mind keeps saying it's not her."

He nodded.  "I know.  Mine too."

She was about to say something else, when she spotted someone at the back of the ground.  "Excuse me." She whispered to her friend, and went to talk to her former lover.

"You came." She whispered.

He gave a small smile.  "She was my friend too.  How are you coping?"

She shrugged.  "Okay.  It's hard, I can't believe she's gone."

He looked at the coffin.  "Neither can I, but then we all knew it was coming.  How long's it been?"

The woman was silent for a second, thinking about the event he was referring to.  The day her dearest friend had lost her only love.

"Eight months."

The man nodded, still looking at the coffin.  "Eight months without him, you know how hard that had to be on her.  I'm surprised she lasted that long."

"Me too." The woman said truthfully as she too gazed at the coffin.

Then she looked up at her companion.  "I always wondered what that felt like."  She said running her fingers through her hair.  "I mean all our friends loved that way, but I don't think I ever have."

"What about us?"

She smiled.  "It was a long time ago.  You were my first love, and you'll always be in my heart, but I don't know if I loved you that deeply.  I loved you deeply, but was it that deep?" She wondered out loud.

He looked at her closely.  "I don't know, but I do know that it wasn't as deep as they shared." He said, referring to their late friend and her lover.

"Never." The woman agreed with a smile.  "They were each other's destiny, they completed each other."

He nodded, and then he looked at her.  "We should go."

She nodded.  "Yeah, just give me a second."

She walked away from him and lay a rose on the coffin.  "Goodbye Buffy."  Was all she said, then she looked at the grave next to Buffy's casket.

The grave of the vampire turned human.

She smiled sadly and then held out a hand to Oz.  He paused for a minute then took her hand.

"Let's go Willow." He whispered, and they left without looking back.

But at the gate she paused.

"Goodbye." She whispered, letting go of her friends once and for all.


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