Shoulder to Cry On

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This is based on all those horrible spoilers about Parker.  So if you don’t like spoilers don’t read the story, because it’s totally based on them.  This is Buffy/Angel angst. My specialty it seems.  I thought it would be neat to do a story where she tells Angel about what happened with Parker, and since he’s Angel he’s there for her.  I’m a Buffy/Angel fan (although it doesn’t always seem like it) so this story is slightly biased towards B/A.  Sorry, that’s how I think.  That’s it, Enjoy.

Feedback: Please! Send feedback but no flames.

She drove aimlessly, wondering why she had done it.  How could she have slept with someone who wasn't Angel?  Especially someone who could treat her the way Parker had.

She parked the jeep, and got out a park.  She looked at the dark sky, and realised she had been gone for several hours.  She should call Willow or somebody, she didn’t want them worrying about her.

She saw a building with the lights still on.  It was some kind of detective agency and she wasn’t sure she wanted to bother whoever was there, but it was the only place on the street with the lights still on.

She knocked on the door, without reading the names that were there.  She didn’t really care.  Right away somebody opened the door, she looked up at whoever it was with a forced smile.

Then she took a step back when she realised it was Angel.  How could fate be so cruel?  “Angel.” She whispered, he looked just as shocked.

“Buffy.” He said, moving aside to let her in.  “What are you doing here?” He asked, seeing her obvious distress.

“I didn't know it was you.  I just wanted to use the phone and call Willow so she wouldn’t worry.” Buffy babbled, unsure what to say to him.

“You’ve been crying.” He stated.

She nodded miserably.  “I’m an idiot.” She said as she wrapped her arms around her chest and hugged herself.

“Don’t say that.  What happened?” He asked gently, she looked at the ground.

“There was this guy Parker.  I was on the rebound from you and I slept with him, then today he told me it meant nothing to him.” She said, unable to look at Angel and see the disappointment on his face.

How could she have betray their love like that?  She wondered, wishing she were anywhere else on earth.

“I’m sorry he hurt you.  Do you love him?” Angel asked with pain in his voice.

Buffy looked up in shock.  “Of course not!  I just had a crush on him, I didn’t love him.  But I thought he at least cared about me, instead he used me.”

“Buffy, I’m sorry this happened.  You don’t deserve it-”

“Yes I do!” Buffy interupted Angel.  “You’re not sleeping with other people, so how could I?  I wanted comfort, and I didn’t even think of you.  I didn’t even see Parker for the slime he really was, I actually thought he was a nice guy.  I’m such an idiot.” She cried, instantly Angel’s arms went around her.

“How can you think that? Buffy, it’s not your fault.  You were vulnerable and he took advantage of that, don’t blame yourself.  I don’t.” Angel said softly, looking at her tenderly.

“I love you.” She whispered.

“I love you too.” Angel said, then he let her go.  “Buffy, I don’t know what will happen in the future.  I do know that you can’t spend your entire life living like a nun because of me, I want you to have fun.  And if you want to then I want you to have serious relationships, I’m not saying it won’t hurt me.  It will, but that doesn't matter.  You need to live.”

“I know, but it’s so hard.” She said softly, then looked at the clock.  “Can I use your phone?”

“Sure.” Angel said, pointing it out.

She smiled, and dialled Willow’s number.  “Hello Willow?  (Pause) It’s me.  (Pause) I’m in L.A, with Angel.  (Pause) It’s okay, I told him about Parker.  (Pause) He really helped me.  (Pause) I know.  I don’t know when I’ll be back.  I need sometime to think.”

“You can stay at my place, I’ll sleep here.” Angel offered.

Buffy covered the phone, and turned to look at him.  “Really?” She asked.

“Really.” He said with smile.  “Thanks, I will.  But you don’t have to stay here, how many bedrooms does your place have?”

“Two. I never know when I’ll have visitors.” He said quietly, she smiled.  “Then stay there too, I’d like your company.”

“Okay.” Angel said, Buffy smiled again and lifted her hand.  “What?  (Pause) Oh, Angel told me I could stay at his place.  (Pause) I’m going to.  Tell Mom and Giles I’ll be back tomorrow night.  (Pause) Okay.  Bye Will.” Buffy hung up the phone and turned back to Angel.

“Thanks.” She said simply.

They may not be together any more, but she still loved him more than life, and he still was a great shoulder to cry on.  He was her guardian Angel, and he always would be.


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