A Phone Call

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This is a what if story.  What if Angel hadn’t hung up without talking to Buffy?  It’s sweet and slightly angsty.  I love Buffy and Angel so this story is slightly slanted towards them and they’re relationship.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please, I want to know what people think of my stories.  But could you please keep criticism constructive not cruel?  Tell me that I made a few spelling errors, or that I need to improve this or that. Don’t tell me that my stories suck and that I’m dumb.  All that does is hurt my feelings.

Dedication: Serena, who’s similar story “I Just Had to Hear Your Voice” I loved.  This was one written before that one, but I still loved it, so I added this.  You're right, Angel would have said something.  It’s only Joss who doesn’t know that.

Angel picked up the phone and dialled her number.  She had given it to him for emergencies once a long time ago, but this was the first time he had used it.  He just needed to hear her voice, and to reassure himself that she was coping without him.

“Hello?” She asked, he didn’t answer.

He just needed to hear her voice, besides he didn’t want her to know it was him.  That would be breaking every vow he had made to himself after he had left.

“Hello?” She repeated, her voice changing slightly.

He made the split-second decision to talk to her.  “Hey.” He said quietly.

“Angel?” She asked hopefully, she needed to someone to talk to and Angel always listened.  He would be there for her, even now.

“It’s me, what's wrong?” He asked, sensing that she was upset about something.

“Nothing, everything.” She said, trying to keep her emotions in check.  But knowing that if he gave her the slightest hint that he really want to know she’d spill.  This was Angel after all, the only man she’d ever love.

“Tell me about it.” Angel urged, wanting her to know that no matter what he’d be there for her.

Buffy took a deep breath before spilling all to her ex-lover.  “College is just more than I expected.  I have this roommate, Kathy, she’s kind of freaky.  I don’t think she’s a demon, but she snores and worships Celine Dion.  Also she’s way too hyper, it’s not natural.  Everything else is changing too.  Willow and Oz both love college and fit in really well.  Oz knows people from being in the band and Willow’s just so smart that she fits in well.  They’re so busy that they're kind of leaving me behind, which is okay, but I miss them.  Giles tells me that I have to learn to be independent, and that he can’t always be there.  Also he had a woman in his apartment early in the morning and she was only wearing his shirt!  Mom filled my room with gallery stuff, and it just seems I’m not welcome anywhere.  Nobody has time for me anymore.”

“I’ll always have time for you.” Angel said softly.

“Thank you.” Buffy said tearfully, then added.  “But you’re so far away, I don’t even know where you are.”

“L.A.” Angel said after a moment’s pause.

“Oh.  There’s one other thing, there’s this vampire.  Her name is Sunday, anyway she totally beat me up and I didn’t even try to fight back.  She stole my stuff.”

“Buffy, do you want me to come down there?  I will if you want.” Angel said without even thinking, all he knew was that he loved her and she needed him.

Buffy thought about it for a minute, then made the only decision she could.  “No.  I need to do this on my own, you can’t be there every time I’m in trouble.  If you are then what’s the point of you leaving?”

“Yeah.  But if you need me call okay?” Angel asked and then gave her his number.


“I’ll call again next week to make sure you’re okay.” Angel said.

Buffy thought about it for a minute.  Did she really want Angel calling to check up on her?  It meant that he was still in his life, and that she may never get over him.  But she knew she wouldn’t anyway and that she needed him.  She would take anything he would give, even just a phone call once a week.

“Okay.  My dorm number is 755-6201.  If Kathy answers just tell her your a friend of mine, she should give me the message.  Angel, will you ever come back?” She asked softly.

Angel thought about it for a minute.  “I really don’t know.”  Then he thought of something she might like to know . “Cordelia’s here.  Upstairs actually, I saved her from a vampire.”

“Cool.” Buffy said.  “How is she?”

Angel gave a small chuckle.  “She’s the same old Cordelia.”

“Some things never change.” Buffy commented.

“No they don’t.” Angel confirmed.

Buffy knew that they were no longer talking about Cordelia, but about them.

“I’ll talk to you later okay?” Angel asked.  “Doyle just came in.”

“Doyle?” Buffy asked curiously.

“Don’t ask.” Angel said, Buffy laughed.

“I won’t, bye Angel.”

Before she could hang up he added one last thing.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”  She said sadly before hanging up.

Angel turned to Doyle, a sad smile on his face.

“How did it feel talking to her?” Doyle asked.

Angel shrugged.  “Different, but good.  I needed to know that she was alright, and she is.”

Doyle smiled.  “I’m glad.  It’s not forever you know, someday you’ll get her back.”

“I hope so.” Angel answered glancing down at the claudagh ring he always wore.

He wondered if Buffy still had hers, he hoped so but he wasn’t sure.  All he knew was that he missed her like Hell and wondered if he’d ever get her back.


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