Wedding Plans

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: I finally wrote another story!  I’m even going to hurry up with the wedding, which should be interesting.  This is number six in the friends series, it comes after “Meant to Be,” “Friends Like These,” “Facing the Consequences,” “Eavesdropping,” and “Laughter and Luggage,” read those first if you want to stay caught up.  Thank you to all the nice people who sent me lot’s of feedback for the first five, see it pays off.  That’s it, enjoy.

The gang drove to the hotel in their rented car, suddenly Buffy called out.  “Stop!”

Whistler slammed the brakes, and everyone looked at her.

“What’s wrong?” Angel asked her softly, Buffy looked sheepish.

“Sorry, but look.”  She pointed to a chapel.

“You made me stop in the middle of road, with cars piling up behind me.” Whistler said, grimacing a horns honked loudly at them, before continuing.  “For a church?”

Buffy leaned forward, and grabbed Angel’s hand.  “We could get married!” She said, smiling at Angel.

Everyone looked at her for a second, before Cordelia spoke.  “that’s a great idea!  You could get married before you're mother even knows you’re engaged!”

Buffy nodded.  “That’s the idea, what do you think honey?” Angel shrugged.  “Sounds fine.  Whistler, Spike, want to be my best men?”

Cordelia got a slow smile on her face.  “Why don't we make it a double instead.”  She said, giving Whistler a look.  “We are engaged.”

“Because you’re mother would kill me?” He offered, Cordelia shrugged.

“So?  We’ll do the big official wedding later, might as well make it official now.”

“Cool, a double wedding!” Buffy said.

Everyone nodded.

“Sounds great.” Whistler said, then he looked at Willow and Spike.  “Should we make it a triple?” He added slyly, Spike looked horrified, and Willow just laughed.

“Not yet.” She said with a giggle. Spike looked very relieved, and with a grin she added.  “Though maybe soon.”  Spike looked worried, and she laughed.  “I’m kidding Spike.”

“Thank god.”  He said softly, she elbowed him.

“You don’t want to marry me?” She asked, pretending to be offended.

He looked uncomfortable.  “Of course not, it’s just that I don’t think we’re ready for marriage.  I mean we haven’t know each other that long.  What would you’re parents say?”  He rambled, she kissed him.

“It’s okay Spike, I’m not ready either.”  He looked relieved again, and everyone laughed.

Then the cars around them honked.

“Why don’t we continue this later?” Whistler asked.

“Okay, but when we get to the hotel we have to go shopping.” Cordelia said, everyone nodded, and they headed to the hotel.

It looked like it really would be an interesting weekend.


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