What I'll Never Have

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I don’t own Cordelia, Xander, Angel, or Buffy.  They belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.  If I owned them, they’d be a lot happier.

Author's Notes: This is the third of my stories where I have the thoughts of certain characters during certain scenes.  Tell me if you like it.  This is the parking lot scene in Some Assembly Required.

Feedback: Yes, please. I live off it, so please send me lot’s.

Cheerleading practice was just ending. The cheerleaders were all heading home.  Home, if that’s what you wanted to call it.  It wasn’t really.  It was more like a prison.

Me: “Guys, if we don't get this down by tomorrow, no one's gonna be led by our cheers.  Practice.”

Allison: “Okay.  See ya later.”  Someone who listened to me, that didn’t happen often.  Actually more like never.  Mother and Daddy never even saw me, Harmony and the others never listened to a word I said, and Buffy and the gang just saw me as a useless airhead.

I waved goodbye and continued on to my car as the others got in theirs.  They drove off before I reached my car.  Big shocker there.  I heard something by the fence and stopped to look around.

Me: “Hello?”

I continued to my car and started to dig in my pack for my keys.  I got them out and ran the rest of the way to my car.  I nervously fumbled with the lock.

Me: “Xander Harris, if this is some kind of joke...”  It would be just like that jerk to scare the Hell out of me.......

I dropped my keys and they rolled under the car.  *Great*  I thought as I knelt down and reached for them frantically.  On the other side of my car I could see someone in black shoes approaching.  I quickly got up and started to run.  This was Sunnydale after all, it was probably a vampire after me.

The man followed me.  He walked past a dumpster.  When he was gone the lid opened, and I checks to see if the coast was clear.  I pushed the lid up all the way, then turned around again to hop out, but was startled by Angel.

Angel: “Cordelia. This is the last place I expected you to hang out.”  God he was gorgeous, also, so mysterious, and so very much my type.

Me: (quietly) “Oh, God!  God, it's you.  Why were you following me?”  He wasn’t some kind of pervert was he?

Angel: “I wasn't sure it was you at first.  I'm looking for Buffy.”  Of course he was, everything in that group revolved around her.  The great and powerful slayer, I don’t matter to them.  Never will, not that I care......

Me: “Buffy?  Well, she's, uh... big shock, she's at the graveyard.”  Where else would she be?  Having fun?  Yeah, right.

Angel: “She said she'd be home.”  Oh, was that trouble I saw brewing?  Maybe they'd have a fight, and he’d need me to comfort him.  Not likely, she’s the center of his world, There's nobody but her to him.  I’ll never have that, I’ll never be the light of somebody’s life.

Me: “Well, she lied.  Isn't she a rascal?  Well, you're in luck.  It just so happens that my night is free.”  What harm was there in trying?  Maybe he’d realise what a freak she was and move on to someone more normal.  Someone who didn’t spend all her time in the graveyard.  Someone like me.  I tried to get out.  “Uh, hold on, my skirt is caught.”

I reached behind me and got my skirt loose.

Me: “There.”

I picked up what was holding my skirt and saw it was a hand.  I dropped it and screamed.  Angel helped me out.

Angel: “There.”

I cuddled close to him, I knew he was only helping to me nice, but I could pretend there was another reason.  Couldn’t I?

He pulled away.

4Angel: “Let’s go to the library, wait for the others?”  *You mean you’re precious Buffy* I thought bitterly.

Still I nodded and followed him into the school, still shivering at the thought of that arm.  Ahead of me I can see Angel’s face frown thoughtfully, I wondered if he was thinking about Buffy?  Of course he was.

I wonder if I’ll ever have that, if I’ll ever have someone who really cares for me.  I want it, more than anything else.  I’d give anything to have it.  Buffy doesn’t no how lucky she is, she has everything I want.  everything I’ll never have.


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