Friends Like These

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I don't own them, if I did they would be happy.  However they belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.  So don't sue me.

Author's Notes: Direct sequel to Meant To Be, one of a series.  Fluffy fic, meant to be funny.  Spike's semi-good and with Willow, Angel's soul is permanent, Buffy's pregnant with (ack) Xander's kid, but with Angel.  If you want to know that one, read Meant to Be, it explains it.  And Cordelia's with Whistler.  Any character besides those six I pretty much bash.  I just thought it would be interesting if those six got together.  So this series was born.  This one takes place a few hours after the wedding, or lack there of.  Enjoy.

Buffy Summers sighed as the phone rang.

She gazed at her guests.  "Wake up time."  She said with a sigh, she didn't really feel like talking to whoever might be on the opposite end, knowing that they were going to get on her back for running out on her wedding.

Cordelia Chase smiled and grabbed the phone.  "I'll get it."  Before Buffy could argue she had the phone in her hands.  "Hello?" She asked sweetly, in reply she got an angry Joyce Summers.

"Cordelia, is my daughter there?"

Cordelia looked at Buffy, who shook her head.  "Why would she be in here?"  Cordelia asked innocently.

"Because Angel happens to live there too."  Joyce said angrily.

"Haven't seen either of them.  If I do, I'll let them know you called. Bye."  Cordelia said, hanging up before Joyce had a chance to answer.  She turned to the others.  "Buffy, you're mom's kind of mad."

"Joy."  Buffy said with a grimace, as she cuddled closer to her fiance, Angel.

"Buffy, what are you going to do about Xander?"  Willow Rosenberg asked hesitantly, her boyfriend Spike perked up.

"I could kill him for you Luv, get him out of the way."

The girls laughed, and Buffy smiled at Spike.  "Let me think about it."

"Buffy!"  Willow admonished with a giggle, Xander wasn't her favourite person, he hadn't been to kind about her relationship with Spike, but they still couldn't kill him.

"What?"  Buffy asked innocently, Cordelia grinned.

"I think you should let Spike kill him, serves him right."  She said, having no love for her ex.

Her fiance Whistler grinned.  "Remind me to never scorn you Delia."

Cordelia turned to face him.  "Never.  You're to sweet.  Besides," she whispered in his ear.

Whistler grinned.  "Good point."

Cordelia smiled triumphantly, and cuddled closer, then set a curious look to Angel.  "Angel, you're awful quiet!"

"Sorry.  Thinking."

Just then Spike's cell phone rang.  "Which one do you think it is?"  Spike asked with a grin.

"Giles."  The girls answered at once.

Spike nodded, probably.  He answered it.  "Hello?"  Sure enough, it was the Watcher.

"Spike, have you seen Buffy?"

"Nope."  Spike lied, trying to keep a straight face.

"Well if you see her-"

"I'll tell her you called."  Spike said hanging up.

"Spike that wasn't very nice."  Willow said sternly, Spike shrugged.


Willow just rolled her eyes, and then had a good idea.  She leaned over and pulled the phone off the hook.  Everyone saw what she was doing and turned off their cell phones, so no one else could call.

"That settles that."  Willow said, then reached for the phone again, and dialled number.

"What are you doing?" Whistler asked.

"Calling for Chinese.  I'm hungry."

"Me too."  Buffy chimed.

Everyone grinned and gave their orders, feeling happy and content.

Life was good, and so were their friends.


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