Amateurs Night

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss whedon, and Mutant Enemy. I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off this so please do not sue me.  I also do not own any of the songs I use in this story, they belong to the artists, writers, and recording companies.  Please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This takes place after "Surprise", but "Innocence" never happened in my world.  Neither did "The Puppet Show" so Cordelia CAN sing. Willow and Oz are dating, but Cordelia and Xander are still in the closet. Oh yeah and Spike can walk.

It was amateur night at The Bronze and every member of the Scooby gang was planning on singing.  They had each picked out a special song to sing. Cordelia went first.  She looked amazing in her short red dress. She picked up the mike, "hi. This song is dedicated to Xander, this is what you wanted.  "The slayerettes all looked at Xander puzzled figuring that they'd ask him later.  Cordelia began to sing 'You Were Meant For Me' by Jewel.

Cordelia: I hear the clock, it's six am/ I feel so far from where I've been/ Got my eggs and my pancakes too/ Got my maple syrup, everything but you/

She got off the stage the microphone still in her hands and began making her way over to the Scooby gang's table.

Cordelia: Break the yolks, make a smiley face/ I kinda like it in my brand new place/ I wipe the spots off of the mirror/ Don't leave the keys in the door/ Never put wet towels on the floor 'anymore cause/

She stops in front of Xander and begins singing to just him.  Willow looked like her heart would break and Oz squeezed her hand in support.

Cordelia: Dreams last so long/ Even after your gone/ I know you love me/ And soon you will see/ You were meant for me/ And I was meant for you/

Buffy, Angel, Giles, and Jenny all share shocked and slightly amused looks. So Xander and Cordelia were a couple, it explained a lot.

Cordelia: Called my momma, she was out for a walk/ consult a cup of coffee, but it didn't want to talk/ Picked up a paper, it was more bad news/ More hearts being broken or people being used/ Put on my coat in the poring rain/ Saw a movie it just wasn't the same/ 'Cause it was happy and I was sad/ It made me miss you oh so bad/

Cordelia's 'friends' all looked at her in shock, Cordelia Chase singing to Xander Harris?  It had to be a joke.

Cordelia: Dreams last so long/ Even after your gone/ I know you love me/ And soon you will see/ You were meant for me/ And I was meant for you/

Cordelia took a deep breath she was almost through and finished the song.

Cordelia: Go about my business, I'm doing fine/ Besides what would I say if I had you on the line/ Same old story, not much to say/ Hearts are broken every day/ Brush my teeth and put the cap back on/ I know you hate it when I leave the light on/ I pick a book up. Turn the sheets down/ Take a deep breath and a good look around/ Put on my pj's and hop into bed/ I'm half alive, but feel mostly dead/ I try and tell myself it'll be all right/ I just shouldn't think any more tonight "Cause/ Dreams last so long/ Even after your gone/ I know you love me/ And soon you will see/ You were meant for me/ And I was meant for you/

Cordelia finished and amongst the applause leaned over and kissed Xander, showing the world they were a couple.  She sat down next to him.

Cordelia: Did you like the song?

Xander: I loved it, thanks Cordelia.

The two of them kissed while Buffy went up on stage.

Buffy: This is dedicated to Angel with all my love.

Angel smiles as the music to "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan starts.

Buffy: You spend all your time waiting/ for that second chance/for a break that will make it okay/ There's always some reason/ to feel not good enough/ and it's hard at the end of the day/

She followed Cordelia's lead and started to slowly walk to their table.

Buffy: I need some distraction/ oh, beautiful release/ memory seeps from my veins/ let me be empty/ well, weightlessness and maybe/ I'll find some peace tonight/

She stops in front of Angel and looks directly at him.

Buffy: In the arms of the angel/ far away from here/ from this dark, cold hotel room/ and the endlessness that you fear/ you are pulled from the wreckage/ of your silent reverie in the arms of the angel/ may you find some comfort here/

Everyone in The Bronze is taken in by the sight of the pretty slayer singing to her vampire lover.

Buffy: So tired of the straight line/ and everywhere you turn/ are vultures and thieves at your back/ and the storm keeps on twisting/ you keep on building the lies/ that you make up for all that you lack/ it don't make no difference/ escape one last time

Spike paused at the door, he had planned to grab a quick snack but even he was memorised by Buffy's pretty voice.

Buffy: it's easier to believe/ in this sweet madness/ all this glorious sadness/ it brings me to my knees/ in the arms of the angel/ fly away from here/ from this dark, cold hotel room/ and the endlessness that you fear/ you are pulled from the wreckage/ of your silent reverie/ in the arms of the angel/ may you find some comfort here/ you're in the arms of the angel/ may you find some comfort here.

Everyone in the place applauded Buffy, but she was oblivious as Angel took her hand and whispered "I love you" to her.

Xander went up next, he didn't say anything just started singing "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls.

Xander: And I'd give up forever to touch you/ 'cause I know you can feel me some how/ You're the closest to heaven I've ever been/ And I don't want to go home right now/ All I can taste is this moment/ All I can breath is your life/ Sooner or later it's over/ I just don't want to miss you tonight/

Xander looked straight at Cordelia as if to say "This is for you".

Xander: And I don't want the world to see me/ 'Cause I don't think they'd understand/ When everything's made to be broken/ I just want you to know who I am/ And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming/ OR the moments of truth in your lies/ When everything feels like the movies/ And you bleed just to know you're alive/ Well I don't want the world to see me/ 'Cause I don't think they'd understand/ When everything's made to be broken/ I just want you to know who I am/ Cordelia looked at the boy she had fallen in love with, she suddenly realised why out of all the boys in school she had fallen for Xander.

Xander: And I don't want the world to see me/ 'Cause I don't think they'd understand/ When everything's made to be broken/ I just want you to know who I am/ And I don't want the world to see me/ 'Cause I don't think they'd understand/ When everything's made to be broken/ I just want you to know who I am/ I just want you to know who I am/ I just want you to know who I am/ I just want you to know who I am/

Xander walked back to the table and Cordelia looked at him with eyes full of love, she didn't have to say anything he knew how much the song had meant to her.

Willow was next, she got up on stage.

Willow: This is dedicated to Oz for always being there for me, and to a friend of mine whom I just realised is only a friend.

Cordelia and Buffy both realise that Xander is that friend especially when Willow starts to sing "It Doesn't Matter".

Willow: It doesn't matter what I want/ It doesn't matter what I need/ It doesn't matter if I cry/ Don't matter if I bleed/

Willow forced herself to hold back her tears, she had to get this over with.

Willow: You've been on a road/ Don't know where it goes or where it leads/ It doesn't matter what I want/ It doesn't matter what I need/ If you've made up your mind to go/ I won't beg you to stay/

Giles felt strangely proud of Willow, he knew how hard it must be for her to say goodbye to her feelings for Xander and let him be happy with Cordelia.

Willow: You've been in a cage/ Throw you to the wind you fly away/ It doesn't matter what I want/ It doesn't matter what I need/ It doesn't matter if I cry/ Doesn't matter if I bleed/ Feel the sting of tears/ Falling on this face you've loved for years

Willow finished the song and walked back to the table Buffy squeezed her hand in encouragement.

Jenny went next.

Jenny: This song is for Rupert, I'll remember every moment we share.

She starts to sing I'll Remember.

Jenny: It's daybreak/ And you are asleep/ I can hear you breathe now/ Your breath is deep/ But before I go/ I look at you one last time/ I can hear a heartbeat/ Is it yours or is it mine?/

She follow's Buffy and Cordelia's examples and walks over to Giles.

Jenny: I look at your lips/ I know how soft they can be/ Did they know what they wanted/ The times they kissed me?/ And your hands/ That I held in mine/ Now they're reposing on the pillow/ Will they ever miss me sometime?/

As she sings Buffy, Willow, and Cordelia grab the hand of their respective boyfriends and hold it in their own.

Jenny: I'll remember you/ You will be there in my heart/ I'll remember you/ And that is all that I can do/ But I'll remember/Your eyes/ That always make me shiver/ Now they are closed/ They just sometimes twitch a little/ And your body/ I could hold for an hour/ It sent me to Heaven/ With its heat and power/ I'll remember you/ You will be there in my heart/ I'll remember you/ And that is all that I can do/ But I'll remember

Jenny finishes the song and smiles tenderly at Giles who whispered "I love you" for the first time.

Angel went next, "This song is for Buffy.  I'll always love you Truly, Madly, Deeply."  He begins to sing "Truly, Madly, Deeply" by Savage Garden.

Angel: I'll be your dream/ I'll be your wish/ I'll be your fantasy/ I'll be your hope/ I'll be your love/ Be everything you need/ I'll you more with every breath/ Truly, madly, deeply do/ I will be strong/ I will be faithful/ because I'm counting on/ A new beginning/ A reason for living/ A deeper meaning/

Spike who was still standing at the doorway felt some new respect for the love that Angel and the slayer shared.  Not much, but some.

Angel: I want to stand with you on a mountain/ I want to bathe with you in the sea/ I want to lay like this forever/ Until the sky falls down on me/ and when the stars are shining/ brightly in the velvet sky/ I'll make a wish and send it to heaven/ Then make you want to cry/ The tears of joy for all the pleasures in the certainty/ That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of the highest powers/ In lonely hours/ The tears devour you/

Harmony and the others looked at the gorgeous guy on stage then at Buffy Summers with a mixture of shock, envy, and respect.

Angel: I want to stand with you on a mountain/ I want bathe with you in the sea/ I want to lay like this forever/ Until the sky falls down on me/

Angel walked towards his girlfriend and she kissed him softly.  They both knew that they would always love each other.

Oz was next, he didn't make a dedication.  He sang "How's It Going To Be" By Third Eye Blind.

Oz: I'm only pretty sure that I can't take anymore/ Before you take a swing/ I wonder/ What are we fighting for/ When I say out loud/ I want to get out of this/ I wonder/ Is there any thing I'm going to miss/

Willow knew this song was for her, about moving on and accepting that she and Xander will never be a thing.

Oz: How's it going to be/ When you don't know me/ How's it going to be/ When you're sure I'm not there/ How's it going be/ When there's no one there to talk to about/ How's it going to be/ 'Cause I don't care/ How's it going to be/

Buffy looked at Willow's new boyfriend in approval, he was good for her.

Oz: Where we used to laugh/ There's a shouting match/ Sharp as a thumbnail scratch/ A silence I can't ignore/ Like...The hammocks and doorways we spent time in/ Swing empty/ Don't see lightning like last fall when it was about to hit me/ I guess that's how it's going to be/ Want to get back in again/ The soft dive of obliviation/

Oz finished with lot's of applause, the same amount Angel had gotten, which had been plenty.

Giles leaned over to talk to Angel.

Giles: Did you understand a WORD of that song?

Angel: Not that many.

Giles: Just what I thought.

Oz sat down and Willow mouthed "Thanks".

Giles was the last of the Scooby gang to go up, he had decided to go back to his English roots by singing "Yesterday" by The Beatles.

Giles: Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away/ Now it looks as though they're here to stay/ Oh I believe in yesterday/

Only Jenny, Oz, and Angel knew the song the others were really confused.

Giles: Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be/ There's a shadow hanging over me/ Oh yesterday came suddenly/

Buffy finally got it, Giles was singing one of those old Beatles songs her dad was crazy about.

Giles: Why she had to go I don't know/ She didn't say/ I said something wrong now I long for yesterday/ Yesterday love was such an easy game to play/ Now I need a place to hide away/ Oh I believe in yesterday/

The kids were slightly amazed at how good of a singer Giles was.

Giles: Why she had to go I don't know/ She didn't say/ I said something wrong now I long for yesterday/ Yesterday love was such an easy game to play/ Now I need a place to hide away/ Oh I believe in yesterday/

After he was finished he got a fair bit of applause, the Slayerettes led the way.  Giles returned to the table and they were about to leave when Spike got up.

Buffy: This I've GOT to see.

Xander: Yeah, I bet he's going to sing a Billy Idol song.

They all laughed, but stopped as Spike reached the stage.

Spike: This is dedicated to my old mate Angel and his girl Buffy.

The slayerettes all looked shocked as Spike began "In My Life" also by The Beatles.

Spike: There are places I remember all my life/ Though some of changed/ Some forever, not for better/ Some have gone and some remain/

Angel thought back on the places that had once meant so much to him.

Spike: All these places had their moments/ With lovers and friends I still recall/ Some are dead and living/ In my life I've loved them all/

Angel thought of his family so long ago, of Darla, Spike, and Dru who had once been his family, and lastly of Buffy and her friends who in the last few months had become a family to him.

Spike: But of all these friends and lovers/ There is no one compares with you/ And these memories loose their meaning/ When I think of love as something new/

Angel realised how true that was.  Buffy was the only one who meant any thing to him any more.

Spike: Though I'll never loose affection/ For people and things that went before/ I know I'll often stop and thing about them/ In my life I love you more/ Though I'll never loose affection/ For people and things that went before/ I know I'll often stop and thing about them/ In my life I love you more/ In my life I love you more/

Buffy looked up at Angel and saw how peaceful he actually looked.  She realised the song made him thing of his previous friends and family.  For the first time ever she felt something other than hate for Spike. Gratitude.

Spike left.  And a few minutes later the slayerettes followed. Amateurs night at The Bronze had been quite fun.  A lot was learnt and shared that night.

Who Sang What:

Cordelia Chase- You Were Meant For Me- Jewel

Buffy Summers- Angel- Sarah McLachlan

Alexander Harris- Iris- The Goo Goo Dolls

Willow Rosenberg- It Doesn't Matter- ? (When She Was Bad)

Jennifer Calender- I'll Remember- ? (Angel)

Angel- Truly, Madly, Deeply- Savage Garden

Oz- How's It Going To Be- Third Eye Blind

Rupert Giles- Yesterday- The Beatles

Spike- In My Life- The Beatles


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