Moving On

By: Michelle

Disclaimer:Buffy, Oz, Cordelia, Giles, Willow, and Angel all belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, The WB, and 20th Century Fox.  I'm just borrowing them, so please don't sue.

Author's Notes: Don't get me wrong I love Buffy & Angel and Willow & Oz, but I have never seen a Buffy & Oz story so I decided to write one. Depressing, but less so than "Change".

She thinks I still love Willow, but I don't.

I mean she'll always be in my heart, but I've moved on.

I think Buffy needs to believe that to justify the fact that her heart still belongs to Angel.  I loved Buffy long before she finally managed to kill Angelus three years ago.

I'm slightly surprised it took her seven years to kill him, only when he killed her mother did she finally find the strength.  I think she kept praying that a cure would be found, but it didn't happen.

And while she was clinging on to the past Ms. Calender, Xander, Willow, and Mrs. Summers lost their lives.

I think she's finally able to move on now.

Able to accept that Angel, the real Angel, died ten years ago.

She looks so beautiful in her wedding gown, she reminds me of a goddess.

For a brief micro-second I saw Willow in that gown, but it wasn't the Willow of five years ago.  It was the Seventeen-year-old Willow I fell in love with.

I smile sadly as I say goodbye to my Willow, one that died long before Angelus killed her.

Buffy began to say her vows.  "Oz, if it hadn't been for you I don't know where I would be now.  You have always been there for me. First as a friend, then a protector, and finally a lover.  I love you. I was such a wreck after Angel's death, you taught me how to love again. I will gladly be your wife from this day forward."

I went next.  "Buffy, after I lost Willow you were the only one I could be around.  You were the only one who understood what I was going through.  I love you, it took me along time to accept that, but I finally have.  I promise to love and protect you for the rest of our lives."

We exchanged rings, I think she was glad that my ring was completely different than his, then we kissed.

As we kissed I realised that she was finally able to let go.

I realised that this Buffy, the Buffy she is today, belongs with me.

But the Buffy she was, the young, happy girl, will always belong with her Angel.  Just as the young rocker I was will always be with the Willow I loved.

But it's time to move on, and I think together we're able to.

Goodbye my Willowy Willow, I'll never forget you.


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