Daddy’s Little Girl

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.  I do own Tom, Julie, and Lily.  They are my creations so please don’t use them without my permission. Thank you.

Author's Notes: This is a Challenge fic.  I hope I did an okay job, since this is the first one I’ve ever done.  It was fun!  Anyway I hope I did a good job.  That’s about it, enjoy.

Dedication: To Garnet who sent out this birthday challenge.  Here you go.  Happy birthday, I hope you enjoy it.

Angel walked into Julie’s room wondering if she was ready yet.

“Are you ready?  He’s going to be here any minute.” Angel said, stopping short as he looked at her.

She looked so much like her mother that he couldn’t believe it.

“She’s fine.” Buffy said from the doorway, where she wrapped her arms around Angel.  Angel turned around and kissed his wife of twenty-one years on the lips.

Julie smiled as she watched her parents, wondering if one day she’d find someone she loved as much as that.

Just then a Creed song came on at full blast.

Buffy winced and went to the door.  “Thomas Angel O'Connor!” She cried.  Then realising her son couldn’t hear her over the loud music, she left to go lecture him.

Angel smiled and turned to Julie.  He watched as she carefully threaded in the garnet earrings he had given her for her birthday.

“You look beautiful.” He told her sincerely, remembering the days he had gotten her ears pierced.


“Angel, she’s too little.” Buffy protested, wincing as the baby kicked.  After a moment it stopped and she turned to her six year old daughter.  “Honey, next year.”

Julie stuck out her lower lip.  “But I wanna get it done now.  Daddy promised.”

Buffy glared at Angel.  “Fine.” She finally agreed.  “But if they get infected don’t blame me.”

Angel gave Buffy a quick kiss and then rubbed her large belly.  She smiled and looked lovingly at her husband.  He may spoil Julie rotten, but she loved him anyway.

He was a wonderful father and husband, although she knew there would be times in the next three months in which she cursed ever seeing him, she always did, she loved him more than anything else.

Julie’s face lit up when she realised her mother had given in.  “Thank you.” She said happily, giving her mom as much of a hug as she could manage.

Buffy smiled and kissed her head, then Angel lifted Julie up in his arms and with Tom they went to the ear-piercing salon.


”What are you thinking about?” Julie asked, gazing into the mirror.

Even after all these years it still seemed a little strange that her father had no reflection, but then again she had always known they weren’t a normal family.  It was one of the things that made her parents more special to her, knowing how hard they had to fight to make it all work.  She really admired that.

“Oh.  When we allowed you to get your ears pierced.” Angel answered.

Julie turned around to face him.  “I remember that.  Mom told me they would get infected, and low in behold she was right.”

“That’s because I’m a genius.” Buffy said from the doorway, 10 year-old Lily followed her with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand.

“Jules, now that your 16, can I have Mr. Gordo?” Lily asked, pointing to the pink stuffed pig which sat on Julie’s bed and had since the day Buffy had given to her.

“No!” Julie exclaimed, rushing over to pick it up and hug it to her chest.

“Geez, I was just asking.  No need to bite my head off.” Lily said with a shrug, Julie glared at her.

“Lily, why don’t we go to the living room.” Buffy said, leading Lily out.  “Good luck honey, have fun tonight.” She told Julie on her way out.

Julie smiled and turned to her father.  “I love you Daddy.” She said standing up to kiss her father’s cheek.

“I love you too.” He said, giving his daughter a quick hug.

“Where did you and Mom go for your first date?” Julie asked curiously, it was one of the few things about her parents she didn’t know.

Angel laughed softly, remembering all the failed attempts at a first date.  “Well we first tried to have coffee, but vampires and your Aunt Cordy put a stop to that.  Next we tried to go skating, but demons.  We didn’t actually go on a real date until she was in her senior year in high school.”

“After you had sex?” Julie asked in amazement.

Angel looked at his daughter.  “Julie!” He reprimanded automatically, then remembered that times had changed since his day.  “Yes.  We went to a movie, a very R rated movie.  It was more than R rated, it was the type of movie that you are never allowed to see and if you do please don’t tell me.  Anyway of course the curse was still in place then.  So it was not a comfortable evening.”

Julie laughed slightly.  “I bet.  Any advice for tonight?” She asked, taking one last look at herself in the mirror.

“Be careful and have a good time.” Angel said quietly, Julie smiled at him.

“I will.” She said at the exact same moment as Buffy called her name.  “He’s here.  I love you Dad.” She said again, grabbing her purse and running down stairs.

Angel watched her go, thinking about how quickly time went by.  To him she was and always would be his little girl, but she was 16 now.

She was growing up, but she’d always be Daddy’s little girl.


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