Spreading Wings

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.  I do own Alex and Lindsay, they’re mine so please don’t use them without my permission.

Author's Notes: This is slightly angsty.  It’s Buffy and Angel’s daughter’s wedding day and Angel prepares to let his little girl go.  He also thinks about his wife, and how much he wishes she could be there.  Buffy’s dead in this story, that’s part of the angst.  I’m sorry, I couldn't do it without killing her.  Sorry. Oh, and Angel’s human.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please! Send feedback but no flames.

“You look so beautiful.” Angel told Lindsay as she finished getting dress.

“Thank you.” She said softly.

Angel watched her for a minute, remembering another blonde bride with green eyes who had worn that dress 25 years before.

His beloved Buffy.  “You look like her, you know.” Angel commented softly to Lindsay.

She nodded.  “Yeah, it’s nice.  I mean I feel like Mom’s with us today.”

“She is.” Angel said softly.

Buffy had passed away 7 years ago while she had been fighting a demon.  It had killed her, and at 39 she had died.  She had left behind a loving husband, four beautiful children, and a legacy that could never be forgotten.

She had been the slayer for 23 years before it had taken her life.  She had done what no other slayer had ever done before, she had had a normal life.  Now their oldest daughter was getting married.

Angel brought his mind back to Lindsay and this day.  “Are you ready?” He asked as Cordelia gave the signal to go.

She nodded.  “I am.”

He paused for a minute.  “I love you Lindsay, and so does your mother wherever she is.”

Lindsay gazed at the former vampire and nodded.  “I know.”

Angel kissed his daughter’s cheek, and then took her arm and prepared to see her off to the next chapter of her life.

Alex was waiting for her, his eyes filled with love as he watched her.  Angel gently put Lindsay’s hand into Alex’s and took his seat beside Xander and Cordelia.

How odd it was that his and Buffy’s daughter was marrying their son.  It was even weirder considering that his and Buffy’s eldest child, Todd, and Willow and Oz’s daughter, Karen, were already married.  They had been a family of sorts once, now they were really truly joined.

He just wished that Buffy could be here.  How happy she would be to see Lindsay get married.

But it wasn’t meant to be, and today he lost his little girl.  But in a different way.  Lindsay was growing up, she had fallen in love.  And just like Giles had had to let Buffy go all those years before, now he had to let Lindsay go.

He just wished Buffy could be there to see it, but he knew in his heart that she was.  She was watching as Lindsay spread her wings, and forever left her father’s care.  Lindsay was learning to fly on her own, and he had to let her go.


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