To Break A Slayer

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This is #11 in the Opinions series.  The series is basically particular scenes through the eyes of a certain character, if you want a certain scene and character (example: Xander, Prophecy Girl, the scene where he saves Buffy.)  Just email me and ask.  I’m more than willing to do requests, on one condition: You send me feedback!  That’s it, thanks.  This is Angelus’ opinion after the Buffy gang learns that Angel has lot his soul.  You know when he’s with Spike and Dru at the warehouse?  This is the first Opinions story that I’ve done through the eyes of an evil character, so I’m not sure how I did.  So please send me feedback.

Author’s Notes2- This is a message about the future of the opinions series.  Okay, well I've come to the conclusion that with a few exceptions the opinions series will end after Season Three.  This is because with Fox's removal of the transcripts I have no resource to check out certain scenes.  I'm sorry, and I will make a few exceptions.  If there's a really powerful scene that just screams write me from Angel or Season four, I will.  Another reason I'm doing it this way is because it would be too hard for me to try and keep up with both series.  I'm already way behind on the list of stories from the first three season that I want to do.  I don't have the time to have to do the fourth season as well as Angel.  I thought about this long and hard.  I'm going to finish all the stories on my back log, probably do a few special cases from he new seasons, and take any requests from seasons 1-3.  After that, the series will end.  I'm sorry, but that was the only way I could do it and still have time to myself.  Sorry.  But please do send any requests you have for the first three seasons, because I would be happy to do them.  Thanks.

Feedback: Please, the more feedback I get the more I write.

I never realised how true it was until I told Spike and Dru, but it was.  I’m the only one with the power to get to Buffy.  Because we share all those memories, we had that relationship.  When I said that you had to love her, I was right.  Well sort of, I meant you had to have loved her.  And I had, when I had a soul she was my everything.

She was my world, but now I’ll use those memories against her.  For although they still haunt me, there all she has left of her Angel.  She won’t let that go.  She’s probably not ready.  Anyway, back to what I told Spike and Dru......

We were at the warehouse.  Drusilla was holding Miss Edith.

Me: “You should've seen her face.  It was priceless.”  I hopped up on a conveyor platform and sat.  “I'll never forget it.”  And I wouldn’t, I’d carry it with me everywhere.  She was just beginning to pay for making me feel human.

Spike: “So you didn't kill her then.”  He sounded annoyed, but what did I care?  He couldn't do me any harm, not now.

Me: “Of course not.”  *Don't you remember how I work?  You’ve seen me in action?  I like to play with my dinner first.*  I thought, fantasising about the day I would take her life.  I wouldn’t kill her, no not her.  One day when I was ready she would become my queen of darkness.  But until then I’d have a Hell of a time torturing her.

Spike: “Now, I know you haven't been in the game for a while, mate, but we still do kill people.  Sort of our raison d'etre, you know.”  What a fool, didn’t he realise that this was no ordinary girl?  She wasn’t just a slayer, she was the best slayer yet.  I’ve seen my fair share of slayers, killed a bunch, but never have I seen one like Buffy.  She is far more powerful than the others, but she also has more weaknesses.  Weaknesses I planned on preying on.

Drusilla: “You don't want to kill her, do you?”  She poked Miss Edith's eyes.  “You want to hurt her.”  She smiled up at me.  “Just like you hurt me.”  For someone who was insane she was very smart.

Me: “Nobody knows me like you do, Dru.”  It was true, who better to understand my methods than a former victim?  That’s why Spike didn’t get it, I just turned him.  But with Dru I preyed on her first, using all her weaknesses against her.  Just as I plan on doing to Buffy.

Spike: “She'd better not get in our way.”

Me: “Don't worry about it.”  I knew what I was doping.  I may have been out of action for a while, but I was still me.

Spike: “I do.”

Angelus: “Spike,” I slammed his hand on a crate.  “my boy,” I pushed it along the rollers, “you *really* don't get it!” I stood up.  I was really irritated by Spike's denseness.  “Do you?” I chuckled.  “You tried to kill her, but you couldn't.  Look at you.  You're a wreck!” I approached him.  “She's stronger than any Slayer you've ever faced.  *Any I’ve ever faced.*  I thought as I hopped back on to the platform.  “Force won't get it done. You gotta work from the inside.” I sat on the platform.  *You have to know every little weakness.  You have to use her emotions against her.* I thought as I finished my statement.  “To kill this girl... you have to love her.”  How right I was, because only then could you worm a way into her heart.  Could you make her feel for you, then you’d be ready to kill her.

Spike looked at me as if I was crazy and rolled away.

I was right, I know I was.  Because I know Buffy, just as deep down she knows me.  Soul boy was right about one thing, we belong together.  We always will, and one day we will be together.


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