Broken Glass

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This is a really depressing piece.  What if their lives had gotten really screwed up?  As in drug addictions and stiff like that.  That’s what this story focuses on, the mess they’ve made of their lives.  It’s several years into the future and they’re all miserable.  Not a pretty fic.  I wrote it because I felt like Hell.  Nice, huh?

Feedback: Please! Send feedback but no flames.

“What happened Angel?” She asked as she gazed out at the town below.

They were standing on the cliff behind the mansion, the place they had fought on Christmas morning so long ago.

“What do you mean?” He asked her softly.

She turned to face him.  The years had changed her, she looked old and held no disillusion.  She saw the world for what it was, no longer was she blinded by the goodness in her.  The years had been cruel to her and because of that she was a lot tougher.

“I mean look at us.  Cordelia’s been divorced seven times in twelve years, she’s giving Elizabeth Taylor a run for her money as the most married star in Hollywood.  Oz has been in and out of rehab what four times?  Willow keeps moving from looser to looser.  Doyle can’t spend a day without getting drunk.  Xander can’t keep his pants on and because of that Anya is a wreck.  And look at us.  The spokes couple for dysfunctional relationships.  We both know it can never work but we always keep coming back to each other.  What happened to make us all this way?”

Angel was silent for a minute, trying to figure out the answer.  In a second he knew it.

“Giles death.” He answered simply.  “After it your mom committed suicide and the rest of our lives spun out of control.”

He thought about it for a second before continuing.  “Doyle began to drink heavier which led to Cordelia divorcing him.  Then she married some rock star who divorced her.  After that she married her agent, but found out he was cheating on her.  Then she married her psychiatrist who was using her for her money.  After that she married Oz, but she couldn’t cope with his drug addiction anymore than she could Doyle’s drinking.  So she married Devon, but he cheated on her left, right, and center.  Hoping to find some love she married that banker who was twice her age, but he was impotent and took it out on her.  So she divorced him.”

Buffy was silent as she relived the night mare which was Cordelia’s life.  It really was Hell.

“After Giles’ death Oz realised how much Willow had loved Giles and he couldn’t cope so he turned to drugs.  That led to his breakup with Willow which led to more drugs.  That led to his first trip to rehab, he got out and just started doing more drugs.  Then he went back to rehab and tried to stay clean.  Willow’s marriage sent him off the edge and he went back to rehab.  Upon his release he married Cordeila, but after a while he started drugs again.  The breakup sent him back to rehab.  Then I don’t know what happened all I know is that he was out for less than a month when he went back to rehab.  I don’t know if he’s clean now, and I don‘t really care.”

Buffy shuddered as she thought about what had happened to Oz.  Even-tempered, clear-headed Oz a junkie, she never saw it coming.  None of them did.  Angel continued.

“Willow?  After Giles’ death she realised she loved him, and then tried to make Oz be Giles.  He wouldn’t let her so she left him.  Then she turned to Spike, who actually loved her.  But after his death she got the idea that she wasn’t worthy of love so she started dating creeps and other low-lifes, I think she hopes one of them will kill her.” Angel said simply.

Buffy didn’t say anything, just felt pity for Willow and the mess her life had become.  Poor girl.

“Xander?  I think Giles’ death triggered some complex in him, one that made him want to regain his youth.  So he began sleeping with younger women, and eventually he stopped caring about anything except getting laid.” He paused for a minute before continuing.

“Anya?  I think it was just the stress of Xander cheating on her.  That’s what did her in, she may have spent years cursing the unfaithful but when it came to her own husband there was nothing she could do.”

Buffy nodded, knowing it was true.

“And us?” She asked, finally speaking.

“I don’t know Buffy, that’s the only one I don’t know the answer to.”

She accepted that and looked down at Sunnydale. As she did she remembered a different life, one in which she was happy.

What she wouldn’t give for those days to come back.  Look at the Hell there lives were now, why couldn’t they just have died?  Wouldn’t death have been better than living Hell?  She didn’t know, but she wished she did.

All she knew was that she was living amongst shattered lives.


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