
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Angel.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enem1y.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This is my first Doyle/Cordelia story.  I love them, they would be so cute together.  So I’m making them the subject of my latest fanfic, lucky therm.  At least I’m not putting them through the emotional wringer, yet.  Not a lot of angst.  Set some time after lonely Hearts, probably in the second season of Angel.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please!  Send feedback but no flames.

“Ugh.  How can he stand her?” Cordelia seethed after her boss and friend Angel left for a date with his new girlfriend.

“Do I sense jealousy?” Doyle asked her, trying not to let her show how much it hurt him.

He loved her, he really did but she couldn’t care less about him.  He could accept her going after mortal guys, her reaction to learning he was half-demon hadn't been pretty, but it really hurt for her to be interested in another demon.  One who couldn’t even have sex at that.

Cordelia looked at him as if he was crazy.  “No.  God, he’s so not my type.  Besides what about Buffy?!  He’s supposed to be madly in love with her!”

Doyle breathed a sigh of relief when he realised the girl’s reaction was because of her loyalty to her friend, not because she had feeling for Angel.  “Delia, they broke up.  He has a right to see other people.”

“I know.” Cordelia said softly.  “But, I guess I always saw Buffy and Angel as the perfect couple and I hate to see them apart.”

“The perfect couple?  They’re mortal enemies!” Doyle almost shouted.

“But they always worked it out in the end, they made it work.  I admired that, because Xander and I couldn’t do it.  We couldn’t try as hard as they did, we didn’t try at all.” Cordelia said softly.

“Delia, it wasn’t meant to be then.  If it had been you would have tried, you wouldn’t let it go just like that.”

“You’re right.” She admitted, then she looked at him closely.  “What did you call me?  I like it.”

“Delia, it was my grandmother’s name.  It suits you better than Cordelia.” Doyle said softly, then before he could stop himself he leaned over and kissed her.

She kissed him back passionately.

After the kiss was broke she looked at him.  “How long?” She asked softly, knowing he knew what she meant.

“Since the day we first met, I love you Delia.”

“You do?” She asked in surprise.  “Nobody’s ever loved me before.” She added in a sad voice.

He gathered her close to him.  “I do. I know I’m a demon, but will you at least give me a chance?” He begged.

“Yes.” She said quietly.  “It doesn’t really matter to me, not in the long run.  It just surprised me, but I want to try.”

Doyle kissed her again, thrilled that she finally was giving him the time of day.

He had waited so long for this moment and now that it was here he wasn’t going to let it go.  She was willing to try, that was all he needed to hear.  He had never felt happier in his life, she cared for him.

Maybe she didn't love him yet, but she would one day.  At least now they had a chance.


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