A Death in the Family

By: M&M

Disclaimer: I own no characters except Ophelia.  The name is taken from Shakespeare's "Hamlet".  Other than that the character is mine.  All other characters belong to the wonderful people who bring us Buffy.

Author's Note:This takes place after my other story "A Vampire In Love".

"Buffy, come down here."  Joyce Summers had a shaky tone to her voice.  Buffy could tell that something was wrong.  "What is it, mom?" Her mother looked extremely shaken.  "Youe aunt Jane was killed on Tuesday.  She was in a car accident."

"Does that mean that Ophelia is gonna live with us?" the teenager asked.

Her mother nodded and replied, "I'm gonna fly out tomorrow for the funeral.  I want you to stay here and I'll bring her back with me."

"Are you all right mom?" Buffy knew how close her mom and her aunt were.  Her mother wasn't taking the news well at all.

The next day Buffy was walking down the halls of Sunnydale high when her best friend, Willow Rosenberg, ran up to her.  Willow could sense something was amiss.  "What’s wrong?" she inquired. "My aunt died a few days ago.  My mom went to Boston for the funeral and to get my cousin, Ophelia.  She's gonna live with us."

"Who's gonna live with us?" Buffy and Willow knew exactly who it was.  It was Xander Harris, the smart-ass of the ‘Scooby gang’.

"Buffy's cousin", Willow said plainly.  She turned her attention again to Buffy.  "Are you holding up okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good.  I didn't really know here too well.  My mom's taking it really hard tough..." Buffy trailed off and an uncomfortable silence hung in the air for a few moments.

Finally Xander spoke, "When's she coming?"

"Day after tomorrow."

Buffy's two days alone were spent with Angel, who made sure she was taken care of.  Then the day came when Ophelia and here mother arrived.  She came home that day not expecting them to be there yet.  When she and Willow walked in the door they were each alarmed to find her mother and Ophelia sitting at the kitchen table talking about her aunt Jane.  "What are you doing here?"

"We caught an earlier flight.", her mother answered.

Willow suddenly spoke up. "Hi! I'm Willow, you must be Ophelia." "Its nice to meet you." Ophelia said.  She was at medium height and was slender.  She had her medium length, dark hair pulled back in ponytail.  She was about sixteen years old and understated her features with very little make-up.

"Are you going to school with us?" Willow asked.

"Yeah, I start tomorrow."

"Well Xander will want to meet you earlier that than, so we'll go to the Bronze tonight," Buffy said.  Her mom shot her look.  Then Buffy added, "If you want."

Ophelia seemed glad that Buffy wasn't mushy about the fact that her mom had died and cheerfully said that she would be happy to go.


They were all sitting at a table in the Bronze.  They, Buffy, Ophelia and Willow, didn't speak of much.  It was actually rather dull.  The Bronze was nearly deserted.

"Sorry it's such a bore your first time here.", Buffy said to Ophelia.

"No problem.  I need a little quietness."

No body had noticed, but Xander was walking towards them.

"Ladies...and someone I have never seen in my entire life.  You must be Ophelia.  Interesting name, Ophelia.  Never met anyone with that name before.  For that matter I've never met anyone with the name Buffy or Willow before either.", the young boy was yammering as usual, "Okay the you guys can talk now.  I'm done."

"It's nice to meet you.  And yes I am Ophelia.  About the name being strange, my parents loved English literature.  I was named for a Shakespearean character.  From 'Hamlet'."

Buffy and Willow seemed surprised to hear so many words from Ophelia's mouth.  The whole time they had been there she hadn't said much.  All she did was sip her drink.

Ophelia's attention turned to a tall boy who looked to be about seventeen.  He walked towards her with an arrogant confidence.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked her.


They went out on the dance floor before Buffy realized that he was a vampire.  Before she knew it they were on they're way outside.

Buffy ran out to them.  She could here Ophelia crying out.  Buffy ran up and staked the vampire quickly.  All Ophelia could do was stare with her jaw near the ground.


"Oh my God!", was all Ophelia could say.  She kept repeating it over and over again.  She began to pace in a disorderly fashion. Buffy tried to approach her, but Ophelia backed away.  She finally started to calm down after about fifteen minutes of repeating herself.

"Oh my God.  Oh my God."

"Ophelia, I need to tell you something.  There somewhere we should go.  I'll go get Xander and Willow," Buffy said.


When she got back to their table with Ophelia, Xander and Cordelia were busy arguing over something Buffy had no idea about.

"Guys we have to go to the library," Buffy told them.

"What happened?" Willow asked.

"A vamp attacked Ophelia.  We need her to meet Giles so that we can explain this stuff to her."

All Ophelia did was stand there looking down at her feet with a shooed look on her face.  Like nothing was there, but there was.  Sort of just staring into the space of her feet.


They were sitting in the library quietly waiting for Giles to return from where ever he was.  Probably the bathroom.  Xander had gotten Ophelia a glass of water and she was sipping it slowly.  For some reason Cordelia had come with them.

"I know this is a bit difficult to understand, but you'll get used to it.  We all did," Willow said.

"What was that?", that was the first thin Ophelia said since she kept repeating, "Oh my God, Oh my God."

"It was a vampire," Buffy said.

While she was in the middle of saying this Giles walked in looking like he had slept in a dumpster.

"Giles, what happened?!" Buffy asked.

Giles said nothing.  He fainted and fell to the ground.


They all rushed over to Giles, who was lying on the floor bleeding.  All except Ophelia.  This was all so much for one night.

Xander sat with Ophelia while Buffy, Willow and even Cordelia tended to Giles.

"It's a lot, huh?" he asked her.

"Yeah.  I still have no clue what all this is about.  I mean Buffy and vampires. It doesn't seem to go together.  We weren't really close growing up.  I don't know why.  We got along, but never saw enough of each other to know each other well.  My mom and I were in Boston.  My dad left us when I was about a year old.  He wasn't really a family man.  I met him once when I was eight.  I haven't seen him since.  I don't know why I'm telling you all this.  I hardly know you.  And I'm in a bit of shock over what's happened tonight."

"It's okay.  I never really listen.  I'm always the one who talks.  It's a nice change.  And don't worry, Buffy'll explain everything.  When I first found out about all this stuff I was in shock too.  As long as you stay by Buffy you'll be okay."


Buffy walked over to them at the table.

"I called Angel. I thought maybe he could help me explain better.  I've never had to explain this stuff alone before.  Giles has always been there.  He'll be okay though.  Just some cuts and bruises.  He's awake, but in no condition to explain any of this.  Are you okay.", Buffy asked Ophelia.

"You have to explain what happened before I can answer."

"Welcome to Sunnydale.  Not exactly what you thought it would be, huh?  I'll explain when Angel, he's my boyfriend, gets here."


"Are you sure you're okay, Giles", Willow asked.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"What happened?" Cordelia asked him.

"I'm not sure.  I was using the restroom and something came up behind me.  I do know it wasn't human.  But it wasn't a vampire."

"Giles, this is my cousin, Ophelia.", Buffy said.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you.", Giles said, "Are you alright?"  He noticed that she looked as if she had just seen a ghost.

"Giles, she was attacked by a vampire.  I called Angel and he's coming to help me explain all this stuff to her.  You need to rest."

"I'm fine, really."


"Hey," Angel said as he strode in to the library.  He walked directly towards the table where every one was congregated.

"Hey," Buffy replied.

"Hi," he said as he saw Ophelia.  She didn't look up at him.  She was still looking towards her shoes.

"Can someone please explain what I saw? Please," Ophelia said.

Giles was sitting in a chair with an ice pack on his left eye.  He was in tweed, as usual.  He had a red knot sweater that had been torn during his encounter with the strange creature.

"Go ahead Buffy.  Tell her.  She saw it and now deserves to know."

"Okay. I am a vampire slayer.  I kill vampires.  I was born with that ability.  When I burnt down the school gym in LA that was because there were vampires in there.  There is one Slayer for each generation.  When that Slayer dies a new one is called.  In my generation there are two Slayers.  This is because I died, but was given CPR and revived.--"

In the middle of this Xander cleared his throat.

"Xander saved me," she continued.  "The other Slayer is Kendra and she came to help me kill two vampires, but it didn't work and they are alive some where.  Angel is my boyfriend and he is a vampire.  He has a soul though.  No other vampire has their soul.  About eighty years ago Angel fed on a Gypsy princess and the elders of her tribe cursed him with his soul.  He's the only good vampire.  He helps us.  Tonight, you were attacked by a vampire.  I hope that clears it all up."

"Sort of.  It's a lot.  Does Aunt Joyce know?"

"No.  I've managed to keep that part of my life secret."

"Do all of them help you," Ophelia asked as she waved her hand around the room indicating all there.

"Yes, each Slayer has a Watcher.  My original Watcher died.  When I moved to Sunnydale I met Giles and he is my Watcher.  Willow finds stuff on the net for us.  Xander helps every one and Cordelia's just here.  Angel helps me fight.  The two vampire I tried to kill, Spike and Druscilla, tried to kill Angel."

"It's dangerous, but we do it for Buffy," Willow said.

"Yeah.  Plus we get to celebrate after we kill whatever evil creature pops up next," Xander added.

"Why are you here, though," Ophelia asked Cordelia.

"It's like I told Buffy. Weird stuff happens when they're around, but it happens when they're not around.  So I figure I'm safe as long as I stay with them."


"You five had better get home.  You have school tomorrow.  And I need to research," Giles said.

"Okay. Angel, can you walk us home?" Buffy asked.



When they got to Buffy's house after dropping off everyone else Angel and Buffy stood on the front porch looking at each other.  Ophelia had gone inside to bed.

"Goodnight," Angel said to her.  He was looking into her eyes.  That was one of his favorite things to do.

"Good night," Buffy said leaning in for a kiss.

He stopped her just as she was about to make contact with his lips.  "I thought your mom didn't want us seeing each other."

"Yeah, but you brought me home why not give me a kiss goodnight?  She's probably asleep anyway."

Angel couldn't resist that and bent down to kiss her.  Just as their lips met the door opened.  Buffy's mom stood there with an extreme look of disapproval on her face.

"Young lady, I thought I had made myself clear that you were not to see him any more.  And now I find you kissing on my front porch!  You are definitely grounded!  Now get inside.  And you, if I see you with my daughter one more time I will call the police."  Joyce Summers slammed the door shut once Buffy was inside.  Before she was in though, Buffy kissed Angel in the air and gave him a little smile.  He knew that her mother would not stop them.

"Buffy, go to your room and stay there until I say you can come out.  You won't be going to the Bronze or any where for a very long time."

***"Miss Summers, it seems from you records that you are nothing like your cousin.  No record of violent incidents, no fires.  This will be good for you here.  You stay the way your records indicate and you'll be just fine here.  I am sorry to say we will be keeping a special eye on, because of your cousin. I see you have a 4.0 GPA.  And you've passed chemistry.  Good, that will keep you away from fire," Ophelia sat in Principal Snyder's office listening to him belittle her cousin as much as he could.  "Well you can go now," he said handing her her schedule, "I've given you the same classes as Willow Rosenberg.  She hangs out with your cousin, but doesn't get in trouble.  She can show you around the school."

"Thank you, sir," Ophelia said politely and got out of the room as quickly as possible.

When she got out she found Buffy standing there waiting for her.  "I'll bet your glad that that's over."  Buffy said with a grin.

"Who is that guy?  He looks like he stuck his head in the ball polisher at the bowling alley."

"You and Xander are gonna get a long great if you keep up with those kinda remarks."

"What kind of remarks," Xander Harris asked as he, Willow and Cordelia walked up to Buffy and Ophelia.

"Just your regular remarks that you grace with every day." Buffy replied.

"That sound like an insult."

"That's the reason we love you Xander."

"Your forgiven," he said sheepishly.

"I guess you met Snyder," Willow said "He makes a memorable first impression on everybody."

"Did you ever realize how perfect the name Snyder is for him.  It's kinda sneaky like him." Cordelia mused.

"Yeah, I met that guy.  He's keeping a 'special eye' on me, because I'm Buffy's cousin."

"Normally I'd say lets go to the library, but since it's your first day we should probably go to class," Buffy said taking charge, "Can I see your schedule?"  Ophelia handed her the slip of paper.  Buffy looked over it quickly.  "You have all the same classes Willow does.  That's good.  We all have the first four periods together.  Our second is a free.  We can go to the library then.  We have history first."

"History's a good class to catch up on those missing hours of sleep spent helping Buffy." Xander said.

"Yeah, Mr. Sheppard always has his back turned towards the wall, writing on the board.  So we can pass notes the entire time without him noticing," Cordelia said.

"I'm the one who volunteered to pay attention for when tests come up." Willow said.

"I kinda like history.  What are we studying?" Ophelia asked.  All except Willow stared at her blankly not knowing the answer.  They could be studying the building of Stonehenge for all they knew.

"We're on the rise and fall of the Shoguns in Japan."

"I knew that." Buffy said.

"Sure ya did." Xander replied.


Rupert Giles sat in the library reading a book.  He was so involved in his reading he didn't even notice when Buffy&Co. walked in and sat down.  Xander and Cordelia sat at opposite ends.  Ophelia sat next to Xander and Willow sat next to Cordelia.  Willow didn't seem to mind this either.  Buffy stood next to Giles.  After about thirty seconds she tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

"AHHHH!" he screamed.  He was obviously surprised by Buffy.  "Oh.  It's you all.  Oh!  I found what attacked me last night.  It's a demon that is feared so badly that he wasn't even given a name.  They figured if he didn't have a name he wouldn't exist.  What he does to his victims is too unpleasent to say, so I won't mention it.  We need to stop him though.  As soon as possible."

"No problem.  We can do it.." Buffy said confidently.

"Yeah.  Buffy's like Wonder Bra Woman.  She can do any thing." Xander said.  He noticed every one was giving him 'the look'.  The rest of their day was spent reading up on the demon.  Learning about it's habits and strengths.


About three hours after sunset Angel walked into the library. Buffy had called him to help them.

When he entered he heard Ophelia's voice.  "You know the more I look at this thing, the more I think he looks like pea soup vomitted on him."  Angel gave a small grin at this.  He was impressed at how Ophelia had handled last night.

"Hey." Willow said.  She was the first to notice that he was there.  Buffy's eyes lit up when she saw him.  Xander just glared, Cordelia didn't do any thing and Ophelia and Giles were busy looking at something.

"Hi." Angel replied.

"Hello, Angel," Giles replied, "Yes um.  We have a lot of work to do.  According to this book, the demon comes around this time of year to a public building.  Since he was here last night, I assume he will be here again.  Buffy, you, Angel and Ophelia should go to one end of the school and the rest of us will go to the other.  You take the crossbow"

"Okay.  When should he be here?"

"In about thirty minutes maximum.  So speed is of the utmost importance."

"Okay lets go." Buffy said.  She Angel and Ophelia walked out of the library and the others went in the opposite direction of them.


"Giles are you sure the demon is gonna show?" Willow asked.

"Yes it's very particular," he answered.  They entered a classroom. When they were all in the doors and windows closed and locked.  A gust of wind swept by and they were knocked to the floor unconscious.  A faint laughter could be heard.

From the other end of the school Buffy, who had the crossbow, Angel, who had his game face on and Ophelia, who was obviously frightened, crept through the school quietly.

"Are you alright?" Angel asked Ophelia.

She nodded her head yes.  The three of them looked up when they heard a laughter around them.  Buffy turned around on instinct.  "Good evening," said a voice that sounded like a gasping lawn mower.  Another gust of strong wind went through when the demon thrust his hand toward Angel.  He fell to the ground.  Buffy was next to fall.  The crossbow landed by Ophelia's feet.  She picked it up and shot at him.  He let out a shout and a light flashed.  Suddenly every one who was unconscious got up.  Every one walked toward Ophelia.  Buffy came up to her and put her arm around her and led her to the library with the rest of the gang following.  Ophelia's mouth was open the whole way there.


"Morning." Buffy said as Ophelia came into the kitchen.  Joyce Summers had already gone to work at the gallery.

"Something wrong you seem upset?" Ophelia asked.

"Mom just had a talk with me about Angel.  I told her I'd stop seeing him, but she doesn't have to know I do.  He'll just have to leave when she hits the block before the house from now on.  I mean it's not like she'll see us when we're out at night.  To change the subject, how does it feel to have saved us all?"

"Weird.  Can I ask you a question?"

"Fire away."

"Does that type of stuff happen every day?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Just checking."

The End

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