continued ...


Buffy walks down the hall wearing her workout clothes.  No one is there the bell rang a few minutes ago.  Principal Snyder stops Buffy in the hall.

Snyder: "Miss Summers.  Might I ask what your doing out here."

Buffy: "Oh I was just going to see Mr.  Giles about a, a book.  I have a free."

Snyder: "All right.  I'm watching you.  One wrong step and you out of here for good and will lookforward to a career behind a fast food restaurant counter.  Got it?"

Buffy: "Of course sir.  I'll be on my way now."

She walks away and Snyder looks at her with a look of disgust.

Snyder: "I hate kids."

End of scene.

Next scene is in the library.  Buffy walks in.  Xander and Cordelia are whittling stakes.  Jenny is busy at the computer.  Giles is looking at a book.

Buffy: "You know, Snyder can do a real number on your self esteem.  I'm ready to get started."

Jenny: "Did Angel find anything out?"

Buffy: "Nothing."

Xander: "Must not have looked hard enough."

Cordelia: "Shut up and keep whittling."

Xander: "Yes your highness."

Buffy: "He looked really hard.  He kept me up all night while he was on the phone."

Giles: "All right then.  Lets get started."

They go into her fighting routine.  She hits her fighting post.  She kicks it.  Next we see her hitting Giles.  He falls back.

Giles: "I think its safe to say you'll be ready."

Buffy: "I can handle it."

End of scene.

Next scene is in Dru's warehouse.  She is standing in front of six vampires.  Each of them is kneeling before her.  They're heads are bowed down.  They all have they're game faces on.

Drusilla: "I chose you six to kill the Slayer because you are the most determined and resourceful.  Some of you might not make it through this, but I know that you'll kill her.  Is every thing ready?"

Vamp1: "It's ready."

Dru: "Good the sun sets in two hours.  If by one in the morning she's still alive you die."(She turns to Buffy's mom.) "And you become my dinner."

A frightened look falls on Joyce's face. 

End of scene.

Next scene is in the Bronze.  They are all waiting at a table.  Spike is just walking in when they get up to look around.  Willow's not with him.  Buffy and Angel walk up to him.  They others know to stay where they are seated.

Buffy: "Where's Willow?"

Spike: "She's safe."

Buffy: "I want know where she isvI could just kill you now, find her myself, then kill Drusilla.  But I don't think you want that."

Spike: "I don't think you want that either.  All these people here.  They'd find out your dark little secret."

Buffy: "Where is she?  I am more than willing to kill you."

Spike: "Follow me."

Buffy motions for her friends to come with her.  They all go out he door.

End of scene.

Buffy, Spike, Angel, Giles, Xander, and Cordelia are standing outside the warehouse.  They are huddled around in a circle.

Buffy: "You guys go in and get my mom.  Spike, you, me and Angel will take care of the vampires."

Spike: "Who put you in charge."

Angel grabs him by the neck and growls.  He has his 'game face' on.

Angel: "Be nice."

Buffy: "When it comes to vamp slayage I'm in charge.  Angel, you can't kill him.  He's the only one who knows where Willow is."

Angel: "Just trying to scare him."

Spike: "Ooh!  I'm scared.  How about the rest of you?"

Giles: "Buffy are you sure you don't need us to help you with slaying?"

Cordelia: "You know, she does have our best interests in mind."  Giles (Under his breath.) : "That's Cordelia for you."

Xander: "What?"

Giles: "Nothing."

Jenny: "I think Buffy's right.  None of us are nearly as strong as the three of them.  We should go in get Mrs.  Summers and get out."

Buffy: "Exactly.  Just do what I told you.  We'll take care of all things that need slaying.  Just make sure my mom is all right.  And Spike, you go back on your word you die a slow painful death."

Spike: "I get the message."

Angel: "Ya sure of that Bleachy?"

Spike growls at him.  He too has his game face on.  They walk to the door and break it open.  End there.

They storm in with Buffy in front.  Angel and Spike follow her.  The vampires are in shock that one of their own is attacking them.

Buffy: "You guy know what to do."

Xander: "Yup."

Giles: "Yes."

Jenny: "Yes."

Cordelia: "Huh?"

Each of these lines goes in unison. 

Buffy to Spike: "Are you gonna take your ex-sweety?  Or shall I?"

Spike: "I'll get her."

Angel: "Don't forget whose team your on now."

Spike: "Bite me!"

Angel: "Now if you'd asked me that a hundred years ago I'd a done it with pleasure."

Buffy: "Calm down boys.  Remember, vampires that need to be slayed, an ex-vamp honey?  Focus."

Angel: "Sorry."

Spike: "Yeah.  Whatever."

Buffy: "Lets go."

They all go in.  Cordelia sees Joyce lying on the floortied up.  They all rush over to her while Buffy, Angel and Spike attack the vampires.

Jenny: "She's unconscious.  Is she alive?"

Xander checks for a pulse on her neck, Giles checks her wrist and Xander checks for bite marks.

Giles: "She's fine.  Just unconscious.  Let's get her out of here."

Buffy, Angel and Spike continue to kill all of the vamps.  Drusilla stands by and watches.  Angel and Spike are busy with the last two vamps so Buffy goes in for Drusilla.

Drusilla: "You think that you are going to stop me?"

Buffy: "That's exactly what I'm gonna do."

Drusilla: "Just go ahead and try it.  My Spike will come to help me."

Buffy: "After what you did to him he'd be a fool to help you in any way."

Drusilla: "I didn't do anything to him."

Buffy: "You mean you didn't-?"

Drusilla: "I could never do anything mean to my Spikey."

Buffy runs for Drusilla who goes to the other direction.  Buffy's spider sense has kicked in and she knew she would move.  Buffy grabs her and holds her with a stake to her heart.  She sees Spike go after Angel.  Both of them had finished slaying the vamps they were fighting.  Angel walks towards Buffy.  Spike comes behind him with a stake and murderous intent.

Buffy: "Angel, behind you its a trap!"

Angel turns around and ducks as Spike tries to drive the stake through him.  In one swift motion Angel kicks Spike to the ground and is about to kill him."

Buffy: "Angel don't.  We still have to get Willow.  Tie him up or something."

Angel: "Alright."

Through all of this Drusilla managed to escape.  She ran towards Spikeand Angel.

Spike: "Run Dru!  I'll be okay.'

Angel: "No you won't."

Drusilla: "I won't leave you Spike."

Buffy comes up from behind her with a stake.  Drusilla is too distracted to notice Buffy, but she escapes just in time.

Drusilla: "I love you, Spike."

Spike: "Run Dru."

Drusilla: "Alright."

She runs away. 

Spike: "That's a good girl.  Just run."

Buffy: "Where's Willow?"

Spike: "I won't tell you.  You're gonna kill me anyway."

Buffy: "Whether or not you tell me depends on how much its gonna hurt."

Spike: "I'm not going to tell you."

She kicks him in the groin.

Spike: "Don't you have anything better than that?"

She pulls off the cross she's wearing.  It's the one that Angel gave her.  She stuffs it in Spikes face for about thirty seconds.

Spike: "You gave her that piece of junk.  Angelus, I would've thought you would have given the girl you love something new."

Angel: "That's closest thing to my human life I have left.  That's why I gave it to her."

Buffy stuffs the cross in Spikes face for about a minute and a half.

Spike: "Alright.  She's in the sewers below the ice-cream parlor."

Angel: "Don't kill him yet.  He might be lying."

Buffy: "I don't think so.  He's got nothing else to live for."

She pulls a stake from her jacket, but he is able to get away.

Buffy: "Damn."

She and Angel walk outside and find the rest of the Scooby gang and her mom by he door.

Buffy: "Is she okay?"

Jenny: "Fine."

Giles: "She just unconscious."

Xander: "Where's Willow?"

Buffy: "In the sewers."

Cordelia: "The sewers!  By the way, we're fine thanks for asking."

Buffy: "Yeah, you guys are okay, right?"

Xander: "We're fine.  How 'bout you?"

Buffy: "Fine.  So is Angel."

Giles: "Where's Spike?"

Angel: "He ran away."

Giles: "Drusilla?"

Angel: "Gone too."

Buffy: "It was a trap.  Angel and I almost killed them, but they got away at the last minute."

Jenny: " We better go get Willow.  What should we do with your mom?"

Buffy: "Take her home and put her in her bed to rest.  She's gonna need it when I tell her what happened."

Angel: "Your gonna tell her?"

Buffy: "I gonna tell her that she slept for a while and about us."

Giles: "It seems best.  Jenny and I will take her to your house.  You four get Willow.  She must be a fright by now."

Xander: "Alright."

Cordelia: "Do I have to go?  I have a conditioning treatment scheduled really early tomorrow morning."

Buffy: "Go."

Cordelia: "Thank you.  Tell Willow that I will gladly help her treat her hair when she wants.  Can you imagine how bad her hair's gonna be?  She's been in a sewer for days."

Xander: "Cordy, just go."

End of scene.

Next scene.  They are all entering the sewer.  Willow is sitting on the ground tied up and gagged.

Buffy: "Will!  Are you okay?  Oh, right the gag."

Xander takes the gag off.  Willow begins hacking. 

Willow: "It feels like I swallowed a hair ball but other than that I'm fine.  Where's Spike?"

Buffy: "He and Dru bit the dust...literally."

Xander: "We better get you home."

Angel: "Can you walk?"

Willow: "I'm not sure.  I haven't used my legs in two days."

Buffy: "Don't try.  Angel will carry you."

Willow: "You won't get jealous?"

Buffy: "Maybe a little."

Xander: "I'll carry you, Buffy."

Buffy: "I can handle it.  I'm just glad that you're okay Will.  We all are."

Angel scoops her up and they all exit the sewer. 

End of scene.

Next scene.  That night.  Buffy and Angel are standing in front of her front door. 

Angel: "Are you sure you want to tell her?"

Buffy: "She needs to know."

Angel: "Alright.  Hopefully she'll take it well."

She unlocks the door and has her first foot in the door.  She turns at the last minute.

Buffy: "Come with me?  Please."

Angel: "You sure?"

Buffy: "Yeah."

They both walk into Buffy's house.  Her mo is sitting on the couch watching t.v.

Joyce: "Buffy where have you been?  And who's that?"

Buffy: "Mom, I thought you would never wake up.  You slept for hours.  And this is Angel.  You met him about a year ago.  Can we talk to you?"

Joyce: "I had the strangest dream.  You're the college student who was tutoring Buffy, right?"

Buffy: "Sort of."

Angel: "Its nice to see you again, Mrs.  Summers."

Joyce: "What do mean sort of?  Buffy are pregnant?"

Buffy: "No!  Sit down we have to talk."

Joyce: "Am I gonna like this?"

Buffy: "I don't know.  Mom, Angel and I have been dating for a month or so now.  I love him more than any thing."

Joyce: "You're too young for a relationship with a college student.  Have you slept with him?"

Buffy: "No."

Angel: "I love your daughter more than anything I ever have in my entire life."

Joyce: Neither of you have live long enough to know what love is."

Buffy: "Mom, I love Angel so much.  I would die for him."

Angel: "And I would die for Buffy."

Joyce: "You can't see him any more, Buffy.  I forbid it."

Buffy: "I will see him no matter what you say."

Joyce: "We'll see about that.  I could have him charged with statutory rape.  I will if he doesn't leave now."

Angel: "I'll go.  Goodbye, Buffy."

Buffy: "Bye."

Angel walks out the door and Buffy watches him go. 

Buffy: "I won't give him up.  You can't stop me."

Joyce: "Watch me."

End of scene

Next scene in the hall at school.

Willow: "So your mom threw Angel out of the house?"

Buffy: "Yeah.  She says I can't see him any more, because he's too old for me.  When he left we got in a big fight.  I just went up to my room and haven't spoken to her since.  She won't stop me from seeing him."

Willow: "You'll just have to keep it secret again."

Buffy: "Yeah.  She doesn't have to know what she doesn't want to.  I am just worried that Spike is gonna come after you again."

Willow: "He won't."

Xander walked up to them and they walked towards the library.

The End

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