Forgive and Forget

By: M&M

Disclaimer: These Characters do not belong to me.  They are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, WB Network, and whoever else that has rights to BTVS.

"Why did she do it?", she asked herself?  Why couldn't she keep her passion for him to herself?  She might never know those answers.  As more time went by Buffy Summers began to slowly think that she may never have her Angel back.  She missed him more and more, but the pain was lessening.  This worried her.  She had never known a love that Angel showed her before.  All that she knew was that she loved him more than life itself.  But the meaner and more treacherous he became the more she despised him.

The hunt was very slow that night.  She was sitting in the graveyard and hadn't slayed a single vampire yet.  She never really wanted to be the Slayer, but now she wanted it even less.  This meant that she would have to kill her one and only love.  He had hurt her so much in the past month.  He had killed Theresa, tried to kill Xander and told her mother about the passionate night they had made love.  But the least forgivable thing he had done so far was kill Jenny Calendar.

Giles had been unhappy in the pass week since it happened.  He sulked and wasn't much help as a Watcher.  He was like her father and even though she was angry with Ms.Calendar, she was Giles' girlfriend.  In a sense that made her like Buffy's stepmom.  A very unliked step-mom.  Angel had caused Giles so much pain and suffering.  How can you forgive someone who kills the love of the man who is the closest thing you have as a father and tried to kill him?

Buffy remembered the nights she and Angel had spent hunting in this same graveyard.  They had shared arguments, confessions...and kissess in this place of death.  She still thought about him every waking hour.  Her mother could sense this and gave her her space.  When she was in the graveyard she could feel that Angel was watching her.  She always knew when he was near.

That night he was there just as always.  He didn't try anything.  He only wanted to scare her.  She became less afraid of him as time went by.  Finally she gave up on the hunt and decided to go home.  "Goodnight, Angel."  She had taken to saying goodnight to him.  Just to let him know that she knew he was there.  He stared at her from the dark.  He didn't do anything else.  Angel wasn't stupid.  He knew he would have to catch her off her gaurd.  He would just wait patiently until then.


The next day at school she went straight to the library.  She always did this, but since Ms.Calendar died she never bothered to speak to Willow, Xander, Oz, Ophelia or Cordelia beforehand.  This didn't bother the slayerettes.  They knew what was more improtant right now.  She went straight to the library check on Giles.  She wasn't sure, but she thought that he probably cried himself to sleep.  That's what she had done the first three weeks after she lost Angel.  This was worse though.  Jenny would never have a chance to come back to Giles.

She found Giles sitting at the table.  She knew what he was thinking about.  "How are you?", she asked.  "I'm doing a little better."  "I know you're not, but I'm not gonna pry.", she replied sweetly.  "Find anything new?", she inquired trying to keep his mind away from Jenny.  "No."  "You'll figure it out.  You always do."  Since the incident she tried to lift Giles' spirits by complementing him.

Willow Rosenberg, Buffy's best friend, ran into the library.  "I don't mean to burst in here like this, but I found something.", the net girl cried.  "I was cleaning out Ms. Calendars room for Principal Snyder and I found a disk of hers.  I put it in the computer and theres some Gypsy looking words on it.  I'll put it in here so you guys can read it.  All I know is I think that it has something to do with getting Angel his soul back.  And where is Ophelia?" Buffy asked, "How do you know that and she's visiting grandma?"  "The top of the page said 'Restoration Ritual'."  "That would be a hint.", replied the Slayer.

Willow put the disc in the computer and it popped up on screen.  "My God!", Giles replied.  "Giles, do you want do this?  I mean are you sure you give Angel this after what he did?", Buffy asked.  "I'm sure."  "I'll go get Xander and Cordelia and we'll start working on this."  Buffy ran like the wind out of the library.

"You're doing this for her, aren't you?"  "I would do anything just so long that she doesn't have to be unhappy anylonger.", the Watcher replied.  "Well, I guess we should get started.", Willow said.  "Right you are."

"So you guys found a way to get Dead Boy his soul back.", Buffy's wise cracking friend, Xander Harris replied.  Without even turning around Willow said, "Hey Xander and yes, we did."  "You did.", her guitarist boyfriend Oz said.  "He's right Will.", Buffy said.  "So, is this a good thing?", fashion feind Cordelia Chase asked.  No one realy bothered to answer her.  They were all used to her dense remarks.  "Are you sure you want to go through with this Buffy?" Willow asked, "Are you sure you don't want something else?"  "Yeah."  She replied, "I wanna make him suffer."

That night Willow stayed at Buffy's house with her laptop.  They were busily working on the restoration ritual.  They worked for eight hours straight.  All they stopped for was to eat, go to the bathroom and one, thirty minute conversation.

"Buffy, before we do all this work I want to make sure that you want this."  "Yes.  He has to suffer.  He has to suffer for all the pain he's caused Giles.  And knowing him as I do, he'll definatly suffer.  I'm doing this for Giles." Willow just listened intently.  The she spoke, widly, "He still loves you.  He'll feel it even more when he has his soul back.  After that he might not pursue you, but he'll always love you."  All Buffy could say was that she knew that he would always love her.  She just wasn't sure if she would always love him.  Willow then continued by asking Buffy a very difficult question.  "Are you going to take him back?"  "I don't know."


The next day Buffy, Willow, Xander, Cordelia and Oz didn't go to any classes.  Snyder didn't seem to notice because they got away scott free.  Giles found out that they needed a Thesolum Orb in order for the restoration to work.  Giles remembered Jenny saying something the day she died about going to a local black majic type shop.  Oz said that he would go get one.  Giles insisted that Xander and Cordelia go with him.  They figured it would be easier for Oz to go because he was a senior and didn't have to take every class.  "I'll be happy to go.  Anything to help.  I didn't know Angel too well, but I'll go if you think I should.", he said.  "Thanks, Oz.", his shy girlfriend replied.  "No problem. I'll go right away.  Xander, Cordelia are you guys gonna come with me?"  "Yeah.  If we can get out without Snyder catching us.", Xander said.  "We will.", Cordelia added, "Besides if I get in trouble for ditching class my father will kill me.  It would probably be better for me to go so that they can't find me on campus."  "Cordelia, shut up and go.", Buffy said.

Oz, Cordelia and Xander all left to get the orb.  That left Buffy, Giles and Willow to work out the rest of the spell.  "We should get this over and done with right away.  It would be for the best so that they don't suspect anything.", Buffy said.  Giles replied, "Your right.  Maybe if they get the orb we should try for tonight.  Will it be ready by then Willow?"  "Yeah, I'm almost done.", Willow said, "it should be ready in about twenty minutes."  "Great. Giles you and I should start working on a plan."  "Alright.  Are you okay?  You seem a little out of it.  Do you want to wait for tomorrow night?"  "No lets do it tonight and get it over with."

They worked quikly.  They had never come up with a plan this fast before.  Soon after they had left Xander, Oz and Cordelia walked in.  Xander was carrying a round box that resembled a jewelry box.  "Aren't we lucky.  The last Thesolin Orb left in the state.", Xander commented.  "Are you guys done?", Oz asked.  "Yeah, Giles and I came up with a plan.  You might not like it, but too bad.  Willow, can print out a translated copy of that stuff for every one?" Willow nodded.  "Great.  Here's how its gonna be.  When I hunt in the graveyard Angel is always there watching me.  He never does anything, he just watches.  Tonight I'll do just what I always do.  I want you guys to stay in Giles' car and after fifteen minutes of me fighting Angel come and start the ritual I don't care what's going on all you do is the ritual.  Nothing more nothing less.  Once the ritual is done Angel should be knocked out.  We'll take him to his apartment and let him sleep it off.  Then its up to him what he wants to do."  "You're right.", Xander said.  "About what."  "I don't like it.  I don't want to just sit there and wait.  I wanna do something more."  "Too bad.  It's what's safest."  "For who?  What are you just gonna provoke an attack?", Cordelia said.  "Thats exactly what I'm gonna do.", Buffy said.


Spike was sitting around thinking.  Angel walked in and laughed at the site of Spike, who was still in his weelchair.  He had taken to making fun of Spike in past weeks to keep busy during the day.  "Must I remind you that I won't have this bloody chair won't be with me forever?", Spike said.  "No, but as long as you do have it I'm gonna milk it for all the puns its worth.", Angel replied.  "I wouldn't be talking man.  You're the one who can't seem to kill the Slayer even at her weakest moments.", Spike said.  "Spike, mon aimi, I think you need to shut up.  What's it been five monthes since you got here.  And she's still walking around...which is more than your doing,", Angel said with a chuckle.

Drusilla walked in holding Sunshine.  "Are you two fighting over me again?  Now, now. Sunshine doesn't like it when you two fight.  It frightens her.  Doesn't it sweet?"  "Tell that to Angelus, love.  If he had killed the Slayer right away we wouldn't in this factory.  Who would want to stay in old, burnt down rubber factory anyway?"  Drusilla went over to Spike and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't worry dear heart.", Dru said, "Oooh, the suns gone down.", Dru added as she looked at the clock on the wall.  "Angel, I would like to spend some time with my Spike.  While you go hunting, will you take Sunshine with you so that he can do his business?"  "No problem, Dru.  You see Spike, she still likes you.  Just not as much as she likes me.", Angel replied.  :Take your time pal.", Spike said sarcastically.


Buffy, the Watcher and the other four got to the graveyard around the time she usually did.  "Okay, you guys know waht to do.  Just do as I told you and nothing else.  Got it?", Buffy said.  "Buf-", Willow was about to say.  "Just do what I said and everything will be fine."

Author's Note:Throughout the rest of this scene, starting here, imagine the song "Uninvited", by Alnis Morrissette playing.  It's off the "City Of Angels" soundtrack.

Buffy walked through the graveyard.  She was carrying something in her hand.  Something the others hadn't noticed.  She was carrying an envelope and a single red rose.  As she walked by Ms.Calendar's grave she stopped and set the note and rose atop the tombstone.  She closed her eyes and said softly, "This one's for you."

"Angel, come on out.  I want to talk to you."  She was sure that he was already there and could sense that he was grinning.  He was hiding behind the moseleum, holding Sunshine on a short leash.  "I know you're there, Angel.  I just wanna talk."  "I want to do more than talk.", Angel said.  She could tell that his voice was coming from near the moseleum, but didn't go near it.  She just waited for him to start the attack.  "Yeah, like what?", she asked.  "I want to play.", he replied.  "Come on out then, we'll play.  That is if you're not afraid."  Angel slowly emerged from behind his hiding place.  Buffy could see him holding Sunshine.  "So, you've taken to walking with your own kind.", she remarked, "Come on.  Can't you do it?  Afraid?  Shame, I thought you were more of a man than that.  At least you were that night."  Angel dropped Sunshine's leash and charged towards Buffy.  She knew that would be all the words she needed to provoke him into a fight.  She delivered a swift rounhouse kick.v "Thats all you've got.", Angel retorted.  "I'm just warming up.", Buffy replied.  "Well you better hurry or you'll be dead before you even know it."  They continued to fight . Buffy was getting very tired and didn't think she could go on much longer.  She relented waiting for when she told them to begin the ritual.  "Giles, start the ceramony.  NOW!", she yelled.  Angel hadn't heard her.

Buffy and Angel continued to fight.  She was growing more and more tired.  Her and Willow's all nighter had really affected her.  She went in for another roundhouse.  Angel was too fast for her and grabbed her ankle.  She fell flat on her face.  Her tired body wasn't quick enough and she couldn't recover in time.  Before she knew it Angel had pulled her up to his face.  She thought that he would just kill her, but instead he spoke, "I really wanted to kill all of your friends and family first, but this is a lot better."  A single tear made it's way slowly down her cheek.  That's the only tear that came though.  She knew she was going to die in Angel's arms...the way she had wanted to ever since their first kiss.  No matter how hard she fought him she could not break free from his grasp.  She was too weak.  He turned her neck and bit into the warm flesh.


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