continued ...

While all of this going on Giles and the rest were busy with the ritual.  They were just through as Angel bit Buffy.  The orb was glowing and the wind was blowing feircly.  He didn't notice until it was too late.  He dropped to the ground taking Buffy's limp body with him.  She looked as if she hadn't changed her clothes in monthes.  Angel had given her a good beating.  Now they were both lying on the ground.  Not a single movement comeing from either of them.

Giles led the Slayerettes to the spot were Buffy and Angel had been fighting.  They didn't see her.  Willow looked down at the ground in horror.  Oz saw the expression on her face and he looked down to see what she was so petrified of.  He saw Buffy's body on the ground.  Neither a jerk nor a slight movement came from her body.  Oz ran over to her body and checked for a pulse.  That's when evry one else noticed that she was lying there.  "Oh my God.  Not her too.  He didn't get her too.", Giles said in a weak voice, "He couldn't have gotten her too."  "I'm gonna kill him.", Xander said.  "Now that he's back to normal that's probably what he'll want.", Willow replied.


Oz was down by her body checking to see if theirwas a pulse.  "Guys she's still alive."  "You mean she didn't die?", Cordelia asked.  "That's what he said didn't he?", Willow said.  We have to get her to a hospital she's lost a lot of blood.", Giles said, "Too much.  If we don't hury she will be dead.  Oz will you and Xander take Angel back to his loft in your van and meet us at the hospital?"  "Yeah.", Oz said.  Then Xander said firmly, "No, I'm not leaving Buffy."  "Xander there's nothing you can do to help her.", Giles said.  "Alright, I'll go.", Xander said.  Xander and Oz picked up Angel and stuffed him into the back of Oz's van. "I really hope that this worked.", Xander said.  "I'm in total agreement, man.", Oz said.  They drove off quickly.

"Cordelia go and open the back door of your car.  We'll take that.  It goes a lot faster than mine.  Willow go get in the back seat.  I'll lay Buffy back there and you moniter her pulse.  Make sure to time it.", Giles said.  Cordelia had already gone for the car.  Giles picked Buffy up gently and carryed her to the car.  Willow was already in and Giles handed Buffy to her.  He quickly got in the car and they sped off towards Sunnydlae General.

Every minute Gile asked Willow how Buffy was doing.  Her condition hadn't changed any.  The arrived at the hospital and got her into the emrgency room.  They quickly ran to get a doctor.  Once they found one they placed her on a gurney and she was rushed in to a trauma room.  "Willow, go call Buffy's mother.", Giles said.

Willow ran towards the payphones.  She picked up the receiver of one of them and dialed the number quickly.  "Hi, Mrs. Summers.  It's Willow...I know Buffy's not there...She's in the hospital...She got stabbed with a pitchfork...We were worknog on a science project and Cordelia bumped into her...I don't know the doctors are still in with her...Yeah.  Me, Mr. Giles and Cordelia...I think that she lost a lot of blood...Okay.  I'll be here...Bye." Willow hung up the phone and walked back over to Giles and Cordelia.  "She's on her way.", Willow said, "Any news?" Giles shook his head.

Xander and Oz walked in the ER and right up to the others.  Oz went straight to Willow.  Surprisingly to Cordelia, Xander went to her and placed his arm around her waist.  She had a shocked look on her face, but no one noticed.  Last Buffy was in the hospital he didn't touch her.  All he could think about was Buffy.  This was deffinatly a switch.  Joyce ran in the hospital straight to the front desk.  Giles went up to her.  "Mrs. Summers.  We haven't received any word as to her condition yet, but we should soon.", he said trying to comfort her as well as he could.  He could see the worry and stress in her eyes.  "Thank you, Mr. Giles.", she said, "I called her father and he said he would drive up here tonight."

Suddenly a doctor came up to them.  "Mrs. Summers?  I'm Dr. Hammilton.  We've stabilized Buffy, but she lost a lot of blood.  She's in the ICU.  She needs a blood transfusion or she won't make it.  And she needs it soon."  Mrs. Summers broke into tears.  So did Willow.  "Mrs. Summers, I hate to ask this now, but we would like to you to give some blood.  She has a very rare blood type and we need to test every one we can."  "Alright.", Mrs. Summers replied softly.  "I'll give some." Willow said.  "How old are you?", the doctor asked.  "I'm 16", she said.  "I'm sorry, but you have to be at least 18 in order to give blood.", he replied.  "I'm eighteen.  I'll give some.", Oz said.  "Thank you.", the doctor said.  "I will too.", Giles said.  The doctor led them to a big room and sat them down in some rather large chairs.  A nurse came and drew blood from each of them.  "Thank you, Mr. Giles.  You too, Oz.  I'm going to call Ophelia and tell her to come home.", Joyce replied.


Angel was asleep in his loft.  It was a restless sleep.  He was dreaming.  Dreaming about he and Buffy.  All the times they had had together.  He dreamt of each time they had encountered each other.  For the first six monthes or so they were just friends helping each other out.  In those monthes their relationship had grown.  He fessed up to being jealeous of her and Xander's friendship and she admitted to loving him.  The both knew their relationship was dangerous, but they loved each other.  He only told her he loved her twice.  He regreted that.  He regreted that he could not control himself so that they could have more time together.  He dreamt all of this.  He dreamt of the night they made love.  How loving she was.  It amazed him that she could love him knowing that he was a vampire, soul or no soul.  Suddenly his dream turned to a nightmare.  He began to see the images of his altar ego's, Angelus, muredrs and tortures.  He pictured every murder he commited since that night.  He dreamt of the three worse things he had done.  He told Mrs. Summers that he and Buffy had made love.  He killed Jenny.  Giles could never forgive him for that.  Then the worst of all.  He killed Buffy...or so he thought.

He suddenly woke up at the sound of Sunshine scratching at the door.  The poor animal obviously had to be walked. Angel decided to take Sunshine for a walk.  He was going to talk to Willow, but he had to make one stop first.


While Angel was having his dream/nightmare Buffy was dreaming the exact same thing. She too dreamt of the times they spent together.  The good...the bad.  There were more good time than bad, but the bad times were less likly to be forgotten.  They both knew that.  Buffy dreamt especially of the noght they spent together.  She had come to do that evry night since it happened.  There was only one difference between Angel and Buffy's dream.  She would not wake up so suddenly.


Willow was sitting in front of her computer.  She could be found there most often.  She heard a tapping noise at the outside doors of her room.  The last time she heard that noise Angel was asking her to help him track Ford.  Angel only had one thing on his mind for a year.  All he was comcerned about was Buffy.  Even as Angelus.

Willow got up and answered the door.  She wasn't sure about it.  But what was the harm.  It's not like a vampire could attack her.  She was surprised to find Angel standing there.  "Hey.", she said.  "Hello."  He said it with his head down in shame.  He couldn't bring himself to look her in the eyes.  "How have you been?", he asked.  "Better.  It's been a little hard since...well you know Ms. Calendar.  And now with Buffy."  "I'm sorry.  That's all I can say.  I'm sorry."  He held up his hand.  In it was a small portable fish tank.  Four fish were floating around inside.  "I brought you these."  "Thank you.  Would you like to come in?", asked.  "But-", he answered, but she cut him off.  "It's okay.  The spell we cast is lasting.  Nothing can break it."  "Are you sure?"  "Yes.  You're safe."  He walked in her room hesitantly.

"I didn't mean to kill her Willow.  The last thing I want to do is kill Buffy.  It wasn't me.  I know that's a lame excuse, but it's true.  I didn't mean to kill Buffy.  I'm sorry."  "Angel, Buffy's alive.", Willow said.  "What?!  You mean I didn't kill her?!"  "No.  She's in a comb though.  She needs a blood transplant, but they can't match.  Nobody knows her blood type."  "I do.", Angel replied, "It's Slayer blood.  The only explanation for it is in a particular book.v I know Giles doesn't have it.  It was burned by Nazis during World War II."  "You mean in one of those book burnings?", Willow asked.  "Yes.  I can't remember what it is called.  It says that a Slayer and a vampire have the same blood.  The only difference is that a Slayers blood has the element of life in it."  "Wow."  Was all Willow could say.  "She's at the hospital?" Willow nodded.  "Willow I need your help, but I don't want you to tell anyone."  "What do you need?", she asked.  "I'm gonna give her my blood.  We have to do it when no one else is around.  Do you think you could create some kind of diversion and then give her my blood?", Angel asked.  "I might need some help.  I would have to draw your blood and then put it in her.  We'll need more than two people.  Do you mind if Oz helps?"  "Can we trust him not to tell?"  "Yes.  Can I ask why the secrecy?"  "I'm leaving after we do this.  I can't stay and be a reminder of all the pain.  And now it will be worse because Buffy is alive.  You all will have to live with the fact that I am in town and that will not help the pain lessen."  "Okay."


"Oz, I need you to get the nurses and doctors away from Buffy's room.  Can you do that?", Angel asked.  "Yeah, no prolem.", the red headed guitarist answered.  He seemed to be a little frightened by Angel.  "Willow, do you have evrything you need?"  "Yes.  Are you ready?"  "Yes.", said Angel in a tone that could barly be heard.  "Oz, are you going to be okay with this?  You can back out if you want.", Willow told her boyfriend.  "I'm okay."  "Thank you.", Angel said.

With their conversation over Oz walked towards the admissions desk.  He colappsed on the ground and strted shaking violently and began to yell and scream.  "No, no I won't marry Cal mother!!!  I won't marry Cal!!!"  It worked.  All the doctors and nurses came running up to him.  "What is he saying?", one asked.  "I think he's talking about 'Titanic'."  There were only two doctors and four nurses.  All were trying to calm Oz.  They couldn't touch him.  They couldn't even get near the phone to call security because when they tried he plunged towards them.

Willow and Angel walked into Buffy's room.  She layed there still.  The only visible movement from her was the rising of her chest when she breathed.  Even that wasn't much.  A tear fell from Angel's eye.  "How could I do this to her?"  "it wasn't you.  It was Angelus.", Willow replied, "We need to hurry before they call security on Oz.  Willow took out a needle and drew bllod from Angel's arm.  It only took a minute or so.  When she was done she injected the blood into blood bag that the hospital was giving Buffy.  When they were through Angel took something out of his pocket and set it on the table near Buffy's bed.  It was an envelope which read 'My Dearest Buffy'.

"Are you okay?", Willow asked.  "I'll be fine.  I'm gonna stick around for about a week.  Would you please let me know how she is doing.  When I know she is alright I can leave.  I won't leave until I know that."  "I will." Willow was standing beside Buffy's bed.  Angel was behind her.  "Thank you Willow."  She turned around and he was gone.  She walked out of Buffy's room the comotion had died down.  Oz was gone.  She didn't know what had happened to him.  She decided to go wait by his van for him.

"How'd it go?"  It was Oz.  He was waiting for her in the parking lot.  "It went fine.  She's gonna miss him when he's gone."  "I think you're right.  And again you are quite the human.  I don't know a single person that would have helped him after what he did.  That's what I admire about you.  You forgive."  He helped her in the van and gave her a small peck on the cheek and drove her home.


Buffy woke up slowly.  No one was there.  She wasn'e even sure where she was until she opened her eyes a little better.  She tried to get up, but she nearly fell.  As she got back into bed a nurse walked in.  "Well!  It's good to see you're awake.  We were'nt sure if you were gonna make.  I'll get your doctor."  The nurse was bubbly and happy.  Buffy smiled at that.  It had been a while since she had seen any one that cheery.

"Miss Summers, you gave us quite the scare.  This is highly unusual.  It seems you don't need a blood trnsfusion after all.  We called your mother.  She's on her way."  "What happened?", Buffy asked.  "You were stabbed with a pitchfork.  Apparently a friend of yours bumped into you.  It was a first.  I hadn't seen that before."  "Will I be alright?"  "As far as I can see you'll be up and at 'em in a month or so.  You lost quite a bit of blood and became very weak.  It'll take some time to build up that strength again.  Although from your records, which indicate you were here back in March, you heal quickly.  I'll let you get some rest."  The doctor left the room and closed the door behind him.

Buffy reached for the phone.  As she did she noticed something on the table.  It was an envelope.  It said: 'My Dearest Buffy'.  After the past monthes she was afraid to open it.  She did though.  She read it slowly.  It read:

Dear Buffy,

Words cannot express how sorry I am for the deeds I have done.  I know you will not be able to forgive me.  I expected that.  You, Giles, Xander, Willow and even Cordelia should just forget me.  It will be hard, but that is what I wish for you to do.  I will not forget you ever.  For the rest of my days.  You will be my every thought, dream and hope.  For Ms. Calendar , I am sorry.  That is all I can say.  The same for the things I told your mother.

I hope you are feeling better.  I will never forgive myself for what I have done.  I hate myself.  I thought, 'How can they forget while I am here?'.  Then it came to me.  I am going back to Ireland.  I was happy there before I was changed.  You owe Willow your life.  She saved it.

Ask her the details.  All I want you to know is that I will never think of anything, but you.  I will love you no matter what you do and how long I walk the earth.  I will miss you and your smile.  I did not get to see enough of it.  Goodbye.



When she was through reading tears were streaming steadily down her face.  She had to see him.  She got up and tore the wires from her hands and arms.  She then threw the oxygen mask off her face.  She took a second to catch her breath.  Once she had done that she quietly crept out of the hospital.  She was surprised that she made it out without any one noticing her.


Five minutes or so after Buffy had left., Ophelia walked into her room at the hospital.  She had gotten back from their grandmothers a few hours ago.  She went to the hospital alone, because Joyce Summers was at the gallery and could not be reached at that time.

When she entered Buffy's room she confused to find that her cousin was not there.  She walked out to the nurses station to inquire as to the wehereabouts of Buffy.  "Excuse me.  Did they take Buffy Sumers for tests or any thing?", she asked the nurse.  "I don't think so, but let me check.", the nurse replied.  Living on the Hellmouth, Ophelia knew better and left.  She ran straight for Willow's.


Buffy ran through the streets like a person who a drunk too much tequila.  She had to stop every three hundred feet to catch her breath.  She finally reached Angel's.  When she got there she knocked on the door., but the run there was too much for her.  She collapsed just as he answered the door.  He saw her smallfigure lying there and picked her up.  He put her on the bed.  And sat next to her.


Ophelia knocked vigerously on Willow's door.  When Willow answered she was surprised that it was Ophelia at the other side of the door.  "Hey.  What's wrong?", Willow asked.  "Hjey.  How do you always know when something's wrong?", Ophelia replied.  "It's a gift.  Come on in."  They walked in and Oz was sitting on the sofa.  "Hi, Oz.", Ophelia said.  "Hey."  "Willow, I can't find Buffy.  The hospital called and said she woke up.  I called Aunt Joyce and couldn't get a hold of her.  I went to the hospital and she wasn't there."  "It worked.", was all Willow said.  "What worked?", Ophelia asked.  "I'll explain when when we pick up Xander, Cordelia and Giles.  I know where she is.  Can you drive us Oz?"  "Sure."


Once they had picked every body up Willow explained what she and Angel had disscussed and the fish he had given her.  She explained about Slayer blood and why Giles didn't have the book.  She told them what Angel had done and how he was leaving Sunnydale.  They could see how happy Xander was when he heard that Angel was leaving town.

They pulled up in front of Angel's loft and knocked on the door.  "Just a second.", he said.  As he was about to open the door Buffy began to wake.  "Angel.", he heard her say.  He quickly rushed over to her.  "Angel.", she said again.  He heard another knock on the door.  "Just a second.  Hold on Buffy. I'll be right back."

He answered the door and saw the six of them standing there.  "Hi.", he whispered with his head down in shame.  "Is she here?", Xander asked rudly.  "Yeah."  Angel could not bring himslef to look at the faces of those he had hurt so badly.  Giles looked on with pain, Xander with hate and Willow with pity.  Ophelia, Cordelia and Oz just looked.

They all walked in and Buffy looked up at them.  She was weak and it was hard for her to lift her head.  "It's okay.  Jsut put your head down.", Angel told her.  "What are you all doing here?", she asked.  "Buffy, you should be at the hospital.", Ophelia said.  "I need to talk to Angel.  I'm okay.  Really.", Buffy said firmly.  "No.  We're taking you back.", Xander said.  "I'll just get up and leave again."  "Buffy, it is in your best intrest that we take you back to the hospital so that you can get well.", Giles said.  "No."  "I don't normally say anything when you talk about this kind of stuff, but I think we should let her stay and talk to him.  We can come back and get her later.", Cordelia said.  "I agree.", Willow added.  "Alright.  We'll be back at four in the morning.  That gives you about two hours.", Giles said.  Then the six of them left.

"I'm sorry.", Angel said.  "I know.  I don't want you to leave.  I can't lose you again."  "I don't want to lose you either."  "I can forgive, but not forget.  And I want you to be here."  "I'm sorry."  He just held her hand and witched her fall asleep.  He found himslef falling asleep with her.


Around four am Oz's van pulled up in front.  They all got out and went in side.  From the corner of a building two figures came out.  It was Spike and Drusilla.  Both standing.  "We can't kill them now?", Dru asked.  "No, my pet.  Be paitient.  She smiled at him and they danced in the street.


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