The Price of Growing Up

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.  I do own Julie, she is a product of my imagination.  So I’m allowed to use her.

Author's Notes: Okay, this isn’t a pleasant story.  It deals with rape, but there’s no actual graphic detailed mention of it.  It just deals with the topic.  If that offends you, you shouldn’t read it.  This is a very serious story, which I think you should remember when you read it.  I’m warning you right now that this story is not a nice one.  This is a sequel to Daddy’s Little Girl, and takes place several years into the future.  Thank you, if you’re still reading go ahead.  Please don’t write to me complaining about the subject matter, I did warn you.

Feedback: Please!  Send feedback but no flames.  Especially nothing to do with the content of this story, I’ve warned you ahead of time.  This is a serious story, and if you don’t like the topic do not read this.  Thank you.

Buffy crept downstairs and saw her husband sitting at the table, his head in his hands.  “Angel, what’s wrong?” She asked softly.

“Julie’s not home yet.”

Buffy looked at the clock.  “It’s 2 AM.” She said in a scared voice.  You never knew went bump in the night.  “Her curfew is 11.”

Angel nodded.  “That’s why I’m worried.  You know Julie’s a good girl, she’s never disobeyed us before.”

“Unlike our other two monsters.” Buffy said with a smile, Angel nodded.

“Yeah, I’m so not looking forward to the day Lily starts to date.”

“Neither am I.” Buffy said, her hand instantly going to her tummy.  “Angel, do you think we’re fools to be trying this again?”

Angel shook his head.  “No.”

She leaned over to kiss him, when suddenly they heard someone open the door.  They both ran to the front hall.  When they got there they saw Julie, but she was a mess.  Her dress had been ripped, and she had bruises on her body.

“What happened sweetie?” Buffy asked moving to embrace her daughter.

“Jimmy raped me.” Julie said between sobs.  “I ran all the way home, after I managed to get out of the van.”

Buffy shot a glance at Angel and saw that her husband was in full vamp face.  Buffy gave him a look, and after a minute it went away.

A moment later Buffy silently moved Julie into Angel’s arms, and went upstairs.  She knew that Angel would comfort Julie, besides she was about to be sick.

“It’s okay.” Angel whispered into Julie’s hair like he had once done to Buffy.  In so many ways Julie reminded Angel of her mother.

“Daddy, I hurt so much.” Julie confided tearfully.  “I know baby, but it will get better.  It just takes time.”

“Everything takes time doesn’t it?” Julie asked.

“Yes, but honey I’ll try to make this all better."

“You can’t.” Julie answered, pulling away from her father.  “For the first time in my life I can’t run to you and you’ll make it all better.  I need to do this on my own, but it hurts so much.”

“It’ll always be with you.” Angel said wisely.  “But in time you’ll put it behind you.”

“What do you mean?” Julie asked softly.

“Remember what your mother and I have told you of our past?  Well, I know your mother hasn’t forgotten the hurt she went though at my hands, she never will.  But she put it behind her in time, just like you will.”

“Really?” Julie asked hopefully.

“Really.” Angel said, hugging her again.

He just hoped it was true. It hurt him to see his baby girl cry.  He wished he could keep her safe from everything that would ever hurt her, but he couldn't.

Growing up came with a price, and that price was the tears that it caused.

Sometimes, like in Cordelia’s case, it was from a broken heart.  She hadn’t really recovered, and she was never able to truly forgive Xander.  No matter how many years passed, that hurt was always in her somewhere.

Other times it came from loosing the person you loved, like Buffy and Giles.  They had both been the lucky ones.  Buffy had gotten him back, and Giles had put Jenny behind him to move on with Joyce. “I love you Daddy.” Julie whispered through her tears.

“I love you too princess, I just wish I could stop your tears.”

“I know.” Julie answered looking up her father.  Whatever happened she knew he’d always be there.

But even he couldn’t stop the price that came with growing up.


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