Daddy's Girl

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.  I also don't own the song used.  So please don't sue me for that either, thanks.  I do own Melissa though, so don't use her without my permission.

Author's Note: This is an entirely different story then "Daddy's Little Girl", sorry that the titles are so similar.  This one is based on the song "Daddy's Girl" from the Sailor Moon soundtrack.  It's just a short, fluffy piece about a father letting go of his oldest daughter.

Feedback: Please!  Send feedback but no flames.


Tomorrow Melissa got married and his little girl wasn't his anymore.

It seemed like yesterday he was giving her piggyback rides and teaching her how to ride a bike.  Yet tomorrow she got married.  Time flew by.

"Daddy?" Lissa asked as she sat down beside him on the porch.

"Hey." Angel said, looking at his twenty-two year old daughter.  She was beautiful.

Their four children were perfect.  Nate was the spitting image of him, Lissa looked exactly like Buffy did when she was younger, Jeff had his features and Buffy's colouring, and Angie had his colouring and Buffy's fine features.

Nathan Doyle, Melissa Anya, Jeffrey Rupert, and Angelica Cordelia.  Their four perfect, beautiful angels.

He loved all his children dearly, but it was Lissa who was the dearest to his heart.

She was a real Daddy's girl.

From pigtails to perfume
I'm growing up so soon
Going to parties
I love having my own room
Don't spend as much time a home now
There's so much to do
But I know, it's true

"I love you." Lissa told him, breaking the silence.

"I love you to darling.  I was just thinking."

"About me?  The past?" Lissa asked, reading his mind like only she and Buffy could.

Angel smiled and nodded.  "Yes."

"It seems like a dream." She confessed.  "I still think I'll wake up and be twelve again."

"So do I." Angel said wistfully.

Lissa laughed, so completely like Buffy that Angel was taken back farther than ten years.

Twenty five to be exact to the day he became human and asked Buffy to be his wife.  She had been twenty-two then, the same as Lissa, and they had been so much in love.  They were even more in love now.

I'll always be Daddy's Girl
Out in the great big world
He's taught me what's right from wrong
I feel so strong
I'll always be Daddy's Girl

"Daddy, just because I'm getting married doesn't mean I'll stop loving you." Lissa told him honestly, the setting sun highlighting her features.

"I know." Angel said.  "But sometimes I wish that you were still the baby Melissa Anya Buffy and I had just brought home form the hospital."

Lissa's eyes filled with tears and she kissed his cheek.

He gazed down at his beautiful daughter and saw so many memories in her beautiful face.

They both gazed out at the yard, seeing ghosts of yesterday.

I fill up my diary
With all my dreams and hopes
The future keeps changing
Like a rainbow kaleidoscope
A special boy waits just for me, but
Even though he so nice
I know, inside

<<"Daddy, watch me!" Called out a five year old Lissa from the past.  A younger Angel laughed as he and Buffy watched their daughter.

"Angel, I'm pregnant again." Angel looked at his wife of two years and spun her around.

"What's her name?" The Cordelia of the distant past asked.

"Melissa Anya.  In her memory."

"Thanks." Xander had whispered, clutching his wife's hand.

"Daddy, I'm scared." Melissa had confessed on her first day of school.

"I'll always love you best Daddy.  I promise." Fourteen year-old Melissa had sworn.

"Mom, Daddy, Nick asked me to marry him and I said yes." >>

Angel and Lissa exchanged a look as they remembered the past.

Lissa didn't say anything, just kissed his cheek again then stood.

I'll always be Daddy's Girl
Out in the great big world
He's taught me to believe in me
And I'll succeed

She looked at her father before disappearing back into the house.

Angel watched her go, marvelling over how fast children grew.

It seemed like yesterday he was holding her for the first time and tomorrow she was getting married.  To Xander and Cordelia's son no less.

It seemed like just yesterday to him.  She had grown up, in his mind he conjured up pictures of Melissa at all different stages.

First he saw a happy, chubby, bald baby who was constantly smiling.

She was replaced by a toddling one year old.

Who faded into a chubby, blond three year old.

Then a five year old with blond pigtails.

A seven year old with three teeth missing.

A nine year old with a long blond braid.

A delicate, thirteen year-old just beginning to go from child to woman.

A sweet sixteen year-old the very image of her mother.

And a beautiful twenty- two year old about to get married.

His Lissa.  She had grown up right before his eyes and now he had to let her go.

Soon I'm gonna be all on my own
I feel 10 feet tall
I'm not that little girl anymore
I can do it all

Angel stood up and watched the yard for another minute, not quite ready to let go of his baby.

Then he turned and walked into the house.

"Hard isn't it?" Buffy asked when he entered the kitchen.

"Yes." Angel agreed.

"She'll always be Daddy's girl, she just needed to find her wings." Buffy told him softly.

Angel nodded and held her close.

"I know." He whispered.

The greatest gift in the world
Is being Daddy's Girl
He's given me the perfect start
Right from the heart
I'll always be Daddy's Girl
I'll always be Daddy's Girl
I'll always be Daddy's Girl
Daddy's Girl

Lissa watched her parents from the doorway.

"Mom's right." She whispered.  "No matter how old I get, I'll always be Daddy's girl."


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