Broken Hearts

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: Okay, this is pure angst.  I got this idea while watching Sabrina, I was crying when Harvey found her kissing Josh and needed to write a fanfic.  I don’t write Sabrina fanfic, so I decided to put a Buffy character in that position.  Willow and Oz seemed like the best couple to use.  I’m using some rumours for Episode 6, so there is some spoilers for that ep.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please! Send feedback but no flames.

“Oz?” Willow asked, tears in her eyes.

She finally understood what he had felt last year when he had caught her and Xander.  She was rooted to her spot, unable to tear her eyes from Oz and Veruca.

“Willow.” Oz said, pulling away from Veruca.

He was about to apologise, but knew it wouldn’t make any difference.  He had hurt her and nothing could ever fully take that pain away, he should know.

She didn’t say anything, just opened her purse and took out the key to his place he had given her.  She silently handed it to him and then turned to leave.

“Willow, wait.” He said, about to come after her.

She shook her head.  “I can’t.” She said tearfully, she opened the door and walked outside.

Once she was there she burst into tears.  How could Oz do this to her?  She knew realilisticly that it was the werewolf in him, but it was still killing her.

She finally knew how he had felt last year and she was sorry.  She just wanted to erase the scene from her mind.  Oz in Veruca’s arms.  It wasn’t even the same as it had been with her and Xander, at least they had a danger situation, what excuse did Oz and Veruca have?

None, she realised sadly.

She knew she had to go somewhere, but where?  Then she had an idea, there was only one other person who could truly understand.

She waked to her parents’ house and left her Mom a note before taking the keys.  She’d be back soon, she just needed to talk to someone.


“Coming.” Cordelia cried to whoever it was, getting off the couch.  She opened the door and was shocked to see Willow on the other side.

“Willow.” She said in a surprised voice.  “What’s up?”

“Can I come in?” Willow asked, near tears.

Cordelia looked concerned.  “Of course.” She said, moving aside to let the other woman in.

She led her to the couch.  “What’s wrong?” She asked softly, the concern in her voice was sincere.

“Oz cheated on me.” Willow said numbly, not wanting to believe it was true.

Cordelia looked at her in sympathy.  “I’m sorry.” She said softly.  “I know what it feels like.”

“That’s why I came here.  Buffy knows what heartbreak feels like, but not betrayal.  Not like this.”

“Yeah.” Cordelia said distantly.

She was thinking about how true Willow’s words were.  The slayer had been through her fair share of heartbreak, she could probably write the book, but she’d never tasted this type of betrayal.  Angel loved only her, he would never have cheated on her.  And the Parker thing was just a fling, it hurt but not deeply.  Willow’s pain was deep though, she loved Oz.  Just as Cordelia had loved Xander.

“Tell me what happened.” Cordelia urged softly, knowing what happened if you kept it all inside.

“It started last week, we were at The Bronze when he noticed this singer.  Her name’s Veruca, silly name.” Willow muttered resentfully, then she continued.  “Anyway, we found out she’s a werewolf too, Oz is drawn to her.  She tried to get him, but he resisted.  At least I thought he did, but today I went to his place to talk to him, but he was with her.  They were kissing.” Willow cried, a picture of the two suddenly flashing into her mind.

“It’s okay.” Cordelia told her, wondering when she had put aside her resentment for Willow.

“How did you feel, when, when Xander and I, when we.....kissed?” Willow asked hesitantly.

“I felt as if my heart was being ripped out.  I loved him and he betrayed me, that was all that mattered.  That’s why I turned so cold, I wouldn’t let myself get hurt again.” Cordelia said simply, showing Willow how much she had grown up.

She had really grown up.  Somewhere a long the line, their Cordy had died, in her place was this one.

Cordelia looked seriously at Willow.  “Willow, sooner or later one of two things will happen.  Either you’ll forgive him and you’ll put this behind you, or you’ll never be able to truly forgive him and the relationship will end.  Either way you’ll get over it, it’ll hurt but it’ll happen.  I did it and so can you.”

“Yeah.” Willow said softly, her mind on Oz.  Suddenly that picture was replaced by one of Veruca.

She couldn’t fully forgive, not yet.  But maybe one day, right now she just needed to heal her heart.  Their relationship could wait, first she needed to deal with what had happened.

“Thanks Cordelia.” Willow said softly, for the first time actually liking Cordelia.  people really did change in time.


Willow walked into her dorm room to see Buffy studying on her bed.

“How was L.A?” Buffy asked, trying to be cool.

“Good.  I have a message from Angel.” Willow said in a quiet voice, wondering how Buffy would react.

“Oh.” Was all Buffy said, taking a deep breath.  “What did he say?” She asked hopefully.

“He told me to tell you he loved you, that he’ll be back one day, and that he wants you to move on.”

Buffy digested the news silently.  “Oh.” She said again in a tired voice, just glad that Angel still cared at all.

Willow watched her sadly, desperately wishing for Buffy’s kind of heartbreak.  Angel may have left Buffy, but it wasn’t betrayal.  He had done what was right, while Oz had just given in to feelings of lust.

Willow saw that there was a new message and numbly played it.

“Willow?  It’s me, Oz.  I’m sorry.  I wish I could say it wasn’t what it looked like, but it was.  I’m so sorry for that, I would take it back if I could.  But I can’t, but I can give you space.  I know that’s what you need right now.  I’m going out of a town for a while, I’ll call when you I get back.  Maybe then you’ll have time to forgive me.  If you need me Giles’ has the number of my Aunt’s, she’ll be able to reach me.  Bye Willow, I love you.”

Willow started to cry as she heard his words.  He loved her?  What a way to show it.  She turned off the machine and started to sob.

Buffy got off her bed and put her arms around her.  “It’ll be okay.” She whispered, knowing that in time heartbreak healed.

Willow nodded, knowing that Buffy was right.  It would just take time.


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