
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Buffy, Oz, Cordelia, Giles, Willow, and Angel all belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, The WB, and 20th Century Fox.  I'm just borrowing them, so please don't sue.

Author's Notes: Don't get me wrong I love Buffy & Angel and Willow & Oz, but I have never seen a Buffy & Oz story so I decided to write one.  A little more depressing than I intended.

It has finally come, the day I've waited for for years.  My wedding day.  I'm 27 now and I'm the happiest I've been since my 17th birthday, 10 years ago.  I know in my heart that I'll never love my husband as much as I once loved Angel.  It's not possible, Angel was my first love. But that was 10 years ago, Angel is gone.  I also now that my husband will never love me as he loved her.  I can't expect him to, she was to him what Angel was to me.

Maybe it's because we both accept that a piece of our hearts will always belong to someone else that we were able to fall in love.  I really do love him, and I know he loves me.  it started out just being friends, but somewhere along the lines we fell in love.  The day I realised that I loved him was about 2 years after her death, the day I dusted Angelus.

Part of me still wishes it was Angel I would be marrying in a few moments, but it's not.  Cordelia, my matron of honour tells me it's time. And on Giles' arm I walk towards the man I'm going to marry.  The man who made me able to forget Angel, if only for a moment.  The ceremony starts and I tune out until it's time to say our vows.  We wrote our own.  I go first.

"Oz, if it hadn't been for you I don't know where I would be now.  You have always been there for me.  First as a friend, then a protector, and finally a lover.  I love you.  I was such a wreck after Angel's death, you taught me how to love again.  I will gladly be your wife from this day forward."  Oz went next.  "Buffy, after I lost Willow you were the only one I could be around.  You were the only one who understood what I was going through.  I love you, it took me along time to accept that, but I finally have.  I promise to love and protect you for the rest of our lives."

Next we exchanged rings, I'm glad the ring he gave me was modern.  So very different than the ring Angel gave me ten years ago, that I only took off my finger six months ago when I accepted Oz's proposal.  After we exchanged rings we then kissed.  It was with that kiss that I finally realised that I was over Angel.  He's gone, so's Willow. I love Oz, maybe I even love him more than Angel, I don't know.  Life won't be easy for us, but I know we'll try.

Before I can move on with Oz I have to say one thing.  "Goodbye." Goodbye to Angel for he was my first love, but he's gone.  And goodbye to my former self.  Buffy Summers, the Vampire Slayer will always belong to him.  But Elizabeth Jansen belongs to Oz.  Goodbye Buffy, I hope you and Angel are happy together, because I've finally moved on.


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